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Messages - Altrak

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Theodore raised an eyebrow while the Primus was leaving. This was the shortest and worst militarical and political meeting he had ever been to. Was ComStar really expecting that the houses end the periphery, reform the Star League, give away 70% of their troops and start a war with a far away and foreign realm just with a single 'Yes'? Without providing any deeper information on any topic? This was more than odd...

" Strange that only Marik made it here, besides us... " said Neil with silent voice.
" This is apparently the next thing that wonders me, right after this proclamation," was Theodores answer. "This is all completly different from what I suspected to be happening here. "
" I was also surprised by their 'strategy' for the Periphery Realms, " Neil continued.
" So was I,... this is strangly direct and  offensive for ComStar. Also, they did know that you two... " he looked from Ian to Neil and back. "Will be here. We notified the whole delegation. What would have happened if any other Periphery Realm would have been present?"
" Excuse me lords, but I will leave this meeting, " came from Hinata Isu.
" I wish you a pleasant travel, lady Isu. It is a shame that the matter of the crisis was not mentioned. But fear not, we will make your proclamation then via INN. " She bowed sligthly before Theodore and the other gathered nobles " I thank you kindly for your troubles " and went to leave.
" How shall we proceed? " continued the President.
" Well, this already has such a strange taste that it is not waking my hunger in any form. We will leave early and maybe I will take the opportunity to talk to Marik. Any other suggestions?"
The draconian delegation of course stayed silent.
" I am fine with it, when the newest family member is fine with it, " sayed Neil and looked at Ian. What lead to horrified looks by the Draconians... how could he speak so easily of his opinion. "And you should probably speak to the Primus... an upset Primus is never good. " Theodore nodded, nobody could argue with that.

"I fear there are far too many unanswered questions Precentor Martial to make it with a few words. Reforming the Star League would take months of political negotiations and not only for the purpose to determine who will lead it, but to bring rivalries and feuds to an eaze. This counts also for the troop movement,... if any is willing to give 50-70% of his troops to this cause, what is an immense amount and highly doubted possible by my side. What is your time plan for all of this? How many years do you think it will take? Yet, even if we would agree to this mission I fail to see the gain of it. But maybe the greatest problem here is something completly different. We were notified that this shall be a meeting about the ongoing crisis, not an 'all out war'-meeting for a far away realm. Excuse me if I have to say it... but this all seems far to hasty and abrupt. "

The Kuritan delegation began to talk under each other and that was most likely what was happening at this moment to every represantative, at least Neil Avellar thought so and took a look around who was gathered here. Also he was thinking if "How about no? " could count as valid question.

Theodore Kurita took a look at Ian Kurita-Calderon just to make sure he didn't jump someone in the face. A short gesture followed, to keep calm and silent... for now... followed by a blink with the eye. Right now, thousand question were running through his Theodores... this all seemed strange and sudden.

It should be a couple of days before the first DC jumpship will arrive with the desperate try to inform Theodore Kurita, but even then... it would be even more days until the engines could make a jump away from the system.

On the surface, Theodore was sitting with the newly married couple, having a tea, or better...trying to give Ian a first hint on what a tea-ceremony ment. It was a good and silent time and Theodore looked in the round... next to him Neil Avellar was sitting and on the other side... Ian Kurita-Calderon and Hinata Isu. While it was Florimel Kurita-Calderon who was serving the tea. Still... Theodore became uneasy... the missing of his father was on his mind. Had the Archon started an attack that would hindre Takashi from coming? No, his would be to dangerous for her at this point of history. Also,... why was no other houselord on Terra? Something wasn't right. Normally any house would have followed the call in some way...

Apparently, it was to late...

to late... for the news of the incident in the Forbidden City to reach Theodores ears.

to late... for the message of the Archon to be read by the heir.

The entourage of the Combine had already landed on Terra and so, their destiny was unsure.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: July 03, 2014, 11:44:29 AM »
October 24th 3040
HPG Message from Luthien

To: Olivia Fenlon, Dutchess of Chesterton,  Minister of Foreign Relations
From: Lady Hinata Isu

Royal Peeres,

I thank you for bringing me the words of the First Prince. Yet, I must ask you what actions of my house did brought you to deny the program. I am sure, that neither you, or the First Prince mistook the house Isu for the house Kurita?

I also do not have any informations regarding Northwind or the Shin Legion, nor do I have to do something with the Draconian politic or goverment. I worked hard on a clear separation and I will work to further show and improve this. The DCP works apart of the Draconian goverment body, what was readable in all free media of the inner sphere. Apparently, I am also the wrong person to adress if you have political interrests concerning the ARAR. But I am the right person when it comes to our ongoing projects in this realm.

And excuse my words because i must ask you: Do you have ever have been to a battlefield? Of course food, medicine and shelter is needed, this is most common on all battlefields. While I do not know of the interrests and plans of the Confederation, I can ensure you: They do, at least care enough to contract us. I surely do not defend their war or their doing, but they opened their doors to make us able to reduce human casuallities. There is also no way that our sendings could in any way improve their ability of warfare. These words are a implifying that whe do smuggle goods of war, but I can ensure you, that we do not and that we double check our employees, from whichever nation they may come.

As the DCP is a humanitarian organisation, we ship our goods on a regular basis with other civillian contractors through different nations throughout the inner sphere and on no custom examination, were dangerous or dubious goods to be found.

For last, you might have misread the contract your Peeres... because the DCP is free of cost... you may donate but you must not. Your realm and its financial expenditure, are not of our concern to be functioning.

Your Peeres, I will take your message as a polite no, which would have been more than enough. I do unterstand your concerns, and would like to proof by our futures work... that they were not needed.

However, if you ever feel that our help would be needed, I would warmly welcome you, as my doors are open to everyone in the inner sphere.

I wish you a good life.

Sincerly yours,
Lady Hinata Isu

It was a few hours later, when on the same jumppoint, more or less near to the "golden dragon" a second jumpship appeared. Now, there came movement into both of them. Shuttles crossing the void between them. And short encoded messages were exchanged. Then the "golden dragon" and the "TCS Foxland" were as silent as before... and for further hours it shall remain so.

At last, the dropship of the Combine was asking for permission to land, being advised a position at the spaceport... the dragon had landed.

In the void above Terra

Without a sound the draconian jumpship "golden dragon" enters the zenit-jumppoint of the system. All talk, all arrangements with ComStar where done to a degree, the Combine found acceptable. And there, at this jumppoint it remained... silent... not a uncommon thing to do for a jumpship but while its sunsails unfolded one thing surely did not happen. The launch of the dropship.

The cigar shaped structure remained there. Seeming to wait for something...

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: July 02, 2014, 10:34:11 AM »
With the first day of the last quarter of this year, DCP ship finally began to reach the warzones of the Inner sphere. Be they in the far west and south of the FWL or at the north end of the newly conquered territory of the Capellans.

Landing on the planets surface, first camps and military hospitals were raised, where the infrastructure was no longer present. Fullfilling the contract the noble houses had agreed to, for the better good.

DCP officials exchanged their informations with the FWLM or the CCAF and battle secure zones where found, at least for the moment.

It were most basic things they brought with them, food, a warm carpet, tents, water. But as different as the warfields and the planets they receid on, so were the needs of the population and as indifferent were the reactions of the civillians and soldiers alike. Some refused the helping hand, glaring at the aesculap-dragon on the soldier of the workers, other were jsut to eager to take it.

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
« on: June 27, 2014, 05:37:30 AM »
INN Alpheratz

A nice looking guy in a suit comes into the viewers eyes, next to him lady Isu from the DCP is sitting.

" Hello and good evening, my name is director Harald Smith and I was the former director of the national bank of Alpheratz. I am very proud to announce you that the Draconis Combine and the ARAR have signed an agreement to found the DDAB, meaning Draconian Development-Aid bank. We all know how much progress was already made in our to nations but as it was said so many times before 'we want to share'. Many nations out their can't afford the cost intensive civillian programs but we offer an solution. The DDAB  will give credits to get such civillian programs to run. You need a better infra structure? You get it. The DCP will arrange everything with the Draconis Combine engineers, while you get the money from us. For all the paperwork we just take a 10% onetime-tax which than can be payed back over longer terms, so that your economy doesn't have to meet to much restraints. Our investors would gladly give money to you, you just have to ask. "

He then turned slightly to lady Isu which said:

" Let us build a brighter future in the inner sphere, were we don't have to watch our children starve but instead... go to school, play and grow. Then within our children, recides the future of the inner sphere. "

- Applyable to all civillian and non military technologies. For further information please ask your DDAB advisor -

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: June 27, 2014, 04:18:47 AM »
N-TV-Studio 3

"Today we speak with doctor Yarin Sunimase, from the Dragon Guard."

"Doctor, it has come to our ears that the FedCom has brought star-league era weaponry to function, the so called PAL, Power-Armor-Light of the Nighthawk type. What does this mean for our soldiers?"

"Apparently it means nothing. While it is a great doing by their researches that we have to acknowledge they managed to do nothing new. The Luthien Armorworks have already managed to bring functioning suits to production status and the Luthien Regulars, for instance, are already trained on the suits."

" So you mean, the Combine isn't behind the other nations when it comes to amory?"

" It actually seems that we are ahead, as we always be. The Combine has the largest budget on research, we made great arrangments with our allies and I personally think that the whole inner sphere will have this technology in no time."

"How does this come?"

" To get the advantages we have now, the Combine signed multiple contracts with many nations. We always proclaimed that the will of the Coordinator is that we are the leading researching nation. But we also said, that we will share the light of enlightment with our contractors. And by the draconian honor, we keep our promises."

" One last question doctor. What awaits the infantry men of the Combine?"

" The ability to rip appart a mech, face to face, with good chances for winning. "

" Does this mean the PAL systems are superior to the mech?"

" No, logically it is the mechs weapon systems that give it superior fire power. That will not change, but the armored infantryman can underrun the weapons of a mech, jump to the pilots face and literally cut him out of the cockpit. "

" Any further additions?"

" The Combine has already given the demilitarisized suits to the DCP and is training pilots from all signing nations for a special task force, which speciallizes in rescuing mech pilots. With the PAL running, enclosed pilots will finally see a chance of beeing freed. "

" Thank you for your time."

She turns her face to the camera

" Once more, the Combine is a way ahead on technological matters, proving to his allies as honorable as ever. We look forward to a great new infantry in the DCMS. All hail the Coordinator."

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
« on: June 27, 2014, 02:17:35 AM »

Gunyo-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita speaks to the houses of the inner sphere
"Lords and Ladies,
nobles of the inner sphere,

while the Draconis Combine understands that every faction has the interrest to keep its territory save, as it is the matter with the house Davion, we also understand that a nation wants to retake its home worlds, as it is the matter with Liao. Also, we understand the bond and the honor to defend your family and allies. We accepted the fact the Capellan Confederation would get an answer for their undertaking and declared it a conflict between the Federated Suns and them. While it is normal to aid your ally in time of need, it is not acceptable that the Lyran Commonwealth moves this hard against the house Liao.

So I unfortunally must declare, that if further involvement of Lyran troops in this crisis continue, the Combine will have to take further steps and this will include military movement. I am awaiting an answer from the house Steiner and no answer will be marked as disagreement to this demand.

However, since the noble houses will meet on Terra, I offer a third option: We all lay down our readied weapons and stop battling for as long as the negotiations go on. In which case, I am awaiting a short writing from every nation involved in the conflict, copied to every other leading house.

I am looking forward to your responses and hope for a fast solution. "

With this Theodore Kurita bowed slightly and the videotransmission ended. Leaving only the crest of the Combine on the screen.

"Are we seeing the begin of an even larger conflict, or its end? For INN-Lutien Marta Yakamoto."

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: Draconis Combine RP Thread
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:50:42 AM »
Throughout the inner sphere

Throughout the inner sphere the Draconian Carritative Program began its work. Buildings were rent, structures raised and employes hired. It all started on the capital worlds, like Atreus or Sian and ended with strategic important ones. Hundreds of people, citizens, were receiving courses for their new jobs.

Shuttle pilotes, for instance received extra education on emergency maneuvers or how to fly in battlezones while medical staff or engineers got extra courses on how to deal with civilians or victims. Everything was strictly supervised. The Draconian note was all present and definetelly something new for the non-DC-citizens. Some left, because of this harsh tone but it was accepted on behalf of the DCP. For instance ever employee had to take multiple tests... of intelligence, physical fitness, psychological stability.

Next new thing was that DCP workers received multi-pass allowing them to freely travel between the signer-nations as long as they were on a assignment. Excluding a holiday once in a year, in which case the worker was allowed to use it freely for private purpose. It was clearly a extra added to make the program more interesting for the broad masses.

Chihiro Usaki was sitting in her office, looking through the records... "So we have 27 tripple A's from the FWL... 17 from the CC, 23 of the DC, 9 of the ARAR and 2 of Lexington and 9 from the Taurians. Well, still some places left open. But we can send out the first wave of invitations. "

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
« on: June 10, 2014, 03:43:16 AM »
INN Luthien


Hinata Isu has announced that the Draconian Carritative Program will start its work throughout the Capellan Confederation as the Chanellor has signed the respective agreement. We asked lady Isu if this was the reaction of the house Liao due to the latest tax increasement of ComStar on which she responded:

" The house Liao was, like all ruling houses, addressed way before ComStar raised its taxes. It is just a coincidence that we managed to finish the negotiations now. The DCP is a complex organisation and many things must be put into concern. "

The DCP will begin shipping emergency provisions, blankets and tents to the CC borderworlds. Mobile medical centers and refugee camps are in planning, as they must be situated in safe-zones around the battlefields.

" We are in contact with the CCAF and are very happy about their cooperation. We also hope to get into contact with the AFFS and the LCAF when we begin landing. "

As the negotiations are going on, we are wondering how many nations have already signed the agreement and it seems that the ARAR, DC, CC, FWL, the Realm of Lexington/New Earth and the Taurian Concordat are already in.

"We are proud to announce that we manage to talk so many nations into it in such a short time, I didn't expect this, but it also shows us that the great houses want to do set a sign for their people. We are also very grateful to the houses Marik and Liao, they did not only sign the agreement but also became donors to it, giving us the possibility to hire more ships and take more widespread possibilities into calculation. "

Does this mean the Inner sphere is looking at a great new age of humanitarian help or will the program fail? While we speak plans are made for DCP-hospitals, spaceports and research centers throughout the Inner sphere. We can't even imagine how much money is put into this, but what does this mean, for our future?

This was Hieron Yukasame from Luthien

Faction Roleplaying Boards / Re: INN News Thread
« on: June 03, 2014, 03:33:39 AM »
INN Breaking News
Autonom Repuplic of Alpheratz and Ramora

We come to you with breaking news from Alpheratz, it was announced that the ARAR joins the Draconis Combine as new member state. Former Outworld Alliance troops are to be integrated in the DCMS and the DCA. I am standing here on the plaza before the parlament of Alpheratz and what you cannot see is the draconian jump- and dropships that are right now landing on the spaceport, officials of the Combine are arriving together with troops of the DCMS. On New Samarkand the engagement ceremonies of Omiku Kurita and Mitchell Avellar carry on while the restructiorisation progress has already started with the signing of contract. Civilians and officials are relatively calm about the matter since the Combine has invested huge amounts in the rebuilding of the ARAR without making demands or adding of military pressure. Rumors even say that the state-contract was a idea of Neil Avellar himself, which he brought before the Coordinator Takashi Kurita. Right now there are no specific informations what the contract fully contains or what happens to the noble Avellar line.


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