HPG invitation - Turn 4 Event (pre RP because this might take some time)

Started by Hugin, June 14, 2014, 11:50:22 AM

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The Kuritan delegation began to talk under each other and that was most likely what was happening at this moment to every represantative, at least Neil Avellar thought so and took a look around who was gathered here. Also he was thinking if "How about no? " could count as valid question.

Theodore Kurita took a look at Ian Kurita-Calderon just to make sure he didn't jump someone in the face. A short gesture followed, to keep calm and silent... for now... followed by a blink with the eye. Right now, thousand question were running through his Theodores... this all seemed strange and sudden.


Amongst the Federated Suns delegation there was a fair amount of subdued discussion before someone amongst them tapped on one of the microphones set before them. Ardan Sortek looked at the Precentor Marshal, well more then a tad bit skeptically "That was quite the presentation, though it appears to me that there was something missing from it." pausing he glanced around at the other delegations before returning his eyes to  Focht "What we noticed missing was any reasoning as to why we should be looking at launching a unprovoked attack against these Clans in the first place?"


As the various initial reactions subsided Thomas Marik entered the discussion.

"I'm sure the Primus has more proof that shows that this is more then just some Periphery crackpot getting lucky.  I do agree with Prince Champion Sortek though that more is needed before we start yet another needless war.  Most of us already are busy dealing with local aggression and do not need another front, especially one at such a distance that it is of no immediate concern."


Nondi Steiner looked rather bored but said nothing. She was waiting to see if the Primus had new information to share.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Sir Ardan Sortek. You raise a very valid point.
Why attack them when they have left us in peace for so long?"

He started pacing around

"History, Mr. Sortek, is full of examples of the native population of a certain area being invaded, overwhelmed and finally driven close to or into extinction.

This is a warrior culture, ladies and gentlemen. And sooner or later they WILL seek to strike against the Inner Sphere. Now some of you can easily relax, kick back and say 'this is not my issue'. Nations like the Free Worlds League or the Confederacy of Capella, even the Free Republic of Rasalhague have little to fear.

Or do they?

Our analysts say that there is a certain chance that those... clans could overwhelm the Draconis Combine or Federated Suns. And once they gain a beachhead in the Inner Sphere would be VERY difficult to drive out again.

This is why we say 'strike now' when they least expect it, instead of waiting and hoping to be safe."

once again he pointed at the holo

"All we would need is half your military strength. And that is half of the strength from everybody. So the sales would not change.

Preferably though, we'd love to see commands light the Geynosha, the Heavy Davion Guards, The red Lancers, The first Free worlds Guards, The Royal Guards and the like submitted to the cause. "

he sighed

"I am no man of many words, Ladies and Gentlemen. What do you think? can we come to an agreement?"

the Primus jumped in there

"Or is Comstar standing alone?"


"With all due respect I have yet to hear or see any evidence that these Clans represent any threat to the Inner Sphere presented here Primus. Vague references that amount to that they represent a potential threat by their very existence,  and a call to reform a new SL for the sole purpose of launching a per-emptive war. You also call for bringing the Periphery States into this new SL, sorry but the sounds a bit too much like  the Pollux Proclamation for comfort."


"I fear there are far too many unanswered questions Precentor Martial to make it with a few words. Reforming the Star League would take months of political negotiations and not only for the purpose to determine who will lead it, but to bring rivalries and feuds to an eaze. This counts also for the troop movement,... if any is willing to give 50-70% of his troops to this cause, what is an immense amount and highly doubted possible by my side. What is your time plan for all of this? How many years do you think it will take? Yet, even if we would agree to this mission I fail to see the gain of it. But maybe the greatest problem here is something completly different. We were notified that this shall be a meeting about the ongoing crisis, not an 'all out war'-meeting for a far away realm. Excuse me if I have to say it... but this all seems far to hasty and abrupt. "


The Primus sighted

"It seems, esteemed invitees, that you fail to see the gravity of the situation. It might be true that they present to real threat today, and maybe not tomorrow, but they will in maybe ten years or later.
We have to prepare NOW and not have oursevles surprised...

But if you refuse to sign a declaration of interest and start working on a united Inner Sphere today, then Comstar will have to stop the clans on its own accord, without your help."

with that they rose

"Enjoy the meal, ladies and gentlemen. And if anyone of you is willing to negotiate a cooperation in private, feel free to contact me.
With this, I will close this session, seeing that there is no willingness to support a joint cause."

She turned to leave while the Precentor Martial saluted and followed suit short after.


Theodore raised an eyebrow while the Primus was leaving. This was the shortest and worst militarical and political meeting he had ever been to. Was ComStar really expecting that the houses end the periphery, reform the Star League, give away 70% of their troops and start a war with a far away and foreign realm just with a single 'Yes'? Without providing any deeper information on any topic? This was more than odd...

" Strange that only Marik made it here, besides us... " said Neil with silent voice.
" This is apparently the next thing that wonders me, right after this proclamation," was Theodores answer. "This is all completly different from what I suspected to be happening here. "
" I was also surprised by their 'strategy' for the Periphery Realms, " Neil continued.
" So was I,... this is strangly direct and  offensive for ComStar. Also, they did know that you two... " he looked from Ian to Neil and back. "Will be here. We notified the whole delegation. What would have happened if any other Periphery Realm would have been present?"
" Excuse me lords, but I will leave this meeting, " came from Hinata Isu.
" I wish you a pleasant travel, lady Isu. It is a shame that the matter of the crisis was not mentioned. But fear not, we will make your proclamation then via INN. " She bowed sligthly before Theodore and the other gathered nobles " I thank you kindly for your troubles " and went to leave.
" How shall we proceed? " continued the President.
" Well, this already has such a strange taste that it is not waking my hunger in any form. We will leave early and maybe I will take the opportunity to talk to Marik. Any other suggestions?"
The draconian delegation of course stayed silent.
" I am fine with it, when the newest family member is fine with it, " sayed Neil and looked at Ian. What lead to horrified looks by the Draconians... how could he speak so easily of his opinion. "And you should probably speak to the Primus... an upset Primus is never good. " Theodore nodded, nobody could argue with that.


"So that's it?" Sortek said aloud not bothering to even watch as their hosts picked up their ball and walked away like a pair pf proverbial  spoiled children who had been told no. Strange as it sounded to himself he found himself almost missing her predecessor, Julian Tiepolo may have been a manipulative rat but he had been a far more subtle and reasonable sort compared to Waterly.  A quick word sent one of his aides over to deliver a request for a quick chat with Nondi Steiner  after  he had a chat with a few folks here first.

He then got up from the table and with no preamble walked around it and approached the Combine delegation, specifiably Theodore and Avellar as they spoke  amongst themselves. "Gunji-no-Kanrei, Mr. President." Ardan addressed them politely before casting a eye towards the spot where the Primus had been "I take it that you were as..well surprised not just by the presentation but that they expected us to be salivating at the prospect of charging off to go beat up on someone new?"


" Yes, we were. While I would not mind further movements to improve the political situation in the inner sphere, I have to admit that we found ourselves... unprepared for this meeting and how it did go on. " was the surprisingly friendly respond of Theodore Kurita who stood up to great Sortek with a short bowing. It surely was unfriendly to speak while one person was sitting and the other standing.

" Surprised is an underestimation... " was the blunt but also friendly responding of Neil Avellar, who also stood up to great Sortek.


((My first non-LC post!!!))

As the Primus and Precentor Martial were leaving, Focht placed his hand on the Primus' elbow and whispered something in her ear. Nobody was close enough to hear what was said, but the Primus visibly stiffened, glanced around the room filled with nobles, and then hurridly walked out of the room, with Focht following, seemingly confused, a few steps behind her.

The brief by-play lasted less than 4 seconds, but several of the ComStar acolytes around the room looked uneasy, wondering what could be going on between the two.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Keeping an eye on their hosts Ardan returned the bow to Theodore , Ardan was starting to get a very, troubling vibe on top of the one from what they had just been presented with earlier "You noticed that they were damned fast to assume they weren't going to get the cooperation they wanted? With only one Head of State making it here they can't have expected to get agreements to go along with this. I know I wasn't authorized to sign onto anything of this sort, nor is Marshal Steiner over there. So the question that next comes to mind is do we stay and try to get more information or leave to consult with our goverments...assuming we can?"


Niel Avellar snorted.  "Yeah, this whole thing smells like one big set up.  Besides, when has anything good ever come from Terra?"

Theodore Kurita was more measured in his response.  "I concur with your assessment Champion Sortek.  I have only know Comstar to be measured, composed, and confident.  To see this has been quite unsettling.  As much as i can see the need to address this news, i would prefer a different venue.  We have heard much and have been out of communication with our respective Governments for a long time, it is high time that we return.  May i suggest that the DC and the FS meet in the coming month on Proserpina?  I know my father and your Prince have a long history, but there is also respect.  Considering this news, i think it wise for our realms to be in close contact and to start laying a foundation for possible military coordination."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


Ian Kurita-Calderon quietly watched all that was going on. He walked with the Kuritan and other House entourages as they talked and expeditiously left the conference center.

Wow I am so in deep here, he thought, Father told me to listen and learn, but I do not even know where to start. I must communicate back to the Concordat as soon as possible. But first I hope that I can get my new wife, myself, and my new extended family out of here. 

The group entered their perspective transport and started towards the space port. Draconis and Taurian bodyguards on high alert.