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Messages - Altrak

General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
December 11, 2015, 03:40:56 PM
Registration done,

also: I am back!
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
September 27, 2015, 02:28:56 PM
Cuirassiers and Skye... well, give me some time and I will definitely come up with a emblem for the unit (drawing it myself).

Any preffered coloures?
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
September 23, 2015, 07:22:30 PM
HAve to learn for a big test the next two weeks, will sign up immediatly afterwards ;)
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
September 09, 2015, 01:04:07 PM
Sounds like a nice idea Hugin.

I am on the other hand thinking of recycling one of the multiple DC characters developed in the 3040 game (probably Yuuki Hadono) with an alteration towards a Ronin backround and more fitting for the timeline of the mercenary game of course.
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
August 27, 2015, 05:42:59 AM

Four it is :)


Thanks Fate that you appriciate the wordniness. Because it was sometimes quite hard to come up with more and more plots and stories from the DC the longer the game lasted (yet the most long term plotlines weren't able to fully develop :( )
Since the game has ended: The sum up of what would have come this turn:

For all planets with HPG that have seen clan-war:
"You can not prevent..."-Planetary HPG Compound
"Clan Star Adder has won the trail for the world. Set detonation charges to active, we have about 15 Minutes before they come. Lock down all doors, may Blake be with us!"
The timer ran down...
A giant explosion hit the planet and everything within a 10 mile radius around the HPG compound turned to dust. A pillar of nuclear clouds rose into the skies and a EMP wave was rolling over the planets surface. Things turned, from bad to worse...

For all planets taken by Clans:
" You can not discuss..."-Planetary BB Compound / Jade Network
"What do you mean I can not send a FTL-Message?"
"We are terrible sorry, but the planet is now under Clan Government, since Jade Enterprises has yet no Service contract with the faction, we can not allow FTL-communications until it is allowed and signed by the new ruler. I am sure you have heard of what happened to the FRN-workers when they proceeded with their normal tasks,..."
"I want to fucking order essential goods, even you must eat...!"
"We are terrible sorry, please refer your problems to your new lords, we are sure they did not take this planet without calculating this problem."

For all planets taken by Star Adder:
" You can not grow..."-Rasalhague FRN-HQ / Free Rasalhague Network
" Shall we increase the size of the network on the recent taken worlds?"
" We have report that Clan Star Adder has taken some of our workers hostage, until they release them and allow free communications, we would go against company policies by supporting this war for territory. Freedom of information and freedom of speech are not up for discussion."
" But if C* make it's threat true... this will mean disastrous things for dozens of worlds. "
Little did they know that it already had happened...
" I did not say that I appreciate the current situation."

General Turn update:
,,You can not proceed..."
With the first of September 3042 many things happened in the known galaxy that would shake the Clans Advances into the Inner Sphere:

After the Clans had taken once more numerous worlds, the once formerly controlled by the Capellan Confederation or the Free Worlds League were hit with disastrous explosions, ComStar made their threat true... and blew up all HPG-Compounds. They would not allow the clans to feed their troops with their network. While actually all governments had been warned, it hit them still with surprise, some planetary governor hadn't believed that they would go this far,... they underestimated the current political situation. Furthermore, JADE Enterprises announced that they had no communication contract with the clan Star Adder and closed its facilities going as far to ship the satellites out with jumpships or simply blowing them up if no free passage was allowed.

On Herotitus, in Star Adder territory, the Conglomerate of Communication Providers (Free Rasalhague Network) announced that they will not increase their Network towards worlds taken by the Clan Star Adder until their workers from Herotitus are set free. Starting a three month strike (for now).

This left all the worlds the Clan had so direly fought for with a problem: They had neither a HPG-Compound used normally by the Clans or C* nor a BB-Network. Without a way for FTL-Communication panic grew and supportlines fell short immediately.

"Somehow” the ISCP (Inner-Sphere Carritative Program) had however been informed about the coming situation and started shipping goods to the worlds in need, yet it were hard cut packages for civillians only.

All Controlworlds and Regional Capital Worlds are reduced to Memberworld Status. Please Note that a MemberWorld can not hold more than 1 FP of troops, therefore all military forces must retreat (into friendly territory) or die of hunger, the emergency rations sent by ISCP are not enough to keep you alive and combatable! Please also read the supplemental rules for Interdiction and Communication Outage for further penalities which include: Research, production, ressources, and intelligience operations. Turning a wolrd back to its old status requires the resources for such a hex element + the costs for a FTL-service station!

In Snow Raven occupied territory, it was nearly the same, with one difference... there were no HPG-Explosions, as there were no HPG-stations that could blow up. Yet Clan Snow Raven found itself still in a simillar situation, they will either have to try to make a deal with Jade Enterprises or find enough resources to build up their HPG-Network. Either way, it will be hard to proceed in the way they originally planned as taking a planet suddenly had become quite expensive and the trials with the samurais hadn't really thrown supplies at them.

New Samarkand, private chambers of the Coordinator
"Checkmate, your turn..." said Coordinator Theodore Kurita towards his son during a game of shogi. Once more Hohiro found himself in a bad lineup against his father, playing shogi became a daily routine for him as it trained "spirit and intellect" according to his father.
General Discussion / Re: Battletech-Mercenaries
August 24, 2015, 07:29:15 PM
I will read myself in... because I seem to have now some time open for such a game :)
OOC: National-TV is back!

New Samarkand

" Good evening humble servants of Coordinator Theodore Kurita. "
An eldery man, wearing traditional clothes came into vision and introducing himself as Kankuro Hinamoto.

" The clans are on the march further invading our allied realms rimwards and as the situation grows worse and worse for them our brave warriors fight at there site, a gigantic battle is being fought currently on Victoria and the "Daughters of the Sun" marine brigade and the "Aerial-Deniar" Aerospace Regiment have been deployed. The families of the young onna-bugeishas have been visiting the shinto-shrines throughout our realm but mostly on Proserpina to wish them luck, of course our wishes and hopes are with them, as they are with all draconian forces, so that they bring back glory and honor for the dragon. "

" However a disgraceful act has happened, clanforces were allowed to travel through Federated Commonwealth space, invading the Capellan Confederation from spinward side. The advisors of the Coordinator have called for immediate retaliation attack but our wise leader spoke:

"Once you have fallen for the treacherous, allowing them into your realm, you can not control were the betrayal will root or manifest. "

"Therefore, just minor penalities were forced upon the Commonwealth, which meant an immediate stop of military trade. While ambassadors have spoken to each others, there is still no official statement of the Federated Commonwealth site how this could have happened and a lot of voices still assume, it could have been intentional."

" On the economic site: The announcement of penalities towards the Federated Commonwealth, which has become a good partner for large scale projects took it's toll on the stability of draconian economy. Once more, our wise leader ordered us to focus on a new project giving out yet top-secret contracts to all armory producing companies in the whole realm, ensuring proper growth and wealth in the whole Combine."

" Lastly: The Snow Raven has shown himself! A clan is coming from the depths of space to challenge our warriors, declining the humble invitation of the Coordinator. Our noble samurai warriors are fighting for our people, as our lord coordinator has sent them to guard our border worlds years before they arrived, once more Coordinator Theodore Kurita shows his celestial wisdom.  May our best wishes also be with them. "
Multiple worlds taken by clan Star Adder were hit with gigantic explosions. The clans warriors found themselves isolated on nuclear wasteland and if they had no mobile HPG with them, without the chance to warn or inform their bethren. However, at this point in history, it was clear that any warning will come entirely to late...
OOC: This is the sumarized thread for a lot of stuff that will go down until the ned of turn 15. THere will be about half a dozen roleplay posts explaining the situation and whats going on... "have fun"

"You are mistaken when you think that I enjoy this whole situation. But every action has a reaction. I have merely the duty to be the bearer of bad news this time and apparently, have to work with the little information I have. Right now, this embargo has no real effect on your nation and you are aware of it, if you have not used the clan Star Adder as a cheap tactic to strike the Cappellan Confederation and truly have just a transfer agreement towards Terra with them, I ask that your Regent makes a official statement about it yet, not a puplic one... because this would most surely warn ComStar. If however, our fears are true and this is a plan to strike the Confederation, we await at least a proper declaration of war. The situation can be solved quite easily and we can return to normal relationships in no time, yet this has to be done by the Federated Commonwealth. My duty is to talk to you, bring to you the words of the Coordinator and his advisors, but I also have the duty to bring him your words... So if there is anything I should know or inform him about before I am being escorted back, this is the chance to tell it to me. "
" Minister Allard,

let me say, that we were the ones that were surprised... but this is not about the approaches of Clan Star Adder and Clan Hells Horses towards you.
It is also not about that you allow them to move past your realm to reach Terra,
the Coordinator has made more or less, a quite simillar offer.

Yet this is about our concern about the integrity off your nation.

Let me say, that if any khan would have taken our offer of free transit towards Terra, we would have never allowed them to strike through our territory another nation, even if it was our most dire enemy, a position we would have thought the Federated Suns in only a few years ago... but this is past, right?"

he made a short pause...

" We do acknowledge that the Federated Commonwealth has seen dire conflicts and great losses in the past years and for the stability of this Inner-Sphere, we moved great amounts to show a good will... be it by the project you have with the ARAR, your lords we rescued, the Amaris conflict, the ComStar conflict in which we were partners... Yet we do see you continiouly torpeding this efforts... If the Federated Commonwealth does not change it's course, so sadly we will have to. "

" We see your support for the clan, invading our ally as disrespect of everything we have offered you. This is not about them moving towards Terra... otherwise your men, would not stand on the bridge with khan Zakary Truscott, which are..."
he seemed to begin to search on the next side of his notes....

"Not mentioned with their names because of..."

" oh... well because of the intelligience embargo... I will come later to that... Let me continue..."

" You use the Star Adders merely to solve your conflict with the Confederation. I admit, we do not know the details of your... agreement... but disappointed we are at your choice. "

"Therefore, the Realm of the Dragon, will withdraw all forces readied for your support, from your realm or your borders. Furthermore there will be restriction on trade-agreements for warships, space stations, military infrastructure and of course, military equipment. Also we can not share any intelligience with you anymore, since we must fear that it reaches enemies ears... Lastly, and just mentioned so you are aware of it... tenno Theodore Kurita has allowed the ARAR to finish their current deal with you, but afterwards there will be no more until this embargo is lifted. I guess the planned finish is at the end of this year? "

He sighed...

" We would be glad to see a move of the Federated Commonwealth towards peace and not another conflict, but with the move of clan Star Adder, we just see and fear the repeat of the last conflict between Federated Suns and the capellan Confederation, worsened once more bei foreign troops, just that this time, it are clanners and not warriors of the not any more existing, Lyran Commonwealth..."

" I ask at this point, that the Federated Commonwealth does not see this as a rise in conflict, but rather concern... I will give you that the capellan Confederation has seen simillar restriction, due to their continued use of the HPG-Netowrk and therefore their collaboration with ComStar. But we would have asked of you, if the ComStar conflict is truly the reason you allowed the Star Adders to move through, that you have spoken to us first, you would have been introduced to at least two plans, that I also don't know NOW because of this embargo, that would have solved this, peacefully... "
"Are this the actualisized troop sheets... wonderful..." -Kaori Matsumoto in her office
Follow up:,18957.0.html

10th July 3043
New Avalon

A formal letter reached New Avalon.

" Regent William Townshed-Davion,
the Draconis Combine is dissapointed to hear from your latest decission on clan-politic concerning the Capellan World of Weekapaug.

Ambassador Wakahisa"

It was more a short notification than anything else, but its overall duty was only to inform, not solve.
Follow up:,18034.msg57164.html#msg57164

Capellan COnfederation
DC-Fortress Embassy

Press was running wild, of course it was well known that the Draconis Combine was seeing ComStar as their arch enemy and therefore the question was valiable if the Draconis Combine would support a nation that did keep its bonds with their enemy.

So it was on Yama Kurita to hold a press conference.

"High-ambassador, is the decision of the House Liao, to keep up the bonds with ComStar influencing the relations between Confederation and Combine?"

" It would be a lie to say that the decision is not influencing the relations, yet we do acknowledge the reasoning of house Liao."

" How would the position influence relations?"

" Military, It will influence strategical planning on international level. Currently only the Royal Marian Repuplic and Capella are upholding their bonds with ComStar. And both are valiable targets for the invading Clans, as all nations that hold up to a HPG Network. Since all HPG-Stations are equipped by ComStar with explosives, we await devastating catasptrophes in the coming years of war. "

" How did the Draconis Combine resolve this problem, after all you also had a contract with ComStar"

" The Draconis Combine was the birthplace of a newer, cleaner and better FTL-Communication, we have privatized it and the companies comming from this have connected the whole known space with their networks. Furthermore we demontaged all explosives placed by ComStar and took appart every HPG-compound. "

That caused a moment of silence...

"So, there is no HPG-Network in the Draconis Combine?"

" There is no HPG-Network in the whole Realm of the Dragon. "

Wide opened eyes... he continued

" HPG-Networks have beocme the roots of evil and are seed for the atrocities of ComStar and the Clans. "

"Aaaalright.... High Ambassador, back to the Capellan-Draconian Relationship..."

" The relationship is good and it will stay that way..."

" But you said it will..."

" It will influence the relationship, yes, for isntance will the Draconis Combine keep delicate informations and strategies to itself. But this has not to concern the people of Capella. We are allies and we stand to our promises. Yet, it is no secret that we are disappointed, we often hear the word Star League and how it should be refounded, but this will not happen if we let atrocities, like the ones on Outreach and Northwind simply go by. "

"Hard words, are you sure that something like this should be said, coming from a realm like the Combine?"

" Are you, right now, insulting the Draconis Combine, on Draconis Combine territory?"

He went silent... realizing the hidden message... "Let...let me rephrase the question: Since when does the Draconis Combine holds this values so high. "

" While it is the will of our Coordinator to eaze tnesions in the Inner Sphere and it was Chancellor Liaos determinded position on the values of old. Furthermore it can be said that the draconian politic in this matter was changed entirely by Dieron. "

" There were rumors about the Combine having met a agreement after the war arround Titan. "

" Yes, we have... ComStar offered repair payments and we signed a 10 year truce with them to not engage each other. We met the agreement that we would hold up to this treaty, if they do not engage any of our allies. Since we considered the whole Inner Sphere, including the Federated Commonwealth, our allies at this time. "

Once more, silence

"Why then all ComStar workers have been deported. "

" With ComStars statement to fight the clans at Terra, ComStar reduced itself to a mere Comm-Company. We do not allow heavy armament on civillian companies. Furthermore companies are taxed, they refuced to be taxed, and rather relayed on their old Interdiction-politic. Sadly for them, we did not care at this point for before stated reasons. Since we also can not allow a mere company to threaten our security at any time they want and put explosives everywhere, they were deported. "

A servant was walking up to Yama, slightly bowing and he jsut nodded.

" Last question, " he then said...

" How is the official position of the Combine towards the Confederation?"

"The people of Capella have proven themselves as most trustworthy of our allies. The two nations are greatly supporting each other in the last years and we are looking forward to uphold this bond. We see them as brothers, in ghost and spirit and will be honored to fight side-by-side. "