Draconis Combine RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:25:18 AM

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The full Shin Legion stood in the middle of the Genyosha and Sword of Light Regiments. More than thousand mechs have assembled on a great plane on Dieron. Surrounded by dozens of Dropships, this mighty asset centered arround Theodore Kurita who was preparing to hold a speech. At his sight, sho-sho Asano prepared for the words he wanted to say...he moved from Theodore's right to the podium.

"Men of the Sword of Light and Genyosha, and women of the 3rd Genyosha Regiment... You are the flower of the Cherry Tree that is the DCMS.  You are the finest and sharpest minds and skills of our realm.  Over the last 6 years, you have helped the Dragon regain much of it's honor lost in the 4th War.  We have more work to do, but i know the Dragon can count on you, when your are summoned, to do or go beyond your duty."

"Gathered with us today is the honorable Shin Brigade.  Having fled their realm, they came to us as Ronin.  They were dishonored, lord-less, adrift...  They have won our trust and they have honored the Dragon with their loyal service.  I know i speak for all when i say that i would be proud to fight should to shoulder with our Shin Legion compatriots.  I thank you all in the name of the Dragon for your service."

Said Asano followed by a military chapel, than Theodore Kurita stepped forward.

"Nonetheless, the Shin Brigade is standing for a reason before us... they will leave the DCMS. I hereby declare the whole Shin Brigade Ronin. They must leave the Combine and may never return. If they do so, they shall be hunted down and killed. Whoever swears us loyality does so for a lifetime. It was their service which allows me to recognize their leaving, but Ronin they are with the crossing of the borders, masterless and honorless since they leave service... alive. You fought well, you fought with honor, you fulfilled your duty as long as it lasted. You came from the Capellan Confederation, dishonored and masterless. While our realms are sepparate, I must not explain to you the oaths of a warrior, of a samurai. You know them all to well. So leave now and never return. "

It were harsh words, but so were the rules of the DCMS. Asano already said what they thought about the service of the Shin Brigade. The brigades sho-sho kneeled before him... the Kurita marched forward and ripped him of his colors and marks of duty, took away his sword and threw it to the ground. The former Capellan let it happen silently. At the end, he bowed down completly, thanking the Kurita, for his grace, for the service, they were allowed to do. Once more, the Shin Brigade was homeless. Once fled from Capellan territory and now expelled from Combine territory. Yet, that was all what he wanted...

added ending:
He raised his head and wanted to give order to leave... when Theodore once more spoke on... " I hereby order the 10th and 11th Sword of Light to ensure, that you reach Capellan ground, by all means. I will not allow you to die somewhere else as by the hands of your old master. The man bowed down once more... he didn't expected this...


Dieron Military District HQ, Dieron

Tai-shu Michi Noketsuna looked at the two brigade commanders still in the room after the intelligence briefing.  All three of the men had known more or less what the briefing was going to be about, and none were surprised by what they heard.

The Tai-shu, looked at the two Sho-sho.  Sho-sho Asano knew the look and proceeded to speak.  "Tai-shu Noketsuna, let me show you this..." and he pulled up an order form on the screen.  "Most units are still either deployed or at a heightened state of readiness from the last Skye happening.  This will bring our whole District up to full readiness.  If a war is coming, we will be in position to meet it."

Tai-shu read the document quickly and nodded.  Sho-sho Asano had gotten good at knowing what he was going to want.  "Make sure we do not mention 'war footing' in the PR release.  However, i want to be sure that if the Lyran comes across our border, that we will be ready to die with our armor on and sword at hand."

Sho-sho Asano smiled, slightly.  He had learned the Tai-shu's ways quickly.  It helped that his reputation preceded him.  At this level of command, all knew of the Tai-shu's pessimism, his one mood (a combination of serious/gloomy), and his desire to be prepared.  He had done great work for the DCMS during the '39 war.  He might not be friendly, but that matters not when you are successful.

Tai-shu then nodded.  "You may proceed with sending out these orders Sho-sho Asano.  Dismissed."

As the two Sho-sho left, Michi thought about Asano.  He had adjusted to his new position quickly and anticipated things well.  He was well connected too.  A bit too positive though... but Michi thought that about most commanders.

Out in the hall way, the XXXX Brigade Sho-sho turned to Asano.  "Is he always that serious and pessimistic?"  Asano smiled again, a broad smile this time.  "Yes he is, but there are few more capable in all of the DCMS.  Dieron is lucky to have him.  He fears failure to such an extent that it seems to haunt him."  Little did Asano know what really haunted Michi in the deep recesses of his mind...
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Throughout the inner sphere

Throughout the inner sphere the Draconian Carritative Program began its work. Buildings were rent, structures raised and employes hired. It all started on the capital worlds, like Atreus or Sian and ended with strategic important ones. Hundreds of people, citizens, were receiving courses for their new jobs.

Shuttle pilotes, for instance received extra education on emergency maneuvers or how to fly in battlezones while medical staff or engineers got extra courses on how to deal with civilians or victims. Everything was strictly supervised. The Draconian note was all present and definetelly something new for the non-DC-citizens. Some left, because of this harsh tone but it was accepted on behalf of the DCP. For instance ever employee had to take multiple tests... of intelligence, physical fitness, psychological stability.

Next new thing was that DCP workers received multi-pass allowing them to freely travel between the signer-nations as long as they were on a assignment. Excluding a holiday once in a year, in which case the worker was allowed to use it freely for private purpose. It was clearly a extra added to make the program more interesting for the broad masses.

Chihiro Usaki was sitting in her office, looking through the records... "So we have 27 tripple A's from the FWL... 17 from the CC, 23 of the DC, 9 of the ARAR and 2 of Lexington and 9 from the Taurians. Well, still some places left open. But we can send out the first wave of invitations. "


N-TV-Studio 3

"Today we speak with doctor Yarin Sunimase, from the Dragon Guard."

"Doctor, it has come to our ears that the FedCom has brought star-league era weaponry to function, the so called PAL, Power-Armor-Light of the Nighthawk type. What does this mean for our soldiers?"

"Apparently it means nothing. While it is a great doing by their researches that we have to acknowledge they managed to do nothing new. The Luthien Armorworks have already managed to bring functioning suits to production status and the Luthien Regulars, for instance, are already trained on the suits."

" So you mean, the Combine isn't behind the other nations when it comes to amory?"

" It actually seems that we are ahead, as we always be. The Combine has the largest budget on research, we made great arrangments with our allies and I personally think that the whole inner sphere will have this technology in no time."

"How does this come?"

" To get the advantages we have now, the Combine signed multiple contracts with many nations. We always proclaimed that the will of the Coordinator is that we are the leading researching nation. But we also said, that we will share the light of enlightment with our contractors. And by the draconian honor, we keep our promises."

" One last question doctor. What awaits the infantry men of the Combine?"

" The ability to rip appart a mech, face to face, with good chances for winning. "

" Does this mean the PAL systems are superior to the mech?"

" No, logically it is the mechs weapon systems that give it superior fire power. That will not change, but the armored infantryman can underrun the weapons of a mech, jump to the pilots face and literally cut him out of the cockpit. "

" Any further additions?"

" The Combine has already given the demilitarisized suits to the DCP and is training pilots from all signing nations for a special task force, which speciallizes in rescuing mech pilots. With the PAL running, enclosed pilots will finally see a chance of beeing freed. "

" Thank you for your time."

She turns her face to the camera

" Once more, the Combine is a way ahead on technological matters, proving to his allies as honorable as ever. We look forward to a great new infantry in the DCMS. All hail the Coordinator."


Dieron Military District HQ, Dieron

Tai-shu Michi Noketsuna shook his head.  "So Theodore made it clear that the DC was not going to sit idly by and let the FS and the LC team up on the CC.  Not your average IS reaction, but an expected one.  The LC said that the DC does not care for peace..."

"Have we attacked anyone since the 4th Great War?  No.  We were attacked in 3039.  The LC attacked the CC in the CC Reunification War with the FS.  The LC, unprovoked, attacked the FWL... only to turn around and leave..."

"They are acting rash and unpredictable.  Theodore and Takashi had both made it clear that we do not approve of the LC and the FS teaming up on the CC.  This the CC's fight with the FS for reunification of the CC.  To set right what the Fox did in the 4th Great War..."

Mischi had heard from the Red Duke, the offers the DC had made to the FRR and the LC not more than a few months ago.  "We had offered peace.  They stalled, changed the subject, and brought in new demands and even a disguised diplomat.  The LC seems to want to drag the whole IS into the CC Renunification War..."

"Why?  What have they to gain with the death of thousands, maybe millions?  Do they just want an excuse to see if the LCS Invincible is fully functional and will not misjump again?  Are they anxious to see two sides fighting in battle armor?"

"Well, it is out of my hands.  Dieron survived the War of 3039, we will survive this as well..."
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Dieron Military District HQ, Dieron

Sho-sho Asano was perplexed.  "Was the Shin Legion arriving in the CC as one source reported, or where they stuck on Northwind, as another source reported?"  He thought it had been settled when the LC had told the Shin Legion that they would be allowed to return to their realm, had the LC gone back on their word?  "That would not surprise me with all we are hearing from the LC lately..."
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With the first day of the last quarter of this year, DCP ship finally began to reach the warzones of the Inner sphere. Be they in the far west and south of the FWL or at the north end of the newly conquered territory of the Capellans.

Landing on the planets surface, first camps and military hospitals were raised, where the infrastructure was no longer present. Fullfilling the contract the noble houses had agreed to, for the better good.

DCP officials exchanged their informations with the FWLM or the CCAF and battle secure zones where found, at least for the moment.

It were most basic things they brought with them, food, a warm carpet, tents, water. But as different as the warfields and the planets they receid on, so were the needs of the population and as indifferent were the reactions of the civillians and soldiers alike. Some refused the helping hand, glaring at the aesculap-dragon on the soldier of the workers, other were jsut to eager to take it.


Dieron Military District HQ, Dieron

Tai-shu Michi Noketsuna was worried.  This was the normal.  Yet the news of the LC having the LCS Invincible had sent shock waves through the IS.  He had quickly read up on the after action reports from the first 3 IS wars to find out about the true destructive power of such ships.

"The LC is threatening all those who oppose them with this weapon of mass destruction and two of my much needed regiments have not been heard from since the Lyran and Shin Legion troops had suddenly left Northwind."  Dieron was on the front line with the LC and Michi started to worry more than usual.
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Dieron Military District, Dieron space port

As they drove around the space port, Asano could see a weight being lifted off of Tai-shu Michi Noketsuna.  He wondered, was it the sight of the reinforcements or was it that Michi was reminiscing the days when mechs were what his days were all about?  Asano could relate to the later, there was just something about being among such a density of mechs that made ones hair stand up with excitement.
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October 24th 3040
HPG Message to Luthien

To: Lady Hinata Isu
From: Olivia Fenlon, Dutchess of Chesterton,  Minister of Foreign Relations

Lady Isu it is with sadness that I must relay to you the First Prince's response to your request for our Realm's participation in your program simply put no. Such a program  started or proposed as a response to Archon Katrina Steiner's original peace proposal to the Great Houses would have enjoyed greater support from the Prince. Sadly the proposition now must be weighed against the recent actions of your House which color it most darkly in his and my own eyes.

First the recent incident on Northwind in which the Combine used the deception of hiding DCMS units amongst the Shin Legion to land said troops unopposed under the false flag of the Legion's request to speak with the  Highlander Elders. That the Shin Legion lied by omission is just icing on the cake of their naked attempt to incite the Highlander's into rebellion against the Fed Com.

Second the Combine's attempts at pressuring Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion into breaking the terms of the alliance between our realms while using this program to subsume the former Out World Alliance and place DCMS troops there to threaten even more of our border. Considering that there has been no armed conflict between us and the former Alliance since the Reunification War nor have they been overrun by pirates the only reason for the presence of Combine troops there is plain.

Third while you state the purpose of this program is solely to provide humanitarian aid the timing of it's launch coinciding with the Confederation's attack upon us strikes one as not a coincidence. Every ton of food and such you provide to them is something else the Confederation doesn't have to bother providing to it's own people themselves while they throw the rest of their resources into this new war. Also the Northwind subterfuge makes one wonder what or who else would be in those humanitarian missions coming into our Realm?

It may be that we will revisit this sometime in the future as your program develops and our concerns can be proven misplaced,  however presently the cost of repelling the Confederation attack would as you yourself would expect, be requiring quite significant expenditure from within our own budget. 


October 24th 3040
HPG Message from Luthien

To: Olivia Fenlon, Dutchess of Chesterton,  Minister of Foreign Relations
From: Lady Hinata Isu

Royal Peeres,

I thank you for bringing me the words of the First Prince. Yet, I must ask you what actions of my house did brought you to deny the program. I am sure, that neither you, or the First Prince mistook the house Isu for the house Kurita?

I also do not have any informations regarding Northwind or the Shin Legion, nor do I have to do something with the Draconian politic or goverment. I worked hard on a clear separation and I will work to further show and improve this. The DCP works apart of the Draconian goverment body, what was readable in all free media of the inner sphere. Apparently, I am also the wrong person to adress if you have political interrests concerning the ARAR. But I am the right person when it comes to our ongoing projects in this realm.

And excuse my words because i must ask you: Do you have ever have been to a battlefield? Of course food, medicine and shelter is needed, this is most common on all battlefields. While I do not know of the interrests and plans of the Confederation, I can ensure you: They do, at least care enough to contract us. I surely do not defend their war or their doing, but they opened their doors to make us able to reduce human casuallities. There is also no way that our sendings could in any way improve their ability of warfare. These words are a implifying that whe do smuggle goods of war, but I can ensure you, that we do not and that we double check our employees, from whichever nation they may come.

As the DCP is a humanitarian organisation, we ship our goods on a regular basis with other civillian contractors through different nations throughout the inner sphere and on no custom examination, were dangerous or dubious goods to be found.

For last, you might have misread the contract your Peeres... because the DCP is free of cost... you may donate but you must not. Your realm and its financial expenditure, are not of our concern to be functioning.

Your Peeres, I will take your message as a polite no, which would have been more than enough. I do unterstand your concerns, and would like to proof by our futures work... that they were not needed.

However, if you ever feel that our help would be needed, I would warmly welcome you, as my doors are open to everyone in the inner sphere.

I wish you a good life.

Sincerly yours,
Lady Hinata Isu


Forbidden City
3rd of October 3040
09:37 AM

Coordinator Takashi Kurita was strolling through the Zen gardens of the forbidden City.
His son had been sent away preparing for the trip to Terra and while he was walking over centuries old stones, crossing one of the big gardens he was musing.
His last trip to Terra had brought a lot of hardship over the Inner Sphere.
The Commonwealth and the Suns had formed an alliance and thus encircled his nation.
Still, while most analysts hand warned him of an immediate attack, it had been the Confederacy who had had to bear the brutal onslaught.
His son, Theodere had proven to be the son he envisioned him to be, still there was a lot of honing his skills still to be done for one day he shall become the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine – but not today.

He knew that his dropship was waiting, that his son was waiting, that the elite of the diplomatic corps of his nation was in his entourage.
But he took his time, walked along the roses and lillies, hopped over a bashel of dasies and kept pacing through the gardens.
It was quiet here, and quietness was a trait he valued very highly.

Moving on, deeper into that one particular garden, Takashi thought about the events of the past years, about the formation of the Rasalhague republic and the error it may prove to have been.
Then the Avellars. Their Bargain had caught him off guard.
He had shaken a filthy hand, a hand recently spat into, but for some unknown reason this Avellar had proven to be a very... resourceful and creative person.
His ideas were unorthodox but usually led towards some interesting results.
Still, the uprisings in the ARAR and on New Samarkand of all places! enraged him.
Those who were not falling in line had to be crushed!

He came to a halt.
Right in front of him was a giant boulder. It looked polished, as if the monks had taken their due time to remove any parts that were not smooth or were standing out against the completed piece of art. But it was not. It was not completed... like an algorithm for his nation and the engagement in the ARAR... ah whom was he kidding... the OWA was just a replacement scenario for the Rasalhague Republic. This joke! But it shall return back into the warm embrace of the Combine rather sooner than later, he was sure.

He had to leave this place. Suddenly there was no calm, no resolve, no home left for him.
All Takashi was able to see were the tiny imperfections all around him:
A tiny marble in the wrong position, an almost visible footstep in the sand, a branch that had been twisted beyond its natural ability to recover and flowers that, he could swear, someone had steped onto.
He stopped. Something was odd. He knew his Zen master. The master of this garden had been caring for this gardens for over four decades and never hand such a dishonour happened to him.
His instincts took over and he drew his Katana. In his kimono he slowly turned and suddenly faced a band of white clothed assassins, wielding katanas, naginatas, yaris and one even had a kyu bow.
Shifting his stance he prepared for an attack, well knowing this would be his last day on Luthien.
His last thought was towards his graceful Omiku, the joy of far to few hours of playing. May the sun of Luthien smile her long and well.
Then one of the assassins let loose the first arrow and he leaped forward into the fray.

Forbidden City
3rd of October 3040
11:23 PM

The doctor left the station.
This day was easily the worst of his life.
He had not been told who his patient was... all he knew was that a terrible sparring accident had happened.
His patient had been pretty old, a man well into his 50s he guessed, but well trained.
The state of his body was a shame, though. If this had been sparring, he was happy having chosen flower arrangement as his way of Zen.
Three arrows to the chest, one scratching the heart, severe bone and tissue damage on all limbs. It looked as if his patient had given up his left arm to parry multiple hits with swords and the like.
The right kneecap had been missing, they overall had to completely remove the left lower arm and the whole right leg.
He had lost a big amount of blood and they were pumping new blood into him almost as fast as it was running out of him again.
The loss of an ear, and most likely an eye from a slash across the face were his least of concerns...
For now the patient was stable... but in this condition he was not sure if he'd ever fully recover again...


Tai-sa Yuuki Hadono (commander of the 3rd Genyosha Regiment) methodically walked Sho-sho Asano through the Imbross III campaign.  She knew that he was up on most of the details, but, when a campaign went as this one did, there were always answers needed.  When she finished her report, the SecVidCom was silent for a while.

Sho-sho Asano had listened carefully and studied Yuuki's demeanor.  "You know where the mistakes were make, this is good.  But you and i both know that you had expected a poor result based on the orders given by the Dieron Regulars Tai-sa.  He was the senior commander in charge of the campaign, but you could have and should have spoken up.  The Genyosha is loyal directly to the Coordinator, but we are followers of the New Bushido code started by Theodore.  In those situations, it is your duty to speak up and go on record with your thoughts.  You must trust your training and instincts better next time."

"Your lack of confidence in yourself and your Genyosha training could have caused the Genyosha Brigade a great loss of honor.  As it is, the campaign is a blemish on our record.  You were right to step in and quickly negotiate for a return of the captured troops.  In the end, our advantage in numbers saved us from a disastrous result.  The Dieron Regular's Tai-sa's desire to finish off the Lyrans probably would have been successful in the end, but would have brought more loses and no more honor."

"I hope you will learn from this lesson.  You will not be given many more of these chances... neither by me nor by the Lyrans."

"I understand Sho-sho," Yuuki replied.  "Long live the Dragon" she almost yelled and then the SecVidCom went black.
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Kir Zoban System
January 7, 3041
6:00 am system time

The  ARAR's observation team leader found them self roused from their sleep rather earlier then expected by one of Yuu's staff officers with an urgent request that they come to the main communications room with them ASAP. After getting dressed they were escorted to where the General along with a number of other AFFS officer were gathered around a briefing table, all of them looking very, disturbed.

Yuu looked up from a hand reader he'd been studying and waved them over "My apologies Gentlemen for the rude wake up but we need you to contact the Chairman and ask let him know I need to speak with him immediately in person , along with the commander of the 2nd Sword of Light as he is the highest ranking DCMS officer present."

The General took a long breath as he ran a hand , nervelessly thru his greying hair "We received an update on the supply convoy and it is on schedule for tomorrow, however there was quite a deal more then just a sit rep on that and I've been instructed to communicate this directly to your superiors, time is of the essence."


In the metal walls that were their quarters on the dropships, the alarm klaxons practically rang in their heads.  On the different dropships, the two Tai-sas and Chairman Fernandez were quickly roused from their sleep and ran to their comm rooms as requested.  There they quickly communicated back and forth and minutes later two shuttles left their respective dropships and headed over to the space station.  They radioed ahead "shuttle one and shuttle two from the ARAR and the DCMS carrying Chairman Fernandez of the 1st Long Road Legion and Tai-sa Tadaki Johiro of the 9th Sword of Light request permission to dock."  Tai-sa Thomas Shuriki of the Night Stalkers would remain with his regiment.
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