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Messages - Altrak

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Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: September 12, 2014, 03:25:23 AM »
April 10th
Kir Zoban Space Station, ARAR

Incoming transmission to chairman Fernandez Cecilio Francisco.
"12th Deneb shall ready themselves for moving out. DCMS will give a transport service for Bryceland or Trancredi IV. Incoming Rebublic personal for manning the station within the next 14 days, all Repuplic and Combine forces shall ready  and prepare for further orders. Remanning of ground base concluded. "

Activity was shown on the DCMS forces, specially with the 9th Sword of Light.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:31:21 AM »
Lotus Regulars HQ
Media: N-TV

With the words: "In his memory we shall fight for the Draconis Combine. " The Lotus Regulars have announced a change of their colors to forever hold up the memory for Takashi Kurita, our deceased leader. The silverwhite Lotus on a red shield that ones was the crest of the Lotus Regulars, will be replaced with just a black Lotus in front of a green Magatama. The Brigades main colour will stay white.

Stay tuned for more news from the Draconis Combine.

Magatama: Imperial Symbol that was also used as burial object. Were also used as prayer breads.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Listing VIP's
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:51:37 AM »
Draconis Combine VIPs:
-currently none-

Draconis Combine Characters:
Isamu Ueda, head of Theodores security (last seen on Terra)

Notes: Will have to edit it after Dieron possibly.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: September 03, 2014, 05:15:35 PM »
in a commoners flat

A girl was looking the tank-academy advertisment with big eyes.
" No, you will not Emi. I would be scared to death if you were in battle, " sorrowful words of a mother...

" And they only show this because only cowards hide in tanks and woman are weak!" A young boy ran by having a mech as toy.

" You shall not speak bad about our armored troops, " the father said, then he turned of the TV. "Enough for today."

" But I wanted to see the advert!"

" Don't just watch an advert, if you truly believe in this than act as such and follow your orders. "

" Yes father, " the young girl saluted.

" Now go and do your homework."

"Yes father,..." she left.

" Please my husband, do not encourage her,... " the wife spoke silently so she can't be heard by the kids. " I couldn't take it if I lose another child to the army. "

He sat their silent looking to the family shrine on one special picture.

" You are right. "

Then he went to the family shrine and enlighted a incense stick.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:24:28 PM »

Since the last week cracking noises in phone lines, exploding antennas and glitching TV was the daily routine for many Luthien citizen. The electronic companys had a hard time and it sometimes even effected automated machines and working robots. Yet that didn't stop N-TV from broadcasting a new commercial for the Dragon Guard.

" This tradition, this culture, shall be studied by woman from arround the Combine to hone their character."
Woman in uniforms bowing before the watchers, than bowing before their tank were shown, finally they man the tank...

" They study this martial art, to hone their polite grace and their dignified feminity."
And the tank commander gives the moving order, the tank rolls out.

"Studying tank driving means studying to be a woman."

The rolling chains were shown.
" Hot and hard like steel. Loveable like the clatter of iron tracks."

The whole tank come into picture, firing the cannon.
" And of absolute deadly passion as the main cannon!"
A loud explosion destructs a unidentifieable target.

" If you learn to know the tank,..."
A tank parade is shown...

" You will be a good wife..."
" a good mother..."
" and succesfull in all you want to achieve."
Cheering masses in the backround while the parade drives by.

"When your body are sound and indomitable,
the goodwill of countless men is sure to be yours."
The woman that is tank commander waves her hands to the cheering masses.

"Let us all study the tank and the atillery and grow into beautiful, healthy woman."

Then in the end, adresses of female-only academies are shown, before the next commercial runs... for the Dieron Regulars

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:32:45 AM »
INN Alpheratz

" We are shortly online Mister President. "



The ARAR flag flying in the backround, Neil Avellar stood behind a pult with dozens of microphones before him.

" Good evening ladies and gentleman. Today is a good day, finally our efforts pay off. Pack your bags, because in the next breath we will be moving to the stars, retaking what was once our home. Our combined efforts... I excuse for this bad wordplay... have finally brought what we have ever dreamed for...  and what would have taken decades is achieved in less than 2 years. My hands are actuall shaking right now. Thanks to the researchers, doctors and scientists of Alpheratz, thanks to you all who have worked so hard to achieve this and last but not least, even if it is a break of tradition in your time of mourning, thank you Draconians. With this a old dream will come true. "

With this the message was closed but followed by news reports and talkshows who thought and argued about how the march to the galactic east will take place.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:11:21 AM »
Unity Place and Palace

The unity place was full of people, millions travelled to pay their last respect to the former Coordinator and to bring their small offerings, often in form of incence sticks to the temple and place before it. Richer familys, esspecially the noble ones, brought immense offerings as it was tradition in the Combine. Not all of these presents were goods, most of them were actual money, to pay for the cost of the burial and many hoped for a okōden gaeshi, the special counter present that was also tradition and would be given out by the Kuritan family.

However, the Kuritan family was not to be seen. Until Takashis urn will be put in the family tomb, a lot has to be done and even after this, a 49 day long time of mourning began.

The shock was deep in the Combine and a lot of officers, warriors, workers, nobles and officials took some time of to pay their respects. Who couldn't make it to Luthien, visited a temple and sacrificed their something or at home, before the picture of the Coordinator that was hanging in every household, often close to the family shrine.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:01:24 AM »
N-TV & INN Luthien

Aiko Mori readied her clothing while a coworker began to count down.

Million of households watched the last ad before the program switched to the daily news...

The show started normally, reporting about different occassions in the Combine followed by international news but was then cut for a special report.

" Attention citizens of the Draconis Combine. Our beloved leader, Coordinator Takashi Kurita has deceased. He was attacked by sinister murderers and managed to defeat them but ulitmatively succumbed to his wounds. His honorable death will be remembered forever. The Kuritan family has already begun the shòshiki (deathrites). The unity palaces temple will be open with the begining of tomorrow for the okòden (sacrifices and offerings) for a full week. "

With this the transmission ended and left a startled nation. Aiko Mori didn't know how to continue, as N-TV always reported live. Then she put a finger on the ear, clearly she was getting instructions. With a straight face she looked in the camera,

"Due to the recent events, we bring now a report about the great deeds of Takashi Kurita. "

And with this, the normal program was cut, for a memorial-report of the great, honorable, generous and militaristic brilliant former leader of the nation.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:23:59 AM »
Medium: N-TV & INN Luthien

A man with a black suit came into vision, standing behind a podest on which the well known "Aesculap-Dragon" was to be seen. He was balded an of arkab origin.
" Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I am Dr. Badhi Hafeez and will speak to you instead of lady Hinata Isu this day. It is my duty as vice-director of the Draconian Carritative Program to ensure that this message reaches all of you. While it is our honor to be founded so greatly by the Draconis Combine and we will honor it forever with our emblem, the DCP is by now more than just a draconian carritative program. Because of this, we announce hereby a name-change to the DCP, we are now the ISCP. This shall not only be a sign of our growing efforts but also a statement of our neutrality... "

The speech did go on, about duty, sacrifice and the hunger in the world, but the most important words were said. The DCP renamed itself "Inner-sphere carritative program" and besides the name, nothing will change.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: August 28, 2014, 12:55:48 AM »
25. March. 3041

Beeping noices, endlessly, one after another, then suddenly a single never ending one. Hectic moves of medical staff and in the end, silence.

"Move, move move, don't give them a inch of space. " Shooting could be heard from the japanese tea garden.
The Kuritan Bodyguard put up a hard fight, but was ultimatly loosing. No bravery could counter the sheer mass of intruders.

In the firefight a team of ComGuard stormed lady Hinata Isus room. The woman was wearing all white and it was this white clothing that stood in a strong contrast to the large blood stain that was on her front side. She must have done seppuku when the troops began to storm the tea garden. Behind her dead body, the flag of the Draconian Carritative Program was flying, unstained in pure white, with the black aesculap dragon on it. Then, a grenade rolled into the room, filling it with smoke, the lightning glance of sharp steel flew through it, cutting a head of. Firing and shooting continued.

Far more silent the scenery was from away. Then a explosion blew up a part of the building, one of the Kuritan guards must have detonated something. ComGuards advanced into to private chamber of Theodore, a Kuritan Bodyguard was blocking the way and was shot while he tried to throw another grenade. The explosion caught up the whole wing. When they entered the room burned bodys were found. Then, a third explosion at the other side of the building.

In the end, everybody was dead... corpse over corpse was lying in the building, it was a bloodbath. Not only what the ComGuards did to the Draconians, but also what the Draconians did unto themselves.

The Kuritan bodyguards returned to the heir, reported and took their new assigned positions. The security net arround the Kuritans was now even more tighter and the air was so thick that it could be cut by a katana.

Theodore just nodded when the message reached him and he thought about what advantage ComStar would get, in case they just shoot Ian, or bring him to "security", then he moved the next shogi-stone, he sighed... it seemed Kuchiba will win this game.

Terra, Sol System
Prauge, Europe
Japanese Tea Garden House
0340 Local

"How polite of him, to let me know that he meets with ComStar, " said Theodore, who was sitting in another room when the message reached him. The Kurita was thinking about where to place the next shogi-stone. His opponent was one of his long time guards and servants. Then he set a stone and both man smiled.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: August 16, 2014, 06:18:09 PM »
In a nameless chamber, hidden from any surveilance and faces a head was silently lying against a window... crying. Mechanical noises filled the room and from behind the glass damp jade green light was filling both rooms. Endlees continued beeping noises penetrated the silence.

"Why... "the mourning was not heard, not by the gods, not by the machine, not by any other human beeing.

How many time has passed? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? What pain lies before, what pain lies past? What will the future bring?

"Why..." High pitched noises of a drill were no satisfying answer.

A man was shaking his had, having an argument with another, holding papers in his hand. 'Outrageous' was the best adjective to describe the shadows. And a alarm was ringing.

Hate... endless hate... Hell will be a paradise to what will come...

" Yes, we were. While I would not mind further movements to improve the political situation in the inner sphere, I have to admit that we found ourselves... unprepared for this meeting and how it did go on. " was the surprisingly friendly respond of Theodore Kurita who stood up to great Sortek with a short bowing. It surely was unfriendly to speak while one person was sitting and the other standing.

" Surprised is an underestimation... " was the blunt but also friendly responding of Neil Avellar, who also stood up to great Sortek.

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