HPG invitation - Turn 4 Event (pre RP because this might take some time)

Started by Hugin, June 14, 2014, 11:50:22 AM

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She was quite happy with the way this went.
Sadly some of the plans had to be accelerated, by a decade or more...
This was a shame but oh well.

She pushed a button and spoke

"Ibrahim? Please prepare for a beam to the Tharkad HPG. I want this to be relaised right away. No delay, Tharkad HPG is to stand by until my message is delivered."

then she took her stylus and started writing:

FROM: Primus Myndo Waterly
TO: <<PERSONALLY>> Archon Steiner, Prince-Elect Magnusson, Koordinator Kurita, FirstPrince Davion, either Chancelloress, Captain-General Marik


House Lords.

The Inner Sphere needs a Meeting to talk about the current crysis and the future prospects.

For this behalf, the Sacred Order of Comstar is kinidly inviting your highnesses to Terra, to Bertha von Suttner palace in Prague.

You are invited to bring your families and aides but no more than fifty people each nation. Please understand that no special forces operatives are allowed to terra.

Primus Waterly

OOC: Please all start RP'ing the answer and then your arrival right int he thread :)


Bertah von Suttner palace, Prague

Preparations were busy all over the city
Hotels had to be picked, according to the theme.
Luckily Prague was a city of great ancient houses, many over one and a half millenia old.
All around the Venzels Square where, in the Bertha von Suttner Palace the meeting would take place, finishing touches had to be made.
It was easy to prepare the city since it was a hub for local tourism anyway.
All Comstar had to do was prepare the place and book all hotels in town.

The palace iteslf was a marvellous place with Marble walls, gold and diamond chandeliers and teak applications everywhere.
The building itself was from the closing of the second millennium named after some, to most, long forgotten former Austrian philosoph-ess who got a long stopped price awarded. The so called 'Nobel Prize for Peace'.

Comstar did not do great changes to the building, in fact close to no changes at all.
With there being close to no tech besides electricity in the building it was easy to guarantee technological security.
Comstar simply decided to shut out all technology besides validated computers and pads who were handed to the national representatives upon their arrival.

All they had to wait for now were the esteemed guests. The house lords of the great houses of the Inner Sphere.
House Davion from the federated Suns who would reside in the Castle of Prague
House Kurita from the Draconis Combine who would be assigned the japanese Tea garden house
House Marik from the Free Worlds League who would reside in the Sacher Hotel of Prague
House Liao of the Confederacy of Capella who was assigned the Venzels Hotel itself directly at the Venzels Square
The representatives of the Free Republic of Rasalhague who were to stay at the Gromnica family hotel. The eldest hotel in town.
And finally House Stiener of the Lyran Commonwealth who would reside in the Iron Gate hotel whos Tower suites were located in the highest towers in the city.


QuoteFROM: Primus Myndo Waterly
TO: Chancellor Romano Liao

House Lords.

The Inner Sphere needs a Meeting to talk about the current crysis and the future prospects.

For this behalf, the Sacred Order of Comstar is kinidly inviting your highnesses to Terra, to Bertha von Suttner palace in Prague.

You are invited to bring your families and aides but no more than fifty people each nation. Please understand that no special forces operatives are allowed to terra.

Primus Waterly

Romano thanked the technician and asked for a private booth to be dedicated for her response.

Not even a minute later, she was being escorted into the back of facility to the most secured rooms. "Thank You" she said as she took a minute to use the rooms private chamber to ensure she looked her best before moving into the room. Fiddling with a pen, she started to pen a response.

Ten minutes later Romano put down the pen and took the paper back to the mirror to practice her response. Confident she got her sly smile down just right she headed back to the recording chamber and started ...

"Thank you for your kind invitation Primus. Of course I will attend as long as suitable arrangements can be made to ensure my safety through the territory we have not yet been able to recover. I do not take the recent actions by your billing department to heart. I understand that certain security measures are necessary to ensure your continued broadcasts and you have my word that all of our troops attempting to liberate Capellan Citizens are under strict orders not to engage hostiles heading to Comstar facilities. We always extend a truce to enemy combatants not riding in combat vehicles that courtesy. We find your services as invaluable as ever and would not do anything that would jeopardize our good relations.

I eagerly wait to see what has such universal import as to necessitate a calling of the House Lords to your world."

Romano signed off and played the message back before submitting it to the sending que. While she was there she notices something odd associated with her secret drop box that Tseng had created to monitor commanders, immediately she spooled up the recorder again and requested a live feed available to her account for domestic business. When Tseng's face showed up she skipped with the pleasantries, "What do you mean the Shin Legion is requesting  permission to land!?"
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.



Is comstar guaranteeing safe passage? If yes tommy boy will be there, else a minister will represent the fwl.


Yes C* guarantees safe passage to and from te meeting to your realms territory


In the void above Terra

Without a sound the draconian jumpship "golden dragon" enters the zenit-jumppoint of the system. All talk, all arrangements with ComStar where done to a degree, the Combine found acceptable. And there, at this jumppoint it remained... silent... not a uncommon thing to do for a jumpship but while its sunsails unfolded one thing surely did not happen. The launch of the dropship.

The cigar shaped structure remained there. Seeming to wait for something...


It was a few hours later, when on the same jumppoint, more or less near to the "golden dragon" a second jumpship appeared. Now, there came movement into both of them. Shuttles crossing the void between them. And short encoded messages were exchanged. Then the "golden dragon" and the "TCS Foxland" were as silent as before... and for further hours it shall remain so.

At last, the dropship of the Combine was asking for permission to land, being advised a position at the spaceport... the dragon had landed.


An Overload-class dropship landed at the area of the spaceport designated for the Lyran delegation. Nondi Steiner looked out across the Terran sky with a grim smile. She had not wanted to come, atleast not without several RCTs at her back, but it could not be helped. The robes wanted a meeting, and she was going to give it to them alright. It was unlikely that Theodore would have got the note from Melissa in time, and thus he was here. She felt that she had to warn him, preferablly before the meeting with the Primus, but knew it would be almost impossible.

Nondi saw the staff car coming for her, and decided that she would simply be patient, and see what the Primus had to say. She doubted the fool woman had a clue what she was unleashing on the Sphere, but it was a lesson Nondi hoped she would be around to see learned.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Apparently, it was to late...

to late... for the news of the incident in the Forbidden City to reach Theodores ears.

to late... for the message of the Archon to be read by the heir.

The entourage of the Combine had already landed on Terra and so, their destiny was unsure.


This was the day, the Primus thought.
The day that would change the face of the Inner Sphere. Once and for all!

She had been preparing for this for years. And with the recent turn of events, it was more than obvious that Comstar had to asume a different role in this universe.
A role of domination, of leadership, of a guiding hand and a strict parent, if need be.

She chose her robe, she chose her shoes.

Soon it echoed through her head
Soon I'll speak to the house lords


It should be a couple of days before the first DC jumpship will arrive with the desperate try to inform Theodore Kurita, but even then... it would be even more days until the engines could make a jump away from the system.

On the surface, Theodore was sitting with the newly married couple, having a tea, or better...trying to give Ian a first hint on what a tea-ceremony ment. It was a good and silent time and Theodore looked in the round... next to him Neil Avellar was sitting and on the other side... Ian Kurita-Calderon and Hinata Isu. While it was Florimel Kurita-Calderon who was serving the tea. Still... Theodore became uneasy... the missing of his father was on his mind. Had the Archon started an attack that would hindre Takashi from coming? No, his would be to dangerous for her at this point of history. Also,... why was no other houselord on Terra? Something wasn't right. Normally any house would have followed the call in some way...


Imperial Suite
Sacher Hotel
Vienna, Terra
Sol System

Several days had passed since the FWL delegations arrival on Terra.  The FWL delegation had arrived on Terra with much less fanfare then any of the other Houses.  If not for Comstar's guarantee of safe passage, he wouldn't have made this voyage personally.  Archon Steiner's word was not worth much in these troubled times.  With the Lyrans dragging his nation into the expanding fray caused by the Cappellans, Thomas was busier then ever with affairs of state.  He had enough faith in Comstar and the LCCC to allow him to come personally hear what the Prius had to offer.

At least he'd been able to spend some time with his daughter Isis while he waited on Comstar conference to begin.  She had been enthralled during their private showing of Karkulka a Cerveny Balonek.  The famous Divadlo Minor troupe had held a special showing in the beautiful Národní Divadlo just for the FWL delegation's families.  He really shouldn't have brought her along with him to this meeting, but he couldn't resist sharing with her the culture of their ancient homeworld.  There was just never enough time in the day for the two of them.  Glancing over his shoulder, he saw his 6 year old daughter enjoying the house specialty.  Now if only he could convince her to share some of the cake the hotel Sacher was famous for......



The room was filled with teak and marble.
Ancient furniture handcrafted centuries ago.

The representatives of the various houses had joined the room and sat down, waiting for the meeting to begin.

When the Primus entered the room she was accompanied by a tall grown man with an eye patch. They assumed position at their desk and she smiled into the circle speaking:

"I welcome you, representatives of the great Houses of the Inner Sphere.
It is a great honor to welcome you on sacret Terra, here in old Europe. I hope you jenoy your stay in Prague.

But let us start!

The Order is empolying several programs besides the maintianance of the HPG network, always dutiful trying to benefit humanity.
One of those programs is the so called 'Explorer Corps' which was founded to search for lost worlds, new, habitable planets, maintain contact with nations in the deeper periphery and also search for the remains of the SLDF who left with General Aleksandr Kerensky, as you sure all know.

And this is also the reason for why I called you here:

We have found the SLDF in Exile!"

she gave this a moment to sink in

"Roughly a year ago the magellan jumpship 'Outbound Light'" she pushed a button and a holo came to life showing the somehow strange looking ship

"A Magellan class jumpship equipped with a HPG array jumped into a system near the Gum Neblua the designation of the system was HT-34#45/3.
The mission of the JumpShip was to search for habitable planets near the three nebulas in the region.

The exact coordinates from terra are: 31.17:1,754.07 light years.
The system they encountered hosted seven planets, one of them in the 'blue belt' of a solar system that was able to host life and, much to the surprise of the crew onboard the 'Outbound Light' a space station at Nadir jump point.

They quickly got hailed. We got the message transmitted to us, let me bring it up:

Quote"This is StarCaptain Eric Folkner of the Ebon Guard. Unknown ship. You have entered Strana Mechty. You are on holy ground. State your clan, designation and issue a trial or prepare to be boarded. You have understood, quiaff?"

The sensors of our ship picked up heavy traffic in the system and a lot of radio traffic coming from the 4th planet in the system.

They were able to send several packages of informations befor getting boarded and finally subtued."

she looked sidewards

"Ladies and Gentlemen. May I present Precentor Martial, Anastasius Focht who will let us in on the details."

he rose, something was odd about this man, he seemed familliar, still so vastly different...

"Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Anastasius Focht. I am commander of the ComGuards. But about that we will talk later. Now about our find:

It is brought down to several key informations:

We have found the remainders of the SLDF and they now call themselves 'The clans'. From the various designations we picked up there have to be several of them. They seem to be organized by animal names. We got

Ebon Keshik
Jade Falcon
Ice Hellion
Nova Cat
Hells Horses
Star Adder
Cloud Cobra.

So it seems they fractured quite a bit.

We also were able to gather some informations about their ships. Several Warships, mostly old SLDF designs like the Texas, Potemkin and also Vincent were present but also a new design that was docked to a massive yard array over the 4th planet.

You all heard the radio message. The man was talking about a 'Trial' and used a completely unfamiliar rank designation.. 'StarCaptain'."

he put his hands on the table

"We do know little more, but we must asume that most of the SLDF in Exile Survived in this region of Space.

Comstar has long thought about theese facts and we came to a conclusion: Now that we know that the SLDF in Exile is out there. And now that they are there, Comstar has put a great effort into trying to blend in with then and learn about them.

What we gathered so far is that there are roughly fifteen clans. They are strictly organized by a caste system with the warriors building the top of the system.

The forces are organized in clusters, roughly a reinforced batallion of soldiers and those again are united in Galaxies, so basically speaking a reinforced regiment, maybe two.

Most clans seem to be pretty small, though with five to a maximum of ten galaxies in size overall.
They seem to have some kind of warship support, but no heavy it seems. The average seems to be somewhere between five and ten warships again.

Now where does this lead us?

The question is: Should we leave them alone? Will they even want to come back?

I say: We must strike! Taking the war to them is better than letting them wage war in our beloved Inner Sphere!

I would suggest a three step plan:

Step one: Reunite the Periphery powers into the Inner sphere to concentrate our powers
Step two: As most of you are already sporting some hidden warships or have warship programs running yourself, comstar will equip you with the techniques to kickstart your own programs or, change into third gear, so to say
Step three: ReForm the StarLeague, unite most of our armies and deep-strike the clan homeworld directly.

Therefor I would ask for at least fifty percent of every states army plus maybe another ten to twenty five percent, just to make sure we can overwhelm them with massive numers.

Comstar itself would provide the full extent of the Comguards, roughly ten regiments of forces risen from Terra and the cached and remaining warships that were in mothball since the days of the StarLeague to the mission.

I would call it 'Case White'

We would assemble, just as the SLDF did it, in the region near the Outworlds Alliance, DC, Suns border and move from there.

You'll now ask where this world is... Well let me show you!

any questions?"

OOC: Yes it is a clan invasion era IS map - I did not get an older deep periphery map - sorry!