ISDF HQ, Tukkayid, Rasalhague

Started by Hrodulf, January 13, 2015, 09:19:17 PM

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Hans Konning looked up from his tablet and asked out loud "So what is the goal of the ISDF now that C* has de-escalated the war?"
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


" ComStar has come to an agreement with the Draconis Combine, yet we have a accusation of the ISCP regarding the same conflict and the hindrance of ISCP-personal. This will be given towards the Court of Justice, as it is clearly a violation of the ISCP-contract. Apparently C*, as breaker of contract, can not be the judge in this as originally signed and planned. Furthermore, we have no word on the Federated Commonwealth side of the conflict. The Security Council might still decide to take action. But this stands and falls with the Federated Commonwealth position on the ISDF itself, we are not invaders, we are not trespassers, we cannot simply take action in their territory, as long as they have the ability to answer our calls. This would be a breaking of our ideals. Furthermore there are still positions of ComStar hanging in the air, but this is not the parlaiments duty... this is clearly a matter for the Security Council. Yet, we are here for the good of mankind itself, this goal hasn't changed, regardless of the conflict arround ComStar who simply was the reason for our founding.  Right now, we should pledge towards the Council to prepare action against the next threat that will come, which would be the return of the Clans, or how they were formerly known: the SLDF-exiles who left with Kerensky. "

said Rikuto Uneo in the parlaiments meeting, answering Hans Konning.


It was during Uneos speech when Kuromoto, a DC secretary walked behind him and wispered something into his ear.

" It seems,..." Rikuto began, " that I am calling for a vote to bring the matter of the Clans before the Security Council. "
Kuromoto left as fast as he could.

" Dear parlaimentary members... I was informed that the Magistracy of Canopus is under heavy attack by a agressor claiming to be CLAN JADE FALCON. Does the represantive of the magistracy have any information on the matter?"


Hans Konning interjected, "Could the FRR be given a full briefing on what the ISDF knows about the "clans"?  Especially in light of a supposed attack on a major periphery power by such an entity?  Sorry to interrupt, but such information would seem vital to those nations wishing to stand up to such aggression upon established states."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


CC has received recent communications from the league about their situation. We are beginning to move forces to respond. We would like to request the redeployment of TF Jade Lion Rimward.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


" Mister Konning. I will advice you all information the Draconis COmbine has about the clans. "
A DC-servant left the meeting to fullfill his duty.

" For now let me say that the Clans, the descendants of the kerensky Exodus, have brought forward a culture of warriors. Their technology is far advanced and they life indeed strange rites. For what we do know, they want to reach Terra. What plays into the hands of what we currently know about the ComStar conflict. The blood, a cult within the order had manipulated Waterly to go were she went and seems to still control ComStars very doing. The origins of the blood are unveryfied, but it is asumed that it has a connection to the clans, for they not only want to desperatly destroy the clans, but also would rather see the inner-sphere burn than falling into their hands. We are currently waiting for more information on the matter, but it seems that ComStar is well informed about the clans rites. Furthermore: Besides Clan Jade Falcon, who has invaded the Magistracy of Canopus, the Clan Hells Horses had made appearance within the Inner-Sphere. We do await further clans in the future, what is the reason for the Draconis Combines meassures to strengthen its Navy. "


The Security council members were looking towards the Cappelans request.

ARAR representative Boulivan Escara-Moles first spoke against it, but after a shorter discussion that this was also to the benefit of the Magistracy they agreed. Kaori matsumoto smiled, as everything turned out as the Coordinator had instructed her, surely he held the title not for nothing.


Eirik Olsen   Utlendr Sendiherra of the Lothian Palatinate and Jason Eurymedon, Niops External Relations Director to the ISDF; sat in the small conference room talking.

"Eirik, the latest communications form home of concerning. There has been very light communications from the Magistracy and the Concordat since the Clans started their invasions."

"Ja, Yason, I donna beleave da day vill be able ta elp our omes. Me Dróttning, Lady Lorelei , has send dat ve arr ta see ifn da ISDF vill be able ta send any elp."

Jason took a moment to understand his friends broken common, but after so long together it seemed to flow better. "It also seems like the Hegemony will be sending out their own ambassador as quick as possible, but that will take much to long. Funny how that works now that things have gone critical in the periphery. We have been given leave to act as their vote in council until someone arrives."

"Ja, my friend, da Marions while elping are omes did seem ta lik dat day wer da biggun brutes on da block. Now aften readen da latist report da ave started ta be vinr ta us all. Even do da canna stand ta da clanners dare fylking vill elp."

"Well shall we see what the council is talking about?"

***bored and wanted to have fun with an accent***


Boulivan Escara-Moles, Kaori Matsumoto and their Capellan Counterpart were indeed having fierce and heavy talks this days. Normally, Security Council meetings were closed but at least the results will be given out to the parlaiment.

Mr. Focht had made quite the appearance before the Council and a very hot discussion lead and following points were cleared out:

1.) The Draconis Combine Admirality was installing a mobile command center within the Capellan Confederation.
2.) The Draconis Combine will install a Command Curcuit, from Kervil, the current stationing point of the second large ISDF-Strike Force and immediate Front-move of the non-mobile forces. Also Chairman-General Focht and the draconian ambassador will try to get the Federated Commonwealth to allow movement through their territory for these forces and their war-material.
3.) The ISDF-Forces of the Strike Force "Jade Lion" had reached their target location.
4.) The Draconian Auxilliars, the Okami, will start moving out their first deployment of troops. And have started contact, with Taurian and Canopian rulership via the DC-ambassadors in both realms. Being in support range for both realms, but currently unable to move more troops. Side-arrangements are being made.


Update to CC auxilliary forces. The Vilson is not being tagged with an ISDN marking. It will keep it's original RLCT tag. The unit has not been moving with the fleet, or seen in some time. Narhal's Raiders air support unit will replace them in the formation along with Hell's Black Aces

Naval Forces (Removed)
ISDS Vilson (Sylvester)

Naval Forces (Added)
Hell's Black Aces (ASF)
Narhal's Flock (ASF)
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


Hans Konning addressed the ISDF members "i have been instructed to inform the ISDF that the FRR will soon be raising forces to fight under the ISDF flag.  First Comstar and now these clans... The common IS and periphery civilian has the right to not live under such tyranny.  The FRR will do it's part to help avoid that."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


Arthur Yu added, "We also need to have another talk with the Federated Suns representatives. So far, they are the only hold out to joining the ISDF as with the promised assistance from the Cappellan Confederation and ISDF, the Free World League has sent representatives to participate and sign the charter. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are so close on this now. If we can convince the Federated Suns of the benefit of joining us, then we stand a chance. Their numbers and our technology would make the ISDF a force for stability."
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


Rikuto Ueno says: " I am looking forward to the rising of ISDF-Forces and the joining of the FWL. This will give the ISDF a increased meaning. It is also a great sign that the smaller nations have signed this charter before the others, as this is a complete opposite founding compared to the Star League, which has enforced its rules on the border regions and minor powers back in the past. Which was one of the greatest fears of the Periphery Nations at St.Ives."

He looked towards the Periphery representatives before switching to the FWL ones...

" Yet, I do see the joining of the FWL with mixed feelings. Do not misunderstand me, you are warmly welcome, but if one joins out of military pressure and the promise of weapons this is not what we had originally in mind. When the clans crisis is over and the recent conflicts have been resolved, the Dragon shall look how the FWL will move from there on forwards and if they really have the needed spirit to carry on the thoughts of the ISDF. "

He then adressed Arthur Yu:
" The Federated Commonwealth has apparently less reasons than the League to join the ISDF and has stated that they are seeing "no future for this organisation". They face no clan thread and we do think that they might have arranged something with the Clan Hells Horses, which should make their appaerance spinwards from the Star Adder occupied zone, be it within or outside of Concordat territory. The Dragon had hoped to get the auxilliar forces to Canopus and Taurus in time, but the galactic distances are far to great and we barely make it in time for the capellan border region. But back to the original thematic... the Commonwealth. I do hope that our ambassador and Mr.Focht will get them to allow at least the movement of troops through their territory or we loose 50% of our strength down there..."


edited this, because we need it:,18769.msg55545.html#msg55545

"According to ISDF standards, the security council proposed the admission of the FWL to the ISDF. The DC parlaimentary representatives hereby vote with one voice (aka 3 seats) for the admission of the Free Worlds League. "


The Capellan Confederation likewise supports this venture.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.