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Topics - Daemonknight

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General Discussion / Battletech-Mercenaries
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:57:19 AM »
I was discussing this with Hugin the other day, and seeing as how all of my other RP games have dried up, and I have been having some trouble coming up with storylines for my Falcons(not entirely sure what I want to do with them, and I accidently misplaced some of my paperwork for them, which has thankfully since been recovered), I have really been looking for an IS RP opportunity. Unless CJF gets booted out of the IS, I forsee it being quite some time before I can have said participating in the FGC.

That being the case, I'm seriously considering trying my hand at Battletech-Mercenaries again. I've made a unit once before, and while it was okay, I didn't have a playerbase to really make exciting stories. As most of us know, its more fun when you actually have people to play with and against. And thats when the idea came to me.

For those who don't know, Battletech-Mercenaries is a website/game that essentially serves as a backdrop for several player-run RP campaigns. The website maintains a staff of people that operate the core of the game, the behind-the-scenes framework nessecary for the rest of the game to function. The actual 'play' part, is 100% player controlled. All players are members of user-generated Mercenary units. Units accept contracts(generated by the site staff), and the unit's players then RP their way through whatever that contract is. They know(based on the contract) the relative strength of their opposition(aswell as the faction of course), the length of the contract(both real-time and game-time), aswell as various aspects of the contract. Payment is done on a $/word basis, with all contracts having a minimum word count to 'complete' the contract, and often a supplemental bonus(either bonus $/word after the minimum, or more often a lump sum if a higher word count is reached).

This means the game lends itself very well to groups who like to be able to take a mercenary unit and really have fun with it, and flesh it out however they want.

My idea is to make a unit, and then, if we had say 4-5 people, have a single person either volunteer or perhaps be nominated by the group to act as the GM and play the NPCs(or even just the bad NPCs with the players controlling all friendly NPCs). This way it wouldn't just be every many for himself, each contract would be given more direction and it could be more like a traditional RPG where its the GM vs the Players. But everyone is essentially on the same team so we don't have as much competition.

Of course the other benefit is that so long as there are a handful of active players(say 3 of us), anyone else who signs up and makes a character as part of the Unit on the website is free to contribute as much as they want(honestly anyone can contribute as much as they want anyways since the staff wouldn't be checking these forums to make sure only registered players were involved lol).

So yeah, I am really interested right now, and we could definetly have a brainstorm about what type of unit we wanted and the lineage before I would be submitting the Unit application.

Thoughts? Comments? Sign ups? :D

General Discussion / General Chat
« on: August 12, 2014, 05:10:46 PM »
I see you and your friends, lurking up there in Alley Cat Alley... YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN SAY HELLO TO US!!! I feel so hated. It's all JediBear's fault, I know he hates me T.T

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Changing of the Guard
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:19:15 AM »
Terra, Sol System
Prague, Bertha von Suttner Palace
October 2nd, 3040
1700 Hours Zulu(1800 Local)

Primus Waterly was quite annoyed. She had planned this move for quite some time. Focht had even supported the idea of a united Sphere against the potential Clan threat. He had said there must be some sort of backup plan in case the House Lords refused to agree to the wisdom of the action. How could he now balk at the very idea he had fathered?

Of course the details had been worked out without him, but that shouldn't have mattered. Myndo was leading the Precentor Martial down a corridor to a plush library she enjoyed spending time at while in Prague. Focht was considerably more agitated than the Primus, having only just that morning read through the various materials that had been prepared for him. He had somehow missed the operation's file earlier...that or it had not been shown to him, which bothered him further. When he and the Primus finally reached the library, she turned to face him, her face impassive.

“Precentor Martial. I must admit I am quite surprised at your displeasure with the operation. After all, it was your idea to have a contingency for something like this. The House Lords, unwilling to give up an inch of ground against each other, despite the imminent threat the Clans could pose.” Focht tilted his head as she spoke.

“Primus, we assume they are hostile. We don't yet know their intentions. We could setup checkpoints along the Outbound Light's route, wait for a sign they're even coming our direction. We need to gather intelligen-”

“The time for intelligence gathering is over, Precentor Focht. If you remember, you are Precentor MARTIAL, not Precentor ROM. Your duties are military, not espionage.” Focht closed his mouth and narrowed his eyes at the Primus.

“Yes, speaking of espionage, I am very interested to hear what the reasoning behind several recent assassination attempts is. That was until I saw the operation outline this morning. You do realize what you are unleashing upon us all with this course of action, do you not Primus?” The operations had the feel of Seneca's style, and he knew the Precentor ROM well enough to know that if he was fully aware of what was going on, he was unlikely to approve. But he also knew the man's loyalty was totally to Waterly, and he would do a great many things before he allowed his morality to interrupt his work.

Waterly smugly lookat at Focht a moment before responding.
“I know exactly what I am doing. I know all I need to know about the Clans, and I know they WILL come for us. Not just the Sphere, but for those the Order shelters.” Focht frowned at the mention of that mysterious cabal, that claimed some sort of connection to the Clans. He didn't give them much thought, but Waterly seemed to be listening to their ideas more and more of late, and he wasn't sure that was a good thing.

“What would those fanatics know. There are several crazy groups within the Order, but they make no sense at all. What information could they possibly give you that justifies this course? You'll plunge the whole Sphere into war Primus! I won't be a part of it. If you and your pets want to unleash hell upon the Sphere, you'll do it without the ComGuards. They wont follow you simply because you bark at them, they're good solid men and women.” Waterly merely shook her head sadly.

“I was afraid this might happen. But I can't let you interfere with our plans. I'll jus-” Waterly cut off as Focht drew his sidearm and aimed at her head.

“I will not allow your madness to infect the Sphere, Primus. Your quest ends-” a swift 'thwack' and Focht was knocked to the ground. The man that had quietly come up behind the Precentor Martial walked around his unmoving body, the red robes swishing quietly around his feet. He kicked the heavy pistol away, and looked at the Primus.

“We shall keep him in Cairo, at the ROM training facility. He could be useful later.” The robed man nodded wordlessly, and seemingly from nowhere, two more men entered silently from a side door. The Primus noted that there was a faint whirring, mechanical sound as one of the robed acolytes bent down to pick Focht up. They carried him out, but the man who saved the Primus' life turned slightly. Wately could see a soft red glow emanating from where his right eye should have been visible. He spoke in a soft voice, barely audible for her.

“He will need to be replaced. I will give you the dossier of one we can trust. His name is Trent Arian, and he will serve us well.” With that, the man left, and Waterly took a moment, not for the first time, to wonder who exactly the man was. She knew his name of course, and that he was a Precentor. But she always felt uneasy around him, as if he knew far more than her about the events taking place. It was not a comfortable feeling for the Primus. Shaking herself of the lingering shock of almost being shot, she walked to a computer in the library, and began reading through the history and dossier of this Trent Arian.

Yes, he would make an excellent Precentor Martial, and would carry out the Operation without difficulty, she surmised. She smiled. It would finally happen then...

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Free Rasalhauge Republic RP Thread
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:27:17 PM »
Public RP thread for Free Rasalhauge Republic

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Free Worlds League
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:26:31 PM »
Public RP thread for Free Worlds League

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Capellan Confederation RP Thread
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:25:39 PM »
Public RP thread for Capellan Confederation

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:25:18 PM »
Public RP thread for Draconis Combine

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Lyran Commonwealth RP Thread
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:24:53 PM »
Public RP thread for Lyran Commonwealth

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Federated Suns RP Thread
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:24:29 PM »
Public RP Thread for the Federated Suns

General Discussion / This weekend...
« on: March 26, 2014, 05:23:12 PM »
I'm letting you guys know now that sometime this weekend, Dave B is taking the forums offline to do some updates(as far as i know he hasn't updated the forums since the last time we tried playing...a long time ago).

I'm not sure how long it'll take, most likely not long, but if this weekend you can't login, don't be alarmed, its most likely just being updated.

General Discussion / WELCOME
« on: March 21, 2014, 01:44:33 AM »
Welcome returning Intelser friends! Welcome soon-to-be Intelser friends :D

As should be obvious, the forums are back up and running :) Feel free to say hi

« on: July 24, 2012, 05:50:31 PM »
Okay guys. I went off for a bit, and I am very glad to see that the faction heads of all the factions that have them are still with us. Even more happy that there seems to be quite a bit going on even so early in the game. I'm glad that everyone was willing to stick around, even though I went silent for two weeks. Thanks :)

however, there are a number of players who I have not heard from. So what I want, is for everyone to make one post here, by the end of the week, so I know who is here and who isn't. I want to get an accurate count of our playerbase, because at one time, we had quite a few people, over 12 from what I remember. And I know that our playerbase has sadly fallen from that lofty number, but I'm curious to see just how people are still around.

Thanks guys. Anyone who doesn't post here by the end of the day Friday will be removed from the roster, without exception.

OOC Board / My deepest apologies
« on: July 21, 2012, 06:47:01 AM »
Hey guys, I am terribly sorry for disappearing for the length of time I was AWOL. It seems my leg keeps conspiring to interfere with my gaming these days >.<

long story short- I've been in the hospital for the past 2 weeks, thanks to my diabolical cat and a set of stairs. I'll spare you the details, but it involved alot of pain, and some serious concerns about wether or not I was going to be able to avoid becoming an amputee. Luckily for me, my leg suffered only a very minor fracture in the healthy part of my leg, along with some very severe brusing. However when you've have whats happened to my leg, even a bad bruise warrants a hospital visit. I didn't bring my labtop with me(and honestly, I was more than a little loopy with the high-dose narc painkillers).

Im back now, and oddly feeling better than i was before the accident. Physical therapists at the hospital even got me walking without crutches or a cane, for a few yards anyways(something I haven't been physiclly able to accomplish since September 24th of last year).

However, I am back now, and I will be cleaning up the forums and the game to go through with turn 2 in about a week's time(or less, depending on what administrative things i need to complete). I will open the turn for combat threads with 2 days notice.

Again, I must apologize for not having contact with you guys for the time i was gone. I understand if people are angry with me, and hope you all will forgive me, and be ready to bash some heads in ASAP.

OOC Board / Playing the game
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:50:23 PM »
Alright guys, I've noticed from various off hand comments, and directly asking a few people, that the lack of IC posting is deceptive. Apparently, discussions are indeed taking place between some factions about various deals and agreements. My issue is how it is being handled, and my problems are twofold:

First, if there are indeed 'secret talks' happening, theres a limit to how much can be accomplished via PM. Any PM discussions should be backed up by RP posts in the various threads- that is why they are there. The RP boards are not public-knowledge forums: unless a faction has a character present during a scene posted in the RP forums, the contents of the post are known only to the factions involved. So if the FWL and CC are having secret discussions about a joint-invasion of the LC, it is fine to disuss the overall idea and specific strategic issues via PM, but there needs to be some sort of post in the RP threads where the military commanders are meeting to discuss the strategy, or the faction leaders have a meeting and agree to the plan before appointing commanders to undertake the mission.

I don't need to see the specific battle plans posted, but there needs to be RP about what is going down. If the game is just going to take place solely via PM, then what is the point of having these forums all set up for people?

My second issue, one which is ironclad and will be enforced from here on out, is that ALL PMs dealing with international discussions/relationships, need to have the GM PM account copied. Without exception. Since every faction has their own private discussion board, I don't expect internal PMs to be common anymore, since the forums are easier to browse through. But I see very little PM traffic, which means either there is no external discourse going on, or else people just arn't copying to the GM account.

I know people might be worried about potential metagaming from the first issue, but we are all adults here, and we need to operate on the honor system for this game to work. I am here both as the GM and the forum moderator- if someone is cheating, they are not welcome in my game. So trust me: metagaming will not be an issue. If someone is caught, not only will their faction face severe consequences, they will no longer be playing with us as long as I am GM, and could potentially face disciplinary action from a Forum Moderator stand point. I want to see some good RP between factions. And I will deal with anyone who uses information they don't have any business using.

The second issue is also a serious one for me, albeit not normally a punishable offense.

If factions continue to fail to post RP concerning their faction's activities, and continue to fail to add the GM PM account to their PM conversations, I will need to start forcing factions to comply. And I don't want to do that. I don't want to seem heavy handed, but in my opinion, having the game's character-to-character interactions, the lifeblood of the FGCs, take place mostly in PMs is more detrimental than a potential metagamer who will be stamped out on the first offense.

Offical FGC Rulebook / Rule Update: Upgrading Intro-Tech Facilities
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:04:19 AM »
Previously, you upgraded facilities from Intro-Tech to Tech I by running the 'Design Theory: Tier I' research path for each individual facilitity. This seems kinda...stupid, if I can be honest. It makes no sense for a research facility to be expending its effort upgrading individual production lines.

Instead, researching Tier I allows you to retool your existing facilities to Tech I, aswell as makes any new construction Tech I capable.

To retool an existing facility: take the facility offline for 1 turn, and pay half it's construction cost.

ex: to upgrade a single MF on Skye, the LC would need to take the MF offline for 1 turn(cannot use it to produce FP, nor can you FP funnel from it), and pay 12 RP. In turn 2, it is ready to begin churning out Tech I designs(if the faction has any in it's Faction Armory).

Also, please note guys that YOU are responsible for keeping your Armories updated. I would like to see a new tab on people's sheets detailing what they do and do not have access to, but I will not require it at this time. When factions begin unlocking Tech I designs, it will become a requirement. It's upto you if you wish to start now or then.

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