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Messages - Altrak


The full Shin Legion stood in the middle of the Genyosha and Sword of Light Regiments. More than thousand mechs have assembled on a great plane on Dieron. Surrounded by dozens of Dropships, this mighty asset centered arround Theodore Kurita who was preparing to hold a speech. At his sight, sho-sho Asano prepared for the words he wanted to say...he moved from Theodore's right to the podium.

"Men of the Sword of Light and Genyosha, and women of the 3rd Genyosha Regiment... You are the flower of the Cherry Tree that is the DCMS.  You are the finest and sharpest minds and skills of our realm.  Over the last 6 years, you have helped the Dragon regain much of it's honor lost in the 4th War.  We have more work to do, but i know the Dragon can count on you, when your are summoned, to do or go beyond your duty."

"Gathered with us today is the honorable Shin Brigade.  Having fled their realm, they came to us as Ronin.  They were dishonored, lord-less, adrift...  They have won our trust and they have honored the Dragon with their loyal service.  I know i speak for all when i say that i would be proud to fight should to shoulder with our Shin Legion compatriots.  I thank you all in the name of the Dragon for your service."

Said Asano followed by a military chapel, than Theodore Kurita stepped forward.

"Nonetheless, the Shin Brigade is standing for a reason before us... they will leave the DCMS. I hereby declare the whole Shin Brigade Ronin. They must leave the Combine and may never return. If they do so, they shall be hunted down and killed. Whoever swears us loyality does so for a lifetime. It was their service which allows me to recognize their leaving, but Ronin they are with the crossing of the borders, masterless and honorless since they leave service... alive. You fought well, you fought with honor, you fulfilled your duty as long as it lasted. You came from the Capellan Confederation, dishonored and masterless. While our realms are sepparate, I must not explain to you the oaths of a warrior, of a samurai. You know them all to well. So leave now and never return. "

It were harsh words, but so were the rules of the DCMS. Asano already said what they thought about the service of the Shin Brigade. The brigades sho-sho kneeled before him... the Kurita marched forward and ripped him of his colors and marks of duty, took away his sword and threw it to the ground. The former Capellan let it happen silently. At the end, he bowed down completly, thanking the Kurita, for his grace, for the service, they were allowed to do. Once more, the Shin Brigade was homeless. Once fled from Capellan territory and now expelled from Combine territory. Yet, that was all what he wanted...

added ending:
He raised his head and wanted to give order to leave... when Theodore once more spoke on... " I hereby order the 10th and 11th Sword of Light to ensure, that you reach Capellan ground, by all means. I will not allow you to die somewhere else as by the hands of your old master. The man bowed down once more... he didn't expected this...
New Samarkand

It was a beautiful day in Yamashiro, both sun and the moon Chūai were standing on the bright blue sky above the continent Shimoji. Millions filled the streets as a big parade was heald. Confetti flying through the sky, and circus artists danced down the huge boulevard. Honor formations of ASF forces raced through the air, drawing beautiful bands of smoke in the sky above the city. Childs ran through the streets to get a better view on the parade, eating sweets they buyed at local stands only to be dazzled by the aerospace forces in the sky. What a great day for the Combine. Everything about this festival was sent through the Inner sphere via INN or N-TV. It was a big anouncement...

Theodore Kurita was making last arrangements to his traditional clothing, looking in the mirror to ones more think about this, he had no joice, not at this point of history. He didn't like the arrangement... but why? Was it because his father has done it? Or had it different reasons? It didn't matter. " My lord Kurita, you are awaited." He nooded and left the gaderobe.

Omiku Kurita was standing in a corridor, staring at a beautiful painting of her grandmother when she was dancing. It was this dance when her grandfather fell in love with her. She smiled, but only shortly. " Are you ready my dear?" " I am nervous..." "You don't have to, you are so well prepared, I know you can do it. " Tomoe hugged her daughter. Revealing her growing belly. "Wish me luck,..." Omiku wispered to her belly. " We both will, " her mother responded.

In a relatively silence cabinett Coordinator Takashi Kurita signed a contract. "With this, it is signed. " The other contractor smiled at him, wildly shaking the Coordinators hands. Dozen of fotos were taken this instant.

Sakade Ayame was adjusting her skirt before the camera turned on for the live-report, the camera man nooded and she began to speak: " Today a festival is held on New Samarkand to celebrate a great and memorable happening. President Neil Avellar form the Autonomic Republic of Alpheratz and Ramora has visited New Samarkand to sign the joining contract for the Draconis Combine. " While she spoke these words the Coordinator and the President gathered upon the balkony of the old regency palace to speak some short words about friendship, partnership, unity, honor, trust and the bright future and a lot of thanks were spoken to the citizens of the Combine who so willingly gave their food to the starving. Then the Coordinator stepped back... and looked to his side were Theodore was standing. The son and the father were glaring at each other. But then Theodore marched forward and spoke to the masses. " While these contract ensures every detail between the Draconis Combine and its new memberstate, it is my honor... and a personal pleasure to make another anouncement." Instantly he had the attention of everybody on the place. " I hereby anounce the engagement of my daughter Omiku Kurita and Mitchell Avellar. They shall marry when they are both of age to represent the bond between the Draconis Combine and the Autonomic Republic of Alpheratz and Ramora. " The masses cheered and screamede in excitement. And with this said, ones more the fifteen formations of the former Avellar ASF thundered above the place and confetti canons were fired. Omiku and Mitchell came forward, holding hands as a symbol. The 6 year old boy was really nervous while the 13 year old girl had seen a lot of festivals and puplic events by now. Then the highborn nobles returned to the inner of the palace and let the commoners have their festival. While the stunned Sakade Ayame needed a few seconds to gather and continue her report.

It was in the enclosed walls of the former capitol palace were a traditional ceremony took place. A dancing court was encircled by a table, one half decorated in the colours of the house Kurita and the other in the colours of house Avellar. In the middle the "couple" was sitting, next to them the fathers, their wifes and so on. Everything was tightly organized and the athmosphere was very formal. Such an engagement is, after all, more buisness than anything else. It was between two courses when Omiku stood up to do a traditional dance to honor the ceremonies. Mitchell was of course to young to appreciate such a thing and it was his father who had to ensure that he didn't stood up and began to dance also. It was up to Tomoe to ease the pressure in Theodores mind... sometimes he was exactly like his father... not that she dared to tell him that. So she started a chat about their stiff men with Rebecca deSanders who amused joined her. It was shortly after when both men raised an eyebrow and began to chat about the nonsense their wifes were talking. Neil Avellar insisted that it is called "a pie in the sky" in the ARAR.

For the first time the tension sunk and Theodore accepted it. It was once more his father who was to blame... not the Avellars and surely not their kids.... In the meantime, Mitchell has used the failing attention of his father, to join Omiku on the dance. Shocked silence and wide opened eyes from the servants followed, while Omiku stopped to dance and her insecure eyes wandered through the room. " It is tradition in the ARAR that the engaged couple dances together, " Neil said and Theodore just nodded. So the kids continoued their dance, which was clearly more chaos than anything else, with the burden and the weight of two Nations on their shoulders...
Somewhere in the Combine: Daily life II



Colorful lights, heavy rain, high skyline. Pesht was a dark place at this time of the year. Tropical weather brought tropical storms... not that this was something you wouldn't expect on such a planet. Peht was still a highly forested world but this didn't counted for its capitol city and more than ever since one company after another began to construct a office here. Through the masses a young woman was running with her umbrella, she reached a slim building and opened the door via keycard. A elevator took her to a high floor were a long corridor led her to her flat. Door after door went by only  2 or 3 meters between each... She opened it and entered her home. The flat was small the room she was standing in was kitchen, lobby in one with no more than 4 square meters one door lead in something described best as toilet-shower, with the shower base being also the toilet pan, there was no basin, for this there was the kitchen... Te next room had one small window and a desk was standing before it. To its left and right side there were 2 bunk beds... 8 People lived here, her whole family... she was so proud that they could effort a own flat of this size and jumped in her bed... it was her own personal space, consisting everything she owns... cloths, books and so on. By Draconian standards... they were upper middle class. She had a "good" life... full ensurance and a 12 hour work day, with a free weekend every two weeks...

Today she will meet with her friends going to a karaoke bar and drink some sake... she got a bonus for her hard work in the last months. She took out her tablet and opened a mail... A friend of her had painted her... ... as cyber samurai. She followed the link and read through the comments... well, he had quite a hand for this stuff... and she dreamed of a future as idol.
N-TV and INN

" Stupid Mori bitch, " it was the former news-speaker Ryoichi saying these words... or better, what was left of him. Months he spent in prison and was under investigation. Justice had its own working in the Combine, if you pledged guilty, the system was merciful, if you pledged unguilty it was harsh. Yet, he wouldn't be the one blamed. He knew it was Aiko Mori who suspected him, what she didn't knew was that even he had some pride,... but was it pride... or the fear of the system that gave him the strenght to go through all this? It was fear,... fear for what happens to his family... In the end, he was spoken free, but his former position was gone, like for many others of the old Studio 3 crew, his boss and many more. Yet he was angry... angry on the person which tried to dishonor him and the traitor that costed him so much. Lifelong twisted propaganda made him think that these people are to blame not the system, not the golden pillar.

" You are live in 3...2...1..." then he heared the bitch's voice greeting him from his chair. " Good evening Luthien, good evening Combine. It is heavy weather here on Pesht, yet that didn't stop the ceremony. " Behind him a huge ComStar banner was flying in the wind. " ComStar has anounced that it will build a communication center here on Pesht. The work on the huge facility has already begun. Buisnessman of the whole military district are anouncing their plans for departments and centers on Pesht. " He was hard to understand but the subtitles gave his words to the masses. " Is it true that this is part of the latest development plans of the Coordinator? " "Yes miss Mori..." ... bitch... "... a official message reached us that the Combine has made a contract with the ComStar for at least four more installments on Combine territory. This was also verrified by the newly promoted high-ambassador Akane Hayashi. She is also present right now and was given the honor of the first delve of spade. " Then the signal broke down, to harsh was the storm... Aiko Mori improvised with her sheets the rest of the report, but it was already clear... the Combine is getting a more dense HPG network.
N-TV Studio 3

Aiko Mori was bringing her daily program to the Draconis Combine. This time, the Draconian Carritative Program was presented. "It is my pleasure to welcome Hinata Isu, from New Samarkand to our Studio. Lady Isu, you are the represantative person of the DCP or its more common name 'Caring Dragon'. What can you tell us about it?"

" Well, I am very honoured to be chosen for such a task. Since this month, I am not only the Represantative but also the Manager of the program. I was promoted by the Coordinator this week, which is the reason I am on Luthien. "

"Congratulations, lady Isu. The DCP was originally thought as a program to feed the starving ARAR nation. What changed? "

" This movement started as a gesture of the noble houses of the Combine, donating to the ones in need and was initiated by Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita. However we changed now the structure of the program and with the approval of our great Coordinator it will become a own organization within the Pillar of Teak. "

"Will this influence the Draconian civillians or the ARAR population by any means?"

"It will not influence them. Every civillian of the Combine will have everything he needs. This is the highest priority of the Pillar of Teak. Also, it will not influence the population of the ARAR. We will see for their needs with the overproduction of foods the Combine has. The thing that changes is our founding, as we now receive a steady budget from the Pillar of Jade. Furthermore: Theodore Kurita wished for a cross inner sphere carritative program. The DCP might answer calls from the whole inner sphere, regardless of the nationality. "

" This will surely silence the calls that this program is just a hidden invasion of the ARAR. "

"Whoever said such a thing, dishonors himself. The Draconis Combine is the most advanced and generous power in the inner sphere, brightening the future for billions."

" You surely are right, lady Isu. What will be the next target of the DCP?"

" We will probably send help to the worlds between the Capellan Confederation and the Federated Suns. As many worlds are in dire need of goods until this conflict has settled. "

" What is your position in this conflict?"

" I have no position in this conflict and neither has the DCP a position. We are a carritative organization, we help everybody, regardless of nationality. "

" So you break with the long held grudges of the nations?"

" I have to,... I have not forgotten my ancestors dying in the battles of the past. But for my mission I have to look to the future. "

" I am sure this will bring you the respect of untold masses lady Isu. One last question: How do you plan to move through battlezones and conflict enclosed borders?"

" I will start negotiations with every power of the inner sphere, the organisation has its own jumpships and a small unarmed fleet. We will make arrangements for free-travel agreements and secure zones for our camps. "

"I thank you for your time and wish you progress and success on your way lady Isu. " Aiko Mori turned her head to the camera. " With this our interview ends and I wish you, once more, a satisfying evening. Good Night from Studio 3, Nation TV. "

Once more, pictures of marching troops reached the ether. A military parade was held on Luthien. The Unitiy Place was filled with thousands of people while the honor-formations of twelve regiments marched over. A military band was playing and Takashi Kurita was staying on a balkony, sorounded by the mechs and armed man of the Otomo.

First, a small honorformation of the First Sword of Light marched in, they turned right and stood in front of the Coordinator, while next to them the Inheritors of Light took position. Then the Coordinator began to speak: " Due, to the great deed you did to the Combine, i shall hereby rename you... First Sword of Light. From now on, you are not longer the ivory dragon... you shall be known, as the water dragon." For a moment there was silence, this must be a reference to the latest missions of the SoL. Yet, nobody full understands it, as their last assignment was shrouded in mistery. But there was a group of mercs somewhere in the space, that will get the reference. The royal mechs and their pilots bowed down to the Coordinator while the masses cheered. Then Takashi Kurita continued to the Inheritors: " You are the childs of the First Sword of Light, inheritors of their will, their tradition and their armory. So you shall inheritate their title... ivory dragon and you shall be known, as the Ninth Sword of Light." Ones more, his words were followed by exultation of the masses.

Then Takashi stepped back from the speech pult, the formations turned left and marched on.

Then a very long element of the parade came. Nine full regiments of the newly formed Lotus Regulars marched by, one of them was a mech formations and two tank regiments. The rest.... infantry. The remarkable thing about the Lotus Regulars was however not their composition out of a huge amount of infantry, it was the fact that every regiment of the Regulars was equipped with Star League era armory. Second remarkable thing was, that the Lotus regular regimentsnumbers were between 100 and 135... it was during one of this closeups that the Coordinator pronounced that the 100st Lotus Regulars, the first Mech regiment of the Brigade, are in fact the 100st mech regiment in service to the Combine.Third remarkable thing was, the second time in one year, the Combine mobilized an army, large enough to conquer a smaller nation. First the dragon guard, now the Lotus Regulars.

Then the last formation marched in, a small honor guard of the newly founded 3#Genyosha the "Womans First and Only". Tai-sa Yuuki Hadono was piloting her heavy mech down the boulevard, always messuring with her eyes the position of her girls. Only a perfection was acceptable. Most of her pilots were recruited from the Dragon Guard, only a few made it from the civilians and even fewer came from the high houses. Hadono had choosen at least one of every social group to take place in this parade. While it could not be seen by the civilians, it was a sign for everyone high enough to read the records. She liked symbolizm, and so it was no surprise that she had tatooed her right arm, with the name of every founding pilot of the Genyosha#3. In a perfect line the formation reached the unity palace balkony, the Coordinator right before them. A slight squeel of joy passed through the internal comm, comming from Chikako "Chika"  Fujioka. "Keep it down Chika. We don't want to mess this up on the first day. "O'right tai-sa-chan. " Hadono rolled her eyes. Fujioka was the first official mech-pilot-fangirl of the Combine. While it was not as uncommon as thought, that a young womans dreamed of having their way with the Kuritas elite, Fujioka took it to a whole new level. So the formation turned to their right in front of the coordinator and the tai-sa left the mech to stand in person before the balkony and the long stair chase that lead up to the Coordinator. Still, heavily guarded by the Otomo. Then Takashi began his speech... about duty, honor, and the challenges that awaited them in the future...
Reaction to:,18150.msg48107.html#msg48107

The prefect of Kesel was zipping tea when the messages from Skye reached him, well... he spit out quite a bit and surely the tea ceremony has to be cut off. He was going fast to his office while he thought about the whole situation. He was strictly against the giving up of the lyons thumb, he knew this would lead to disturbances but even he didn't expected this much aggression. He made a call for Benjamin... and Dieron HQ and asked for reinforcements while the DCMS troops readied themselves.

When Skye falls, Alphecca was next and then Kesel... and with a blink of an eye, his whole beautiful prefecture was in a civil war. But this was the ground of the Draconis Combine, he will not give in on the "will of the folk". His wife and his councellors tried to calm him. The Combine was not the agressor in this revolt. They were the benefactors that didn't reach an agreement. If any protestors start moving in his prefecture, he will be ready to take action and so not only the DCMS readied, but also the "friendly persuaders" the Civilian Police began their increased patrols through the streets, caring their police stunner visible for show... and the quite more often used riot-control-shotguns.

Somewhere in the Combine: Daily life I

Somewhere in the Combine a young boy saluted in front of a picture at the small family shrine in the corner of the room. A short prayer followed  while a single incense stick was glowing. After the short ceremony he looked outside the window of the living room... his class comrades were playing ball, but there was no such thing for Osamu. After school, he had to go to work. He went outside, respectfully greeting his mother and leaving. As every day he went down the street, crossed it, and set his way forward to his workplace... As he entered the building by once more crossing a dirty street he walked by a waepon rack, holding some Sasumatas. He entered the office of his superior and reported for duty.

Osamus father was a DCMS soldier, assigned to police duty as it was common on many Combine worlds. His superior was a local samurai. His father died as he was shot down by a robber and his son inherit his position. It is Osamu who earns the little money for his family, but he is proud. Of course he would like to play or learn or draw but this way he might go to a military academy in a few years, study with the best. Today, he had to clean the boots of all men, and every day in the morning he is assigned as crossing guard. He has to learn about the police duty and the law and is sometimes on patrol on large festivals, helping the people out who are lost. In school, he doesn't wear the school uniform, but the DCMS uniform and he is the default choice for the prefect position in class. A heavy weight lies on his shoulders, always... but it is his dream to follow the footsteps of his father and he isn't the only one, there are olders and younger kids too, one left this year for the academy...

When he got home, he found his mother crying in front of the family shrine, he huged her before he went upstairs and kissed his already sleeping little sister on the forehead. Then he went to bed, he has to get up early if he doesn't want to be late.
N-TV-Studio 3

Aiko Mori was sitting at her table, reading the newest informations from the Combine. " The coodinator has announced the female mech warrior program currently running in the Genyosha headquarters. The news, that was spread by traitors, and contained an unfinished enlistment-call that hit the ears of millions before it was authorized. The test program of the Genyosha#3, which is actually running, will be overwatched closely, and shall the results be satisfying may influence further steps and programs for the Dragon Guard. "

The Camera was switched

" Furthermore, Theodore Kurita announced the founding of the first, cross inner sphere caritative program. Right now, dozens of jumpships are shipping goods, mainly goods of food to the starving worlds of the OWA. " Pictures are shown of the beginning unloading on various systems. The foods, handed to the people by sligtly armed Dragon Guard soldiers, which ensure security arround the drop points. Some pictures were shown of national politicans shaking the hands of DC-represantatives.
Suianheer, Kazanka, Bad News, Valentina
Outer Space

Dozens of Jumpships were waiting for the flight order at the OWA borders, every one had a different target, from here to Alpheratz and even beyond. Everything was planned and organized way before, uncountable amounts of shuttles transported the last freight upon the ships. The transmissions of them filling the empty void surrounding them. Then the jumps were engaged. Every world between the DC Border and Alpheratz received information that a ship of the Combines multiple transport companies was entering their system.
Sending date: 1.July.3040
Media: Nation TV & INN
Headline: the Coordinator speaks
Message: The sending startet with the Coordinator himself, standing on a podest, a read carpet leading to him, numerous samurai to both sides of it, building an alley of honour. Behind the coordinator the flag of the Combine was flying, sided by two flamming shallow bowls, the fire reaching near under the ceiling. Then Takashi Kurita began to speak: "With great interest we follow the latest events in the inner sphere. The Combine appreciates the freeing of the occupied realms of the Capellan Confederation. The nearly unresisting behaviour of civilians as of the military forces of the Federated Suns prove of the rightoutness of this movement, and the will of the folk homecoming to the arms of Sian. However, whenever a sword is drawn and interest clash, blood is spilled and we want to ask the Federated Suns, in all modesty, not to spill to much of the Capellan Blood, as this will truly soil their honour. "
Nation TV

"and now, for the weather, brought to us by Miss Fujimoto, " said Ryiochi. Camera 4 was turned on. The women was starting to give the weather forecast for Luthien as suddenly masked man stormed the studio. Screams could be heared and even some shots were fired and Ryiochis voice could be heared in the background "I have done no..." then a screen popped up... Technical difficulties... The break seemed endless but actually it wasn't much more time than 5 minutes.

" Good evening, my name is Aiko Mori and I am the new face of our news programm." The table, she was sitting at had some burnmarks. " And I am very proud to announce you that the new senior chef of N-TV is Katsuo Wakahisa. He was promoted today to this honourable position. "

She turned her face to camera 2

" Furthermore, news reaches us that the DCMS is right now interrogating traitors here on Luthien and further arrest are made on New Samarkand. Officer Itsuki Ueda assured that results will be received within the next 4 hours."
Luthien - Forbidden City

Takashi Kurita was sitting in his office, sighing... it was a long day and there are so many things to arrange. Then a shadow was showing behind the paper wall. Silently waiting and clearly bowing. "You may enter" he said. The door opened automatically, A servant, nervously shaking was pressing his face to the ground. Takashi raised an eyebrow "Speak".

"My great Coordinator. INN... The anouncement was sent."
His eyes became small slits.
"What announcement you speak of?"
The shaking became stronger.
"Start TV-Channel INN, " spoke Takashi with a commanding voice. A wooden plate sunk into the ground and a screen turned on. Takashi was seeing the Genyosha commercial and his face became furious.
" Inform the DCMS, we have a leak in Nation TV. Arrest everybody, interrogate them, if I don't have answers with the end of the day, executions will follow. Form an investigation team on Nwe Samarkand. I want answers... now. "

"Yes my lord Coordinator. " The servant wanted to close the door, but Takashi spoke on

"And bring me my son, he has to answer me some questions. "
Nation TV - "Studio 3"

" Good evening dear audience, today it is a pleasure to bring you the latest news from our beloved Nation. " he swung his head. The director gave sign to switch picture to camera 3. Ryiochi smiled...

"Today, and for the rest of this week the Nation wide well known Natsuno Contest is held, artist from all over the Combine are gathering to measure their skill against each other. Many famous man and women visit this event like the head of the famous hayashi house, lady Akane, which has the honour to follow a long family tradition of diplomats in the Combine. "

A young girl is seen on the screen, likely younger than 20, wearing traditional clothes and is tightly secured by a good dozen of body guards. " Lady Hayashi, how do you think about this years contest? " The girl turned her head to the camera, making a step forward and formly bowing her head, she spoke in a clear voice " It is, as always, a great pleasure to be her, " as she spoke on,  something walked by that looked like a 2,5m high mechanical Samurai. The girls eye gazed upon him, turning around, crossing her arms before hear chest making fists but leave the small finger straight and growling in a deep voice. "Muahaha Kokoru, you will never defeat me." In this moment, the Samurai did the same pose, and the two began to laugh insanely while it could clearly be seen that one of the bodyguards was facepalming himself. While a other started... "kazoku-shochō Haya..."

Quickly the camera shut down and Ryiochi continued as if nothing happend. "What youthful spirit... "

" This year, the contest is held on Kagoshima and as allways it is our pleasure to show you the last years winner."

Ryiochi looked a little stunned.
" Well that was ... surprising. "
But he fast regained his standardized face.
"With this, we wish you a good evening"
Nation TV - "Studio 3"

Ryiochi looked directly into the camera,...
" Good evening dear audience, today it is a pleasure to bring you the latest news from our beloved Nation. " he swung his head. The director gave sign to switch picture to camera 2. Ryiochi took on a serious face..

" It was announced that severall forces throughout the Combine have received marching order and are preparing to leave their systems. Yet, it wasn't communicated were they are headed. To the question wether this is a measure to the latest conflicts between the Cappelan Confederation and the Federated Suns it was said that these are unrelated. Rumors say that it might be a measure to the unknown location of the First Sword of Light. "

He then switched his head back to camera 1

" Furthermore, our great Coordinator Takashi Kurita has assigned Markus Kurita for a diplomatic mission in the Free Rasalhague Repuplic. However, the cousin of our great Coordinator wasn't reachable for a commentary. "

Switching to Camera 2

" Meanwhile the new educational program is coming with great steps. It was announced that the new curriculum will include the school subjects of 'Work, family, fatherland' and also 'Patriotism through faith'. "

Camera 1

" And for the last, the world of Leiston will become a control world, through the structural changes of the "Lotus District". "

Camera three, frontview

" We can truly say, the Combine never stands still. Good evening. "