INN News Thread

Started by Hugin, March 30, 2014, 09:08:49 AM

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Breaking news From Outreach: Wolfs Dragoons and Dismal Disinherited under new contract
INN Outreach

Today the front office of the Wolfs Dragoons confirmed that the Wolfs Dragoons have been signed under a new contract that affects all but one of their to-hire formations (Delta Commands conventional tank regiment is rumored to stay on Outreach).
Wolf's Dragoons Front office was not giving direct interviews but confirmed that the new contractor of Wolf's Dragoons had made informations about the Company or Nation hiering the Dragoons a contract detail.

The Wolf's Dragoons dropships have been seen leaving the planet under what, as it seems, are emergency launch and as this message is composed are burning towards thier Jumpships.

Overall, merc hierings are up by 40% as multiple minor commands have been signed to various private cooporations.

The other only noteworthy, multiregimental formations that has recently been hired are the Dismal Disinherited who have also already left the Planet.
Sadly we were unable to gain any interesting comments from the DDI front office as their new contract announcement was made simultanously with the Dragoons announcement.

Peter Miller for INN Outreach


INN Special news report from Luxen in the Magistry of Canopus
( A man in front of an office complex appears, holding a mic)

"This is Julien Trimnoux from Luxen in the Magistry of Canops.
I am standing in front of the DC Tower Office and Hotel complex where, during the last 10 days, various preparations for an important meeting have begun. Our sources tell us that multiple representatives from various other nations, including the Magistrix are scheduled to arrive within the next three months.
Currently we do not know what will be happening here on Luxen, but we will keep you informed on any progress.

This is Julien Trimnoux reporting from Luxen."


Mercenaries arrive at St. Ives. Public announcement scheduled for today 8.00 Standard time[/size]

INN St. Ives
February 29th 3040

Today news reach us from all over the St Ives Concordat that various mercenary Units have arrived and instantly siezed position around points of military and civil interest all througout the nation.

Reports list at least one Unit of the famous Wolf's Dragoons to have landed on every, I repeat every planet in the SIC with the Dismal Disinherited backing up the Dragoons on planets of greater importance.
Here on St. Ives itself pictures from the landed Units show the Infamous Wolf Spiders, the personal Unit of Natasha Kerensky and the Zeta Batallion, very much the hardest hitting force of all mercenary commands.

It seems that St. Ives is gearing for a war but against whom one might ask?

The Federated Suns have been ever so greatful to this young and tiny nation.
Rumors have it that Candace Allard-Liao might seek to strike against her sister and might try to reclaim her throne of the Confederacy...

Still, there have not been taken any measures to ensure civillian savety yet.

There has, however, a Press conference been scheduled for today at eight PM. We hope to get some answers on the Situation in St.Ives at latest by that time.
Candace Allard-Liao will personally attend this Press Conference and will have a big announcement to share.
Her Press bureau put it, inofficially, this way: " Be there or miss the greatest news of the Decade... "
We are all curious what this might be!

Yann Marion.


29 FEB 3040 2000 HRS

The cameras started to track the fair skinned leader of the St. Ives Compact the second she entered the room. Moving with grace and determination in her eyes, Candace Allard-Liao moved swiftly though the room, a murmur of voices began asking questions frantically, not at her approach but at the steady procession that followed her into the room. The first behind her were her children Kai and Cassandra being escorted by a motley of nobles known to be close to her family and officers from the 1st St. Ives Armoured Cavalry as expected, but after that were several officers that were decidedly out of place for St. Ives. The insignia's the Dismal Disinherited and Wolf's Dragoons had become well known in the past decades based on their deeds. The deep blue uniforms of the Dragoon's 7th Kommandos stood out as they took up positions near the dais.

Candace stood before the camera and silence descended among the crowded room. "From the time we are old enough to comprehend, we learn that there is nothing in the universe that is greater than love. I am proud to say that the very heart of our beloved compact was founded on it and I have always taken great pride in how our people supported my decision to withdraw the St. Ives Compact from the Capellan Confederation.

As a mother, I have been blessed with the unquestioning love of my children. As a ruler, just like a mother, I have a duty to repay such unwavering devotion by acting unselfishly and making the hard decisions needed to ensure our future." Candace turned and waved her hand at the the officers behind her. "There has been much speculation as to why these gentlemen have joined me here today.

Last year marked the first decade in the existence of the St. Ives Compact. My children, heirs of House Liao, have been estranged from the rest of their people by my actions. We have existed by the generosity of our neighbors and deep in my heart I have known that I have acted selfishly. When I think of all the things that have happened during that time I had to remember that the misfortunes that have befallen the rest of the Capellan Confederation are partially my fault and more importantly, that there IS something I can do about it.

Citizens, we have enjoyed independence, but the future of our people lies the clasped palms of a unified Capellan people. To that end, I have dug deep into my own personal fortune to repay your unwavering devotion. I know that I will face derision in the face of such an action and as it was stated in the Lorix Order, I ask you for your continued support and also to support the men and women that signed up to fight in our name. Our goal, a united Capellan Confederation, by any means necessary."

The shocking news elicited a slew of questions from the reporters in the crowd, but a deep voice raised his above all others to be heard over the reporters "Duchess!" A new procession that had entered the room during the speech seemed to appear from out of no where. Cappellan troops in dress gray's with the golden emblem of Warrior House Imarra glinting as the camera lights turned towards them. At the head of the procession, Ion Rush, Master of House. "If you truly mean what you say, then for the good of the entire Capellan Confederation, I shall escort you so that terms can be discussed."

From the Dias, Candace took her children by the hand and walked them down the aisle towards Ion Rush, continuing to move with dignity and determination.  "Then as you say, for the good of the entire Capellan Confederation, lead on." The two processions became one and moved swiftly from the room not stopping to answer questions.

As people continued to leave the room Yann turned to the camera, "I'm not sure exactly what we have just witnessed. The Duchess Candace Allard-Liao just moments go willing left these chambers with the head of one of the Capellan Warrior Houses, and not just any Warrior House, House Imarra known for it's loyal to the Chancellor. A high ranking member of the Capellan Military, a speech filled with the indication of a united Capellan Confederation, and another as of yet unknown meeting between the leader of the St. Ives Compact and the Capellan Confederation as the only certainty. We promise big news and there you have it. The implications of the Duchesses speech will obviously have drastic implications that crosses borders. However, what we have been witness has also not answered the questions of exactly HOW the Duchess plans on achieving her goal, how the House Imarra and the Wolf's Dragoons seem to fit in all of this, and above all else; Where is the Duchess's husband, and what does it mean that he was not here for such a momentous announcement?

This has been Yann Marion for the Interstellar News Network."
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


Breaking News from INN - Atreus
Captain-General issues Ultimatum? "Marik" Doctrine established?  Ghurkas gone wild? Have you tried the newest beverage sensation, the Purple Nurple? Would you like to know more? ....
I avail myself with relief of the opportunity of speaking to the people of the Periphery. I do not know how long such liberties will be allowed. The stations of uncensored expression are closing down; the lights are going out; but there is still time for those to whom freedom and parliamentary government mean something, to consult together. Let me, then, speak in truth and earnestness while time remains.

It is no good using hard words among friends about the past, and reproaching one another for what cannot be recalled. It is the future, not the past, that demands our earnest and anxious thought. We must recognize that the Parliamentary democracies and liberal, peaceful forces have everywhere sustained an unfounded invasion which leaves them weaker, morally and physically, to cope with dangers which have vastly grown. But the cause of freedom has in it a recuperative power and virtue which can draw from misfortune new hope and new strength. If ever there was a time when men and women who cherish the ideals of peace and freedom should take earnest counsel with one another, that time is now. hypocrisy

All the world wishes for peace and security. Have we gained it by the sacrifices of the Illyrian Palatinate?  After we have averted our gaze for a while from the process of subjugation and liquidation, everyone will breathe more freely; that a load will be taken off our chests; we shall be able to say to ourselves: "Well, that's out of the way, anyhow. Now let's get on with our regular daily life." But are these hopes well founded or are we merely making the best of what we had not the force and virtue to stop? That is the question that freedom loving peoples in all their lands must ask themselves today. Is this the end, or is there more to come?

There, in one single word, is the resolve which the forces of freedom and progress, of tolerance and good will, should take. It is not in the power of one nation, however formidably armed, still less is it in the power of a small group of men, violent, ruthless men, who have always to cast their eyes back over their shoulders, to cramp and fetter the forward march of human destiny. The preponderant world forces are upon our side; they have but to be combined to be obeyed.  If, through an earnest desire for peace, we have placed ourselves at a disadvantage, we must make up for it by redoubled exertions, and, if necessary, by fortitude in suffering.

The light of civilized progress with its tolerances and co-operation, with its dignities and joys, has often in the past been blotted out. But I hold the belief that we have now at last got far enough ahead of barbarism to control it, and to avert it, if only we realize what is afoot and make up our minds in time. We shall do it in the end. But how much harder our toil for every day's delay!

Is this a call to war? Does anyone pretend that preparation for resistance to aggression is unleashing war? I declare it to be the sole guarantee of peace. We need the swift gathering of forces to confront not only military but moral aggression; the resolute and sober acceptance of their duty by all the nations, great and small, who wish to walk with them. Their faithful and zealous comradeship would almost between night and morning clear the path of progress and banish from all our lives the fear which already darkens the sunlight to hundreds of millions of men.   Neither I, nor the Free Worlds League, shall stand idle any more.

-Captain General Thomas Marik


3rd Geynosha confirmed. Female only Mech regiment! When did the Combine start to recruit mech female warriors? Death to all Mercs - boon or doom of the DC? Do you want to know MORE?
Ladies and Gentlemen.

This broadcast is brought to you via INN New Samarkand.


QuoteA woman is standing in the rice fields, a setting red sun in the background. She is wearing white clothes and next to her, holding her hand, a small child looks silently to the horizon. A gentle voice speaks... "One year has passed, since my husband went away for a mission... to protect our homeland, our family... He didn't return."

A new scenery comes into view, a beautiful garden, in its middle Jasmine Isu, wife of the Coordinator, " We are the flowers of the realm."

The scenery changes again, a woman is shown, wearing a blue overall, clearly a mechanic working on a assembly belt for tanks... arround her also only woman work. " Since six years I work here... I always had a dream."

Akane Hayashi, leader of the house Hayashi and Combine Diplomat for ComStar. "Since years, we are outfitting holes."

A battlefield is shown, Combine troops of the Dragon Guard and the Genyosha#3 fighting the enemy. A female medic is shot down. "Since years we are bleeding alongside our men..." A trooper storms forward, shooting down the attackers and throwing away her helmet. "... and since this year, we are fighting by their side."

" But now... " a new female voice says, " is time we take a whole new role in the Combine. " The mech of the Genyosha 3 walks through the picture inflicting heavy casualties to the attackers. "This time... " The cockpit opens. " We are not only defending..." Steam envelops the pilot "From now on, ... " The pilot reveals to be a woman in her middle ages. Strong and willfull tai-sa Yuuki Hadono presents her face, a neon green strand cutting through her hair "...we are attacking."

The cockpit closes, the heavy mech marches on as the fire of it's weapons rages on. A texfield shows up:

Protect your children
your family
"Womans First and Only"


INN Skye
Breaking news

This is Melissa O'hara for a special INN news report.
Word has reached INN that negoations between the Draconis combine and the Lyran Commonwealth came to a sudden halt today.
Sources say that the Draconis Combine was willing to retreat from the so called Lyons Thumb liberating the Sye worlds of Alphecca, Dromini VI, Alrakis and Kesel in exchange for a number of worlds near Terra.
Rumor has it that the worlds listed were around Northwind.

So far no member of the Estates General or the Nobility of Skype was reachable for a comment on this.

We will continiue to cover this story as soon as there are new informations avaiable.


INN Skye

This is Melissa O'hara for INN News, reporting live from Inverness on Skye.

The idyllic peace of Skye was shattered today as armed rebels and assorted dissidents took to the streets of Skye's major cities to wrest control of their world from the hands of Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion's government. The Free Skye movement has claimed that the time is ripe for the Isle to break away from the inept rule of the current Archon, and that the Isle's sons, brothers, fathers and industry will not be pawns in House Davion's imperialistic ambitions. Ryan Steiner himself once more condemned the Federated Commonwealth alliance, stated that he believed it to be no more than the noble Lyran people being subjected to House Davion's will.

It is unclear exactly what is occurring on Skye as reports are coming in on a minute-by-minute basis and some are quite contradictory. Some state that the Skye Rangers have allied themselves with the rebels, that they have stormed the Ducal Palace in New Glasgow, that they were decimated in their barracks before the rebellion broke, and that they've already crushed the militant rebels, while other reports indicate they are quietly staying in their barracks awaiting the outcome of what seems to largely be civil strife. There are however, confirmed reports of armed militants skirmishing with municipal police in several locations, Inverness being one of them.

In fact, only moments ago, a massive explosion rocked Inverness. Municipal police arriving on the scene describe a massive crater, over a city block in diameter. They say that such an explosion, coupled with a running firefight in the area over several hours, leads them to believe that a rebel group got into the police armory. When surrounded by municipal policemen, the rebels apparently decided death was a better option than surrender, and detonated the large stockpile of munitions, resulting in a massive chain reaction that leveled several blocks, blowing out glass for almost a kilometer. Preliminiary reports estimate as many as 20 militants lost their lives in the blast, aswell as over 3 dozen policemen, and dozens of civilians have been taken to area hospitals for various injuries.

This event marks the first large-scale loss of life in the current conflict. And sadly, at such an early stage of the rebellion, it is unlikely to be the last.

This is Melissa O'hara, INN News Skye.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


President Avellar announces name change to Outworlds Alliance

INN Alpheratz
20th June 3040

President Maurice Avellar announced a change to the name of the Outworlds Alliance today.
In his speech he informed assembled media and representatives from neighbouring nations that the 'Outworlds Alliance' would change its name to "Autonomic Republic of Alpheratz and Ramora" short ARAR.
What caused this name change remains to be speculation as he was not answering any questions with a promise that further changes to the ARAR would be comming soon.

In fact there are reports of a heightened activity on ARAR spaceports. Rumor has it that unmarked Dropships land, filled with food and goods who then are freely distributed among the ARAR population...


INN New Earth exclusive Interview with Lexington Combat Group PR [/color][/size]

A: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Andrea Park talking and todays visitor is noone else but the PR representative of the famed Lexington Combat Group mercenary command, Tanja Tindl. Welcome Tanja
T: Thank you Andrea. It is a pleasure to be here
A: Dear viewers, the Lexington Combat Group, together with the Dragoons hiring command and the Lyran Commonwealth have just announced that the LCG will come to New Earth, is that correct?
T: Yes Andrea, this is correct. The LCG has just signed a fourty year contract with the Lyran Commonwealth and our future home will be here on New Earth.
A: That IS exiting. But what does that mean for the People of New Earth?
T: A lot of things. And all of them are good, I might add.
   First of all: The LCG is responsible for the defence of the planet itself. This will be done by the LCG home command wich will be recruited exclusively from New Earth citicens. Secondly: The Lyran government has given full ownership to the LCG. Just like it was done for the Wolfs Dragoons.
A: On Outreach
T: Exactly. And see where the planet is today! It is a great world with even greater opportunities. People there are happy, people there are safe! And this is what we intend to offer the people of New Earth as well.
A: Jobs?
T: Yes Andrea
A: How would this work. I know a lot of people who are searching jobs but are no MechWarriors.
T: Ah there I see. Let me tell you. We need pretty much everyone we can get hold of. Yes, Be it the Mech Pilot, be it the Tech capable of repairing everything, but also be it the cook, the agent, the bureau worker, you name it.
A: Great opportunities for everyone there. This sounds very good. But what does it mean for our security?
T: A lot! New Earth is a neutral world from now on. This means that everyone is invited to trade on New Earth, everyone is welcome, as long as he does not come to New Earth shooting. Where Outreach is the hub for all Mercs, New Earth invites every company in the Inner Sphere to come here to this neutral place in the heart of the Inner Sphere to trade to foreign companies. We are hereby issuing the ISTB
A: And that means?
T: 'Inner Sphere Trade Board' Andrea. The commission will consist of a representative from the LCG and Comstar. Companies from all over the InnerSphere are invited to become Board members. Please contact our Front Office for further Informations.
A: But what will happen in case of an aggression from, let's say, the Draconis Combine?
T: Easy Andrea. We will defend our soil with all power we posess. This is part of our contract, the contract that earned us this planet. We are to defend this world from all invaders, be them from the Combine, The Federated Suns, The Free Worlds league, sentient giant Birds or other minor threats like the Capellan Confederation... But also from the Lyran Commonwealth. And this is important Andrea. This world is neutral. Everyone can come here and visit, trade and work here, but no mechs shall land on New Earth, if not invited by the LCG.
A: Thank you for your time, Tanja
T: It was a pleasure, Andrea. I hope to repeat this soon.

<< Tanja leaves the room>>

A: There you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen. Better sign up with the LCG today as they will rule this planet and surely bring wealth and prosperity to New Earth...


Dragoons Mercenary overview announcement:

The following Units/Commands have been hired in the last quater:

Blackstone Highlanders    -    FreeWorldsLeague
Grim Determination      -    LyranCommonwealth
Hansen's Roughriders    -    ConfederationCapella
Lexington Combat Group    -    LyranCommonwealth
Martian Cuirassiers    -    FreeWorldsLeague
Sathen's Snipers    -    ConfederationCapella
Swann's Cavaliers    -    LyranCommonwealth

A new round of hiring will be announced soon.


INN Breaking News
Media Room, Royal Palace
Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth


Good evening ladies and gentlemen, for INN News-Tharkad, this is Pytor Suvorov.

We have just recieved news that the promised address by Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion is about to begin, and we are here to bring you live coverage of the event.

**camera switches from reporter to a raised dias with multiple microphones just as the Archon approaches. After gesturing the standing reporters to sit, the Archon begins to speak**

"Greetings fellow Lyran citizens, and members of the interstellar media. I have called for this press conference to speak about an important matter, both to our nation, and to the Inner Sphere as a whole. Those who follow such events closely will remember that recently, several bands of vicious pirates, claiming to be from the Circinus Federation, raided and invaded Lyran worlds along our periphery border, near the Federation. These attacks were unprovoked, but were small-scale in nature.

It seems however, that the Free Worlds League has taken it upon themselves to be the policemen of the periphery, and launched their own large scale invasion of the Federation. My sources in the region inform me that these were not probing attacks, but large formations of frontline troops, attempting to crush any and all resistance before them. Indeed they likely outnumber ever regiment the whole Federation could bring to bear just with the forces brought against the Federation capital of Circinus.

This aggression by the Free Worlds League cannot be allowed to stand. The nations of the periphery are not play things of the Great Houses, they are soverign realms, realms by and large devoted to peace. Whatever grievances the Captain-General has with the people of the Circinus Federation, there was surely a better method to achieve his goals than with military force.

I hope that the other House Lords, aswell as the various leaders of the periphery realms, will agree with me in saying that such blatant aggressionis unwarranted. And furthermore, the Lyran Commonwealth will not stand idly by while innocent peoples have their lives disregarded for the greed of a nation." The Archon then took a half step back and opened the floor for questions.

INN-Atreus: "Archon, isn't it true that your own Bolan Theatre military command was preparing for a large scale military movement towards the Circinus Federation?"

"It is true that the Bolan Theater commander was readying his troops to respond to a threat, yes. The goal of the military movements you speak of were to return Shahr Kord to Lyran hands, where it belongs, aswell as to safeguard the region against any further aggression from the pirate groups that attacked us."

"But Archon, there are reports that the attackers on Shahr Kord and Sona Hoa were House McIntyre regulars, why do-" The Archon cut him off.

"There are also likely reports that the attackers were the Regulan Hussars, or the Atrean Dragoons, or perhaps ComStar's secret military forces," that drew a chuckle from the assembled crowd, that the telephone company had some sort of secret army lying about. "Not every rumor is true, as you well know. We have reliable reports that place the attackers as rouge pirates, though indeed some of them might have Circinus military training or equipment. Sadly it is a very lawless region, and the Federation is not immune to piracy any more than we are."

A reporter from the Capellan Confederation stood and was acknowledged.

"Archon, what about increased troop movements in the Isle of Skye? We have not heard much of the attempted rebellion there."

"The Isle is always an interesting place, for those that have been there. The people of the Isle are very independant, and it is no secret that many long for the days before the Isle was joined with the other founding micro-states to form the Commonwealth. However, through the noble sacrifice of the 3rd Lyran Guards, the rebellion was defeated. Sadly, after reaching an agreement for a peaceful resolution, through the commander of the 4th Skye Rangers, the rebels attacked a convoy of non-combatants and dependants, slaughtering them, aswell as the brave Guards. As most are aware, following that atrocity, the 4th Skye Rangers obliterated the rebellion as a legitimate military force. Lohnegrin teams were also successful in rooting out large numbers of rebel sympathisers, leading us to believe the Free Skye movement is severely damaged, if not broken.

Such an event causes security concerns, which is all I can say about troop movements in the area." An aide came and whispered to the Archon who nodded then stepped back from the dais as another man stepped up.

"That is all for today ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


INN Breaking News
Meeting Room, Magestrix's Palace
Canopus IV, Magistracy of Canopus

The camera view springs to life, centered on none other than Magestrix Emma Centrella herself, clad in a turquoise-and-black gown. She is standing before a simple podium of ebony wood emblazoned with the symbol of the Magistracy of Canopus, and similar symbols are etched into the teal banners hanging behind the statuesque woman. She is flanked by a pair of guards, armed and armored and very, very still.

"Good evening, citizens of the Magistracy, and to the greater interstellar neighborhood. I am Emma Centrella, Magestrix of Canopus, and I would like to share a few words of importance with all of you tonight.

I know that many among you beheld the actions of my mother and predecessor in the affair with the Duchy of Andurien and the Capellan Confederation with great consternation, but I am and have always been committed to the causes of peace and justice for the Periphery. Gone are the days when we would so foolishly involve ourselves in the affairs of the Successor States, and we have no wish to repeat the mistakes of the past. We simply wish to be left to our own devices, to pursue our own dreams and aspirations. In the recent past, I even went so far as to offer restitution to the Free Worlds League for the role that the Magistracy played in the secession of Andurien, and it is my hope that the Captain-General feels, as I do, that the matter is closed.

But do not mistake this desire for peace to mean that we will not fight with everything we have, and more, to protect that peace. To that end, I have recently called together leaders from the various Periphery realms, from the Taurian Concordat to the Marian Hegemony, and even the distant Outworlds Alliance, and together we have dedicated ourselves to the peaceful exchange of ideas, trade, and other items of mutual benefit. The Periphery Pact, as we have christened this endeavor, is to be a symbol of our newly-minted dedication to inter-realm cooperation. We have even begun forming an irregular force of volunteers, the Periphery Marshals, to assist in law enforcement and mutual defense between our realms. It is my fondest wish that the Marshals will also help to bridge the gulfs between the realms of the Periphery, and help us all to find and maintain common ground.

This dedication to our own defense, however, does NOT include what has just taken place on the Marik worlds of Glevkha, Vakarel, Eleusis, Payvand, Teliman's Mistake, or Bayindir. My sources indicate that these Free Worlds are currently suffering an invasion by forces claiming to be part of the Magistracy Armed Forces. I am here to tell the Captain-General, here and now, that these forces do NOT originate from Canopus, and do not represent my realm in any conceivable way, shape or form. The Magistracy Intelligence Ministry stands ready to provide evidence to SAFE to prove the veracity of my words, and I implore the Captain-General to allow cooler heads to prevail. Let us work together to discover the identity of these attackers, before it is too late.

But on that note, I will also add an additional plea to Captain-General Marik: cease your invasion of the Circinus Federation. Your actions there have gone far beyond merely punishing them for their part in the recent troubles engulfing your realm, and have been laid bare as the naked land-grab of which I become more certain every day was your intent all along. Indeed, the forces brought to bear on Circinus alone were nothing less than overwhelming in numbers, and coupled with your recent, albeit somewhat inscrutable and cryptic, address to the Periphery, it seems that you feel you have an ax to grind against us.

Let us have peace, Captain-General Marik, before you subject your citizens and ours to yet another destructive and ultimately pointless war.

With that, the camera faded to black.


INN Breaking News
Autonom Repuplic of Alpheratz and Ramora

We come to you with breaking news from Alpheratz, it was announced that the ARAR joins the Draconis Combine as new member state. Former Outworld Alliance troops are to be integrated in the DCMS and the DCA. I am standing here on the plaza before the parlament of Alpheratz and what you cannot see is the draconian jump- and dropships that are right now landing on the spaceport, officials of the Combine are arriving together with troops of the DCMS. On New Samarkand the engagement ceremonies of Omiku Kurita and Mitchell Avellar carry on while the restructiorisation progress has already started with the signing of contract. Civilians and officials are relatively calm about the matter since the Combine has invested huge amounts in the rebuilding of the ARAR without making demands or adding of military pressure. Rumors even say that the state-contract was a idea of Neil Avellar himself, which he brought before the Coordinator Takashi Kurita. Right now there are no specific informations what the contract fully contains or what happens to the noble Avellar line.



Severe HPG Accident in Odessa system
INN Terra
Hilton Head Island

Comstar today announced that a severe HPG malfunction caused the local HPG on Odessa in the Odessa system to explode.
Comstar has claimed that a severe and rare technical malfunction resulted in a meltdown of the compressor coils.
Odessa is currently cut off from the HPG network and reachable only via courier ship.
Comstar further said that they will send a technical team towards the system within the next twenty four hours.
Additionally, Comstar will provide a courier system in and out of the Odessa system via hired jumpships.

Comstar apologizes for the inconvenience to the people of the Lyran Commonwealth and the entire Inner Sphere and will issue a one free HPG message to every citizen of the Lyrran Commonwealth as a compensation for possible inconveniances.

Comstar Terra
Reported by INN