Clan Star Adder IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:55:45 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


QuoteFrom: saKhan Bryn Cooper
Subject: Naval Rebuild

Greetings and Salutations,

Sudeten has taken from us, and then taken some more. The Terran Fleet will return and return soon. Other ships have been sighted headed to the Pentagon Worlds and the Kerensky Cluster itself. When the fighting ended on sudeten, several Clans had need for facilities to rebuild with and select clans were chosen to hold these facilities in trust so that rebuilding would go faster.

Now, we need a status report of the Clan Fleet. We can not make plans without knowing the situation. Please report back to me aboard the CSRS Snow Raven with the status of your repairs and where you recieved this assistance. There is no time for delay.

Senior Star Admiral
saKhan Bryn Cooper
Clan Snow Raven


On a hill several kilometers distant from the capital of Addergrad, the Khan of Clan Star Adder looked out, even from here the activity at the main and secondary SpacePorts were clearly visible, and while he could imagine he was alone, he knew he was not. One step behind him, and to his left stood his best hope for a final, or at least an extended, resolution with part of the Inner Sphere, while a full Star of Elementals and Battle Armored Infantry have taken positions around the hill at various intervals.

Shifting his gaze to the sky, Stanislav N'Buta addresses his fellow Warrior, "I asked you here this day Charlamagne for several reasons. One, I thought you would appreciate a moment of peace before I assign you a very important task. Two, to tell you in person of your new role with and for the Clan."

"I serve as needed," the former Cobra replies, "my Khan."

"Aye, that is one thing we have in common, the one real purpose of our individual lives, to serve the Clan. The Warriors, Scientists, Laborers, Techs and Merchants and their needs ahead of our own, personal dreams and ambitions," he says, followed by a heavy sigh.

Almost with a sense of remorse the Khan continues, "First you will be assigned to my personal Staff. Should I fail as Khan, and the need for a replacement come, it is you that I will see in my stead. As I served as a rallying point for the Burrocks after their Absorption, your Second duty will be to guide and integrate the Cobras into our Way. Instruct them, though be patient and firm, while they need time, time is the one luxury we no longer have."

"And lastly," the Khan locks his eyes upon the Star Colonel, "you will compose a message. A very important message, one that may cause more deaths than you will care to be responsible for, yet will hopefully give those now lost a new hope," he says as he passes a datapad.

Holding the gaze of Charlamagne, he further adds, "Contained on the pad are broad guidelines what I would like you to say and topics that need to be covered. Chose or ignore it all as you wish, but you will address billions of people that have not had any other alternative until now."

After Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner takes the datapad, the Khan directs his attention elsewhere, but does not remain silent for long, "I wish I did not have to lay such a burden upon your shoulders. I had wanted to wait on this for another year at least, three would have been even better, unfortunately reality, fate and our own past has determined such was not meant to be, thus I make do with what I have, in the best way I can."

While the Khan speaks, Charlamagne skims the text on the pad, his eyes widen in surprise, as a feeling of disgust wells up from his gut. Charlamagne's mind though recalls one of his earliest readings, the sense of dread from that time once more rushes back, pushing the other feeling away.

"Do you believe you can convince the populace that a 31st Century, Interstellar War of The Roses would not be in their best interests? Can you persuade a portion to shift their 300 hundred year old allegiance, one that has gained them little aside from near constant warfare, to the Banner of Clan Star Adder," Stanislav N'Buta, Khan of Clan Star Adder, asks.

Charlamagne does not answer immediately, his right hand moves to the small pouch on his side, attached to his belt. His mind already putting words to a question he wishes answered, one that requires a simple aff or neg as a response.

Almost without conscious thought he draws one card from his deck, unseen and unguided his fingers walk across the edges of the cards. His nails grip one card, pulls it from the deck and pouch. His hand and arm lift the card to eye level, revealing The Emperor, a sign on its own considering the task the Khan has just asked of him. The image was upright, answering his question, and in turn, the questions of the Khan.

After a few moments of disbelief, the Star Colonel replies, "Aff my Khan, I can and will try. Though I cannot make any promises as to what the future will unveil, only that I am meant to do as you require."

A silent nod from the Khan, whose gaze has shifted in the direction to the field upon which the Lyran Assault on Addergrad, then called Somerset, took place. And even though details cannot be made out, the scars upon the surface have not yet been erased by the weather and elements, the tiny, dark shapes of shattered 'Mechs still litter the field, though from here they look to be upright ants than colossal instruments of War.

Time slips away, the sun moves across the sky, and the shadows lengthen, engulfing the two Clan Warriors. A portent of things to come...............


Loremaster Addersyn rubbed his eyes, the acute pain behind them refusing to diminish, after nearly 40 hours of near non-stop work, he really needed a break, time to relax and let his mind ponder other issues. The recent arrival and batchall by the Shark Khan for Homer, former Capital World of Clan Cloud Cobra, and his stubborn resistance at refusing to acknowledge the Trial of Absorption as legitimate frustrated Dagmar. How many other Clans feel and believe the same, how many more will shift their attentions away from the Not-Named War for a chance to pilfer from the wealth of Clan Star Adder.

It's bad enough that several cloisters are of the same bent as the Sharks, believing themselves as being persecuted by the ilKhan. They can't see that if it wasn't for the Adders, they'd be taken piecemeal by other Clans that have little to no respect for Cobra traditions and beliefs. Being part of  Clan Star Adder, they'd still retain a small portion of their identity, as it would be incorporated into his Clan, the first Clan to ever successfully Absorb two Clans.

As the highest ranking Adder in the Homeworlds, Dagmar is of the thought that he may have to force the issue with the Grand Council and the other Clans that are of the mindset of Clan Diamond Shark, being under the false belief that the Absorption of Clan Cloud Cobra was for the full Clan and all its possessions.

Absorption Trials have always been for a Clan, a Clan in full, not portions of it, and for any right minded and thinking Clan to conceive otherwise is just proof that such a Clan has been infected, either by Spheroid or Scientist conspirators. Further delving by the Adder Watch into Clan Diamond Shark may be warranted, the Mandrills, or rather those that were Mandrill, as well as the former Cobra Clan are solid evidence that the Scientists in some Clans had more influence that was their due.

Yes, as Loremaster, Dagmar will have to issue some orders for deep Intel Ops into Clan Diamond Shark and its Scientist Caste. The last such Watch Operation did not reveal much, in fact the report was the the Sharks were untouched, which Dagmar cannot believe, all other Clans had been touched by the Scientist Conspiracy to some degree. The criminals within the Sharks may just be better at hiding their tracks, but some evidence is there to be found, and if any Clan can find it, it is Clan Star Adder.

Information is the first, and most important, weapon required in order to conduct a battle....of any kind.


Charlamagne's mind was distracted, divided, much like the status of his former Clan, much like the Clans in general. He, as a true Clansman, believed the Cobra Absorption was over and done...all that was Cobra now being part of his current Clan, Clan Star Adder.

Yet there are those who still cling to their belief that the Absorption was not legal. Cloisters denying the fact that their Clan is dead, eaten away by corruption from within. Clans testing the waters, so to speak, with lame reasoning that the Absorption was not valid.

Are they so insecure, so petty and jealous of the Adder that they would pick this time, seconds after having that thought, Charlamagne knew the answer....Aff, they are, and it is that individualistic attitude that will see those Clans fade into history, unworthy of Remembrance.

And with all that is currently going on, the Not-named now known to have survived, and thrived, in the Inner Sphere, and with War, true War, just beginning. Warfare of such scale is totally alien to the Clans, and every Clan is needed to do its part if the Children of Kerensky desire to survive.

On this day though, he had to focus, for he had a task to perform for the good of his Clans, former and current. The message he was about to record was of personal importance, and would test, even gauge his ability as an orator, as a future leader of Clan Star Adder if the Khan is to have his way.

And hopefully would give him additional insight as to how he should approach the task given to him by Khan N'Buta, the audacity of his proposal borders the insane, yet seems fitting coming from the young Khan, should it work, should Charlamagne actually be able to accomplish through words what years of fighting has been unable to, the Khan's vision will be that much closer to completion, and his reputation will be second only to the Founder's, surpassing what Ulric had managed during the initial Liberation with one Warrior.

Clearing his mind, Charlamagne mentally seeks out the words which he hopes will lead those astray back upon the proper path, restore their faith in The Way, bring them into the embrace of the coils of Clan Star Adder, as the honorable victor of the Trial of Absorption for Clan Cloud Cobra.

As the holovid begins recording, out of habit he pulls out his precious Tarot Deck, and begins a reading, the camera set to capture not only his face, but the pattern as well. He speaks as the cards are revealed;

"I am Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder. Several years ago, as a proud Warrior of Clan Cloud Cobra I was taken as bondsman by Clan Star Adder in a Trial of Possession, since then I have followed The Way as shown to me by my Faith, the de'Nostredame Cloister, a practice virtually unchanged since my time as a proud Warrior of Clan Cloud Cobra despite being an equally proud Adder Warrior."

"I speak to all of my fellow Cobras now, past, present and future, especially those of the future. I have been told of your reluctance to view the Absorption as righteous, of your denial of what has come to pass and of your refusal to accept what must be. Those Scientists responsible for the downfall of our mutual Clan, the aloof Cloud Cobra. That is correct, I said aloof, for to long it saw itself as holier than thou, and it has paid the price, for no other penance would suffice."

"For to long the inter-cloister politicking, a microcosm of the Clans as a whole. We all thought it made us stronger, and perhaps, in the beginning it did. However, recent events have proven otherwise, for much like the fractured kindraa of Clan Fire Mandrill, eventually the positions of the cloisters and ambitions of the ecKhans, became the focus, more important than the integrity of the Clan."

"By means of those self created divisions, those splits between Castes, and differences between individual Cobras, the dezgra criminals, those possessing the same spiritual corruption as the Traitor Lords, and Not-Named, gained undue influence and control of Clan Cloud Cobra."

"Now while many have been caught, and killed, during their misguided attempt at a coup d'etat, seeking to wrest overall control of all the Clans, many more are still unaccounted for. Free to poison the minds of those who believe they are more important than they are. They are still amongst you, amongst those who were once Mandrill, and still amongst all of Kerensky's Clans. Hiding, lying in wait, shielding themselves in shadows, knowing that time favors them so long as they remain silent."

"They, like the Not-Named, will strike when all of us are once more distracted and divided, operating under the belief that next time things will be different. I say there can be no next time, for the old ways are what have led us to this point, have allowed them to sunder the once mighty Cloud Cobra Clan, turning Laborer against Laborer, Warrior against Warrior, turning the entire Clan upon itself, causing it to feed upon its own flesh."

Cards continue to be lain upon the table, the configuration one of unusual complexity, and very rarely used, for those who do see this, and know the Ways of the de'Nostredame Cloister, will recognize it as a Destiny Reading. Such are hard to do, requiring decades of practice and understanding of the ways of tarot, being done but in extreme circumstances, and even then the outcome is even more rarely something that the querent truly sought to learn, being entirely opposite of his stated desire and wishes.

"I, like you, will mourn the passing of Clan Cloud Cobra. For centuries it was held in high esteem, even though often misunderstood, by the Clans. The Cobra influenced them all, as evidenced by the cloisters amongst them, but now, by its own inattentiveness, those same cloisters with suspicion and distrust. Some having been outright disbanded and outlawed because of the divisiveness the system creates, its members cast to the furthest reaches of a Clan's territory, or killed outright due to blind fear."

"To remain true to itself, its members, and its legacy, Clan Cloud Cobra must evolve, become more than just a single Clan with many heads, hearts and minds. It must set aside that which has been shown as failure. It must entwine its future with another lest its memories fade, and unite those hearts and minds once more, becoming one Clan controlled by one, visionary and enlightened head. A time of testing has befallen it, tests will assail those who carry the Spirit of the Cobra, and most will fail, their faith being insufficient...."

Charlamagne's voice changes, its pitch and tone becoming detached, monotone yet passionate, directed at none in particular, yet aimed at just one specifically, as many who hear and see the message will claim later. Only in less than a dozen instances has such been legitimately verified as happening, where a member of a cloister has in actuality connected with The Way, speaking on behalf of, and for, the Universe.

"Those who refuse to see beyond the Cloud will surely fall to earth, crushed under heathen Spheres, despoiled by the Unnamed, and lost from all Remembrance. To honor the Cobra, to honor The Way, one must honor all, respect all, yet place the Whole above any one, so look to the Stars."

"A Trial will be the Sign, through defeat the Cobra will become greater than itself. Add yourselves, your Faith, your Way to those who follow the Stars. Absorb amongst yourselves the Future Way, the past teaches much, but it is Dead."

"Look up above the Cloud to be shown the Way of the Future, for the Stars shall guide. The Wisdom of the Cobra shall be embraced, enhanced and balanced by the respect and honor shown by the Stars. Those of weak Faith, without Honor, without Vision, shall descend into Darkness, forever lost amongst the Forgotten and Corrupt."

Being totally unaware of what had just happened, Charlamagne continues his oration, "...thus I implore those Cobras who are still true to the teachings of their Clan, of the Great General and his son the Founder, look to your Faith, your true Faith, and become one with Clan Star Adder. The diversity of its citizens, its Castes, and the mutual respect they give one another, is what makes the Whole greater than the sum of its parts. It is the Unity we have all striven for since the Founding, yet the majority only offer lip service to, preferring to maintain the status quo and their own, personal and individual ascendency, as they forsake the very ideals and goals upon which all Clans are descended from. The first, and True Star League!"

A few keystrokes later, and Charlamagne's video was sent streaming across hundreds of light years. And under standing order of the Star Adder Watch it was reviewed at every HPG station, with nearly every witness experiencing a surge of pride, not of him or herself, but of and for the Clan. Their wants, needs, dreams and desires they now knew would be fulfilled, but only if the Clan's was met first.

For in order for all individuals to benefit, Clan Star Adder would have benefit as a whole. If one Caste were to suffer, then the others will feel the same, much like how when a pebble is thrown into a calm pond, eventually those waves reach the shore, as its entire volume is affected by just one small disturbance.

Several take it upon themselves to relay the Star Colonel's message under higher priorities, not caring about the consequences they may endure (none are chastised or punished for their initiative, most being commended after the fact) in order to ensure that the message reaches its intended destination that much sooner. And instead of weeks later, it is mere days before it reaches the worlds of Home, Babylon, and all other worlds once claimed by Clan Cloud Cobra.

In cases it is literally broadcast only to one person, who then passes to another, or others, the process repeating itself hundreds of thousands, millions, of times. It takes time, possibly to much time, but eventually it is viewed by every person who claims to be of Clan Cloud Cobra, whether that claim is past or present, each person is then forced to examine his place, his status, and that of Clan Cloud Cobra, and for many it is the most difficult task they have had to undertake in their lives, and the decision they make is one that they will have to live with for its remainder, for this is the ultimate test of Faith for them.

Will they pass or fail............


Turning his attention back to the persons in his office, Khan N'Buta addresses him companions, "So you were saying about the issues with the tainted Legaices?"

Cassius and the IS Scientist adKhan look at their Khan in amazement, as the few comments they made to each other on that topic was said in low tones so as not to interfere with his addressing the Grand Council, though IS Intelligence Adjutant Adderson has gotten used to his protege's quirks, some more useful than others, simply repeats what was said, "Not so much tainted as mixed with comparable genes. So while those scientists that were part of the Conspiracy did commit a crime, they sought to improve our Bloodlines using samples that would minimize inherent flaws in Adder Lines."

Nervously, the adKhan adds, "Ye-ye-yes Sir. One of the few things we have determined is that even with the tampering, those that were tampered with was done so in an attempt to compliment the traits common to a particular strain."

"An example please," asks the Khan.

"We-we-well," the adKhan stammers, though before he answers the Khan further adds, "Mine, tell me if my genetics carry traces common to a Clan not the Star Adder."

Going pale, his hands clenching the arms of his chair the adKhan swallows, "We-well, if you're sure you wish to know. Gran-gran-granted you put yourself at the top of the list, bu-bu-but I hon-hon-honestly didn't think I-I-I'd have to inform you so soon Sir."

"No need to fret my friend," Stanislav says as he pours the man a glass of water, "take a moment and calm your nerves. I asked so that I would know, which I will pass to the rest of the Clan regardless of what you tell me. I will not hold you responsible if the news is not what I have hoped for. I am not a Smoke Jaguar after all, of that much I am positive."

Taking the glass in his trembling hands, he move the liquid to his lips, taking deep swallows in a vain attempt to regain his composure, not stopping until the water is drained. Placing the glass back upon the Khan's desk, he inhales deeply, releasing the breath in one massive burst as he relays the information that was requested.

"Your genetics are not pure Adder," he begins, the Khan not looking to surprised at this revelation, "we've identified markers linking you to the Clans of Cloud Cobra, Burrock prior to their Absorption, Steel Viper,, Spirit Cat and Ghost Bear."

The adKhan was shocked at the reaction of the Khan, he actually smiled, not that I have an idea smirk, but a genuine smile. His smile is the kind that denotes satisfaction and pleasure, even Paladin Adderson was confused at Stanislav's demeanor.

"If I did not know you better," Cassius says, with more than a bit of disgust at hearing that his Khan is not pure "I would guess you are pleased at the results," he adds with a note of sarcasm.

"Why should I not be friend," Stanislav says, his voice also carrying the timber of happiness, "I have just been given information that I hope will pull this Clan, the whole Clan together in a way it has never been."

Both men are now even more confused than before, and it shows on their faces, though Cassius leans back in his chair as he knows his Khan will soon inform him as to the why of that statement, the adKhan however just stares blankly.

"We have amongst our people at least three factions, all of which still cling to their own identity to various degrees. The core and majority being those that have been raised as Star Adders, those that still cling to their Burrock heritage, and now Clan Cloud Cobra, even though a number still refuse to recognize our successful Absorption."

"I have just been informed that I am of all three of those differing personalities, and hopefully the better qualities of them and the others. You told me earlier that in the eyes, minds and hearts of many, I, reluctantly, am Clan Star Adder. Well now I can be Burrock or Cobra as well. I will acknowledge all parts of Clan Star Adder by the acceptance that I am also Burrock, Cobra, Viper, Bear and Cat. By being seen as each separate piece of the puzzle that Clan Star Adder has become, I can rearrange those pieces unto that unified picture that has frustrated us since the Burrock Absorption."

Still beaming, Khan N'Buta continues, "As you know, Clan Star Adder has been a strong proponent for inter-Clan cooperation and Unity. Can you think of a better way to embody that philosophy than to actually be it," he asks, though both men sense the questin is more rhetorical than one he expects answered.

"In a few weeks, I will address the Clan. I will admit to them that I was touched by the Conspiracy, years before it was revealed. And while the actions of a few is still reprehensible, we do not have to allow it to affect who and what we are. We can learn from it, just as we learn from every experience, ours and others, and make ourselves better than we were. That is one of Clan Star Adder's greatest strengths, a trait that only Clan Wolf can boast of being our equal."

"We have always taken what works for one Clan and made it our own, now we will be sorely tested at proving that to ourselves," Stanislav says with resolve, "Inform those of your people that know and urge them to refrain from spreading the details. This is something that must come from me. By showing, no, by being unconcerned, retaining a air of confidence of surety in myself and my actions, then those who are also of mixed blood shall we say, will see that they too have nothing to fear or worry over. Once more I will set the example," he says with a sigh, "I will show by my actions that I am more than just an amalgamation of genetics, it will be my deeds that ultimately will be judged, not the makeup of the man."

The two Clansmen, one a native Clanner, the other an adoptee IS native, finally understand what the Khan is saying. In a sense the Clan itself can be thought of as a Living Being; with the Castes, mixed and pure Bloodlines, Absorbed Clans and IS natives each being a segment of its DNA.

And as crazy as it may sound, it will work for Clan Star Adder...the other Clans will likely not be so successful should they attempt the same. Their mindsets are overall to rigid, to narrow to conceive of trying to use this incident to their advantage, a few, very few, will try the same, and will have some success, but compared to Clan Star Adder, they will be but imitations, poor ones at that.


EcKhan Odinsson Eaker, after having overseen the relocation of those few cloisters that had remained loyal to Clan Cloud Cobra to the worlds of the Tanis System finally had a few moments to himself. And though he has been out of the loop, he still has some resources left within the other cloisters, and they kept him apprised of current events on Homer, Babylon, and the other former Cobra Holding within Clan Space, as well as the still defiant cloisters that continue to revolt against the outcome of the Absorption. While having ill feelings against the victors is understandable, the Clan way is to accept and earn a new place amongst them. Clan Cloud Cobra was betrayed from within, and judged by the actions, as well as the inaction, of those few.

Odinsson may agree with the feelings of those who still refute the ilKhans decree regarding the Fate of the Cobra, however had those who still believed in the Clan, the Way and the Founder fought for Clan Cloud Cobra, instead of for the perverse ideas that had poisoned their minds, a venom as toxic as that which consumed the original Star League and those who still claim to be House Lords, then perhaps his former Clan would have persevered and been the victor.

But no, they believed that a new order, one led by intellect and logic would be more viable than that of ability, and the knowledge of what it truly requires in order to maintain the tenuous hold of life on the Homeworlds. The sacrifices, the pain and suffering, the lack of so much that is taken for granted in the Inner Sphere. The House Lords have long coveted the title of First Lord, and no true Clansman wants that title. To restore a Star League, one that actually followed the tenets and philosophies of the Original is their goal, and those with the vision, wisdom and charisma to see their Clan bring about that creation become Khan, though again, not for the desire of that Rank, but for the freedom it allows them to guide their Clan along that treacherous road.

To many have been lost along it already, of twenty Clans, only 9 of the original remain. Two have changed names due to outside influences, while another, one fractured by the same turmoil as his own former Clan, has remade and relabeled what remained of the original. Yet another still claims the name of one of the 20, yet under various Khans has undergone more changes than the Clan as a whole, and cannot be considered the same Clan as it was. Those that are left, are no more, with Cloud Cobra and Fire Mandrill but the newest Clans to be added to the roles of those who have failed to demonstrate their right to survive.

Once more Odinsson Eaker is filled with regrets over the fall of the Clan that was his, so much that he again contemplates resigning his position as an ecKhan and requesting reassignment to either a solahma unit or position as a Caretaker/Mentor for a sibko. His belief in himself has been sorely diminished, no longer can he be sure, despite what Khan N'Buta told him during their conference, that what he believes to be best for his people to actually be in their best interests. In his mind, the proof lies in those that still claim to belong to Clan Cloud Cobra.

If they are so faithful, why did they not rise up to challenge the him when, during his brief tenure as Khan, he Abjured those cloisters that had deserted the Clan in its most trying time? Why did they not voice their distaste and act upon it when the ilKhan called for their Absorption? Where were they when it came time to fight against Clan Star Adder to prevent being Absorbed?

In answering those questions, Odinsson Eaker gained some insight to those that failed to preserve that which they claimed loyalty to. They acted as, and now behave as, cowards, unable to admit to themselves that what they did was wrong, they cling to the only thing that was right in their lives. Sheer desperation drives them now to hold onto the past as they hope for a future. The false prophets that lead them, led them astray, now voice words of defiance. Issuing their own decrees more than likely that call for resistance, believing that if they can hold out long enough that the Adder Khans and the ilKhan will have a change of opinion.

Odinsson laughs lightly at that, ilKhan Pryde is possessed by the same stubbornness so inherent to that Bloodline, while Khan Stasnislav N'Buta, in spite of being more reasonable than she, has his own agenda, one that has the near unconditional backing of his entire Clan. Yes, he, ecKhan Odinsson Eaker has read the N'Buta Manifesto, and like many, found most of the ideas presented within as outrageous, yet so much of what he proposes makes sense, and in conjunction with the success Clan Star Adder has experienced since his becoming a Khan, it is nigh impossible to refute the fact that his vision is coming to pass, more quickly in some respects than others, but still, their long string of victories, of their ability to bring together differing groups, the unparalleled acceptance they have gained between themselves and the civilians of those Inner Sphere worlds they now control, and the friendship of one of the major Periphery States indicates that Clan Star Adder is on the right path......


Odinsson Eaker, as the eldest ecKhan of Clan Star Adder and before that Clan Cloud Cobra, still felt the need to attempt, at least one more time, to convince those that were Abjured to move beyond what has happened. To realize that Clan Cloud Cobra is dead, part of a greater whole, he sees and understands so much more now, part of that being his reading of Stanislav's journal, he doesn't like the term manifesto, while his own contemplations and reviews of what had occurred within his former Clan.

So much was overlooked, or outright ignored, by so many people, including himself, that he now knew it was only a matter of time before the Conspiracy was either uncovered or totally subverted Clan Cloud Cobra. The Scientists, all those involved, had seriously underestimated how much the Watch of Clan Star Adder had improved since it had discovered the Dark Caste connection within Clan Burrock. Its abilities still amaze Odinsson, and is just another sign that times have changed, that the Clan have changed, whether it is for the better remains to be seen, though in his opinion, Clan Star Adder is the best equipped to adapt to those changes with minimal impact upon what it means to be Clan.

Should this fail, ecKhan Eaker is well aware that those who still claim to follow the Way of the Cobra will likely face extinction, and as things are now, with so few remaining true, that their loss will diminish all that survive, possible damaging the reputation and honor of those cloisters that haven't been purged from the other Clans.

With a sense of finality, he commences the recording of a message that will be delivered, first by HPG, then by those in place in the 'rebel' cloisters, eventually he hopes reaching the eyes and ears of their ecKhans. The odds of him being successful are extremely slim, but as his last act he will make the ultimate sacrifice, not only for his current Clan, but for the honor of his former Clan, Clan Cloud Cobra. For a change, the political acumen of being an ecKhan will serve more than the interest of his cloister, it'll bring together those that it helped divide.

"I am ecKhan Odinsson Eaker of the As'tru Cloister of Clan Star Adder, formerly of Clan Cloud Cobra, the last Khan of Clan Cloud Cobra wish to speak to you all who still fight under the name of that once proud, noble and honorable Clan. Friends, peers, even my enemies I ask, nay, I implore you to reconsider your current path. I know you still view yourselves as Cobra, for I do as well, but the time of the Cobra has ended. My acts as Khan were the final nail in the coffin that all of us helped construct. Our own divided nature, akin to that that of the Fire Mandrill kindraa, was instrumental to our downfall. While it was what united us in the beginning, soon our separate beliefs and views of The Way became our weakness. Instead of keeping our Clan focused on its path, it led us to many forks in that path, with each cloister taking the path it deemed best, and then channeling its energies into putting the whole Clan along that path. What we forgot was that all paths are part of The Way, and so lost our Collective Way."

"Our bickering and attempts at placing our respective cloisters, our personal needs, ahead of the Clan is what allowed the insurgent Scientists to gain a foothold within our Clan. It was our collective inattention to the Universe around us that permitted them to corrupt so many of us, all Clans suffered from this deficiency, some more than others as events have revealed unto us."

"During my thankfully brief tenure as Khan I did what I had to do in order to preserve what was left of the Clan, to keep the casualties to a minimum. Had the infighting continued it would have put what remained of Clan Cloud Cobra at the brink of Annihilation. No honor would have remained, our very existence would have been erased from Clan history for the acts some were committing under the banner of Clan Cloud Cobra. I refused to let that happen, and while the outcome is not ideal, it is considerably better than the alternative. Absorption was, and is, the best means of our survival. It allows us to continue, to be an influence on future generations, to guide another Clan along its path, its Way."

"So while it is not the Way of the Cobra, it is still the Way of the Clans, the Way of the Adder is noble. It is visionary. It is the future. No other Clan has the respect for the cloister as they, no other Clan will give you equal treatment as they, no Clan will give you the chance to redeem the name and honor of Clan Cloud Cobra as they."

"Clan Star Adder, thru their Khan, Stanislav N'Buta, has earned my respect. In return I have pledged my own, as well as my honor. And to fulfill that honor I ask of you to take your place once more within the Clans of Kerensky, accept the Absorption for what it represents, a second chance to fulfill the dream of the Founder. A second chance to accomplish what the Great Father could not. Become one with Clan Star Adder and you will get the chance to see, to do, what they could not, the formation of the True Star League will be within your grasp."

"I ask this of you, not only as a fellow Cobra, but as a Clan Warrior. As my surkai to those that believe I betrayed them when I called for their Abjuration I can offer but two things. A brief explanation, I did what I deemed necessary to preserve the Clan as best I could. And this," a ballistic pistol is revealed to be in his hand when her presses the barrel against his temple, "as surkai and incentive to honor the Clan we all called Cloud Cobra as we knew it, not what it became. I offer my life so that you may continue yours with honor. My life for the life for Clan Cloud Cobra, may my blood be the last that is shed of those who still cling to their faith. May my last breath be the breath of a new life for those who join with Clan Star Adder. May my last words be ones of hope in this time of despair."

And with that pronouncement, ecKhan Odinsson Eaker squeezes the trigger. The large caliber, explosive round erupts from the barrel, the sound of its exit coinciding with the bullet blowing out the left side of his head in a spray of blood, bone and brain matter.

The last image of Odinsson Eaker is that of a man at peace with himself at last, eyes closed and a small smile of satisfaction upon his lips.

Seconds after the discharge, the automated timing present by the ecKhan compiles, then sends the message to the planetary HPG Station. After a review by Adder Watch operative, who also was one of those who fought in the Absorption on the side of Clan Cloud Cobra, it is sent along at highest priority. The operative sheds tears over her fallen superior, but has hope that the last of the Cobras will be reunited with their kin, a silent godspeed by her is sent on the winds of prayer and faith to bring the soul of the man she briefly called Khan, her genefather is at last at rest.

Within hours, the last message of the last Khan of Clan Cloud Cobra reaches Homer, Babylon, and the other Holdings still being held by those that have been labeled 'rebel' by the Star Adder Military Command, now only time will tell if the ecKhans of those cloisters will listen, or die believing that they are still in the right....


Dagmar is tired, when the HW Watch informed him of ecKhan Eaker's last HPG message and its destination, he was enraged, his office still bearing the scars of his outburst. However, as satisfying and cathartic as it was, it accomplished little of any worth.

He ranted and raved throughout the entire ordeal, using some very un-Clanlike vernacular, interspersed with contractions and Inner Sphere derogatory comments about Odinsson's parentage, personal life and the like. Now though, he resented every word he uttered, Odinsson did what he did in an attempt to heal the wounds that the Cobras has suffered due to the fragmenting initiated by the Scientist Conspiracy.

Still, that he felt that he couldn't come to the Loremaster to express his thoughts and fears still left Dagmar with a heavy heart and bitter taste in the back of his throat. Dagmar feels older than he ever has, all the supposed wisdom, patience and insight comes with a price, a rather steep one he now knows. That price being witness to changes beyond his control or influence, the deaths of friends, the loss of those of like mind and beliefs. The price is the feeling of being alone in a sea of humanity that cannot relate to one's circumstances.

The messenger that brought him the news has stabilized, bearing the immediate brunt of Dagmar's tantrum, three broken ribs, compound fracture to left arm, dislocated shoulder, broken nose, right ear nearly severed and a concussion. Even though many will now likely speak of his possible emotional instability, none would dare claim that he has lost his Warrior's Edge after seeing the limp, unconscious and bleeding form of the Watch operative being carried out on a stretcher.

Once he calmed down, Dagmar Addersyn contacted Roland Turgidson, the Intelligence Adjutant and Watch Commander for Clan Star Adder within the Clan Homeworlds, offering his apologies for the damage done to his subordinate, as well as adding an order to accompany ecKhan Odinsson Eaker's final appeal to the members of his former Clan, any who laid down their arms and openly declared for Clan Star Adder, fought against Clan Diamond Shark as well as those who still resisted were to be offered immediate acceptance into Clan Star Adder at their previous Rank and Caste once the rebellion is crushed.

They would be questioned, their backgrounds delved into and scoured for any possible evidence linking them to the Scientist Conspiracy should they survive the conflict with the Sharks and more fanatical rebels. Far to much has occurred, to many lies and deception uncovered for anyone to be accept blindly, and if those who shift their allegiance to Clan star Adder seriously believe otherwise, then they have really fallen far from the Way of the Clans. Faith is one thing, but stupidity has never been an Adder trait, and any who still exhibit that trait will be put out of their misery and Clan Star Adder's membership......permanently.

Succumbing to his lethargy, Dagmar Addersyn finally makes his way to his bed chamber, the final though on his mind before he falls into slumber is for ecKhan Odinsson Eaker, I hope your Faith in your former Clansmen is not misplaced. May your Faith have finally led you to your rightful reward, and your Way lead those currently lost back into the Light that is Clan Star Adder.

Iron Mongoose

With their enemies running before them, Louis and Vinh had little enough to do but watch the news from the Homeworlds.  Louis was perticularly intrested in the Cobra absorbtion.  "Your friends in the Watch seem to be very presuasive.  They have gotten to the Cobras fairly well, and it looks as if they have produced quite the PR campaign."

"So it would seem," Vinh replied.  "Then again, they got to many of us." 

"You and I, Vinh?  It would seem they got us both." 

"Louis, you know to what I refer," Vinh knew he was playing dumb, or at least she hoped he was.  He had too keen a mind not to be, she thought. "Our old Clan, the Burrocks.  Look at how many of our leaders they won over, inspite of the orders our Khan gave to fight on."

"I followed thouse orders, remember" Louis reminded her.  "Who ever my Khan is, I follow their orders.  And I think had I not had to use an infighting veriant of my little Stormcrow, I might not have overheated and been taken alive."

For a brief moment, Vinh was moved. "I am glad you were, Louis," she said softly to her friend.  Then in a harsher tone, "if not, who would remind me all the things I wish to avoid in life?"

"Such as honor, loyalty, millitary prowess?" Louis shot back.

"Yes, thouse things." Vinh smiled.  "Once a Burrock, always a Burrock."


Excerpt from the personal journal of Stanislav N'buta

Once more the Grand Council's attention has been diverted from our Test, that is how I still view this War with the Not-Named, a Test of our adaptability, of our resolve to the Dream of Kerensky, both of them, and the desire to see it fulfilled.

Now while I agree that Amy Lynn's new Clan needs to be validated, there is a time and place for such, and now is not the time. The very survival of our society is dependent on the outcome of the War, for should we fail in the Inner Sphere, the Powers arrayed against us there will, of this I have no doubt, once more send an even greater force than what was constituted Operation Serpent to the Homeworlds, their task to obliterate every last piece and person that still follows the Way of Keresnsky.

Sadly, I have come to believe that we have been venerating the wrong Kerensky. No mistake that Nicholas deserves some recognition, but that so many have elevated him to Deific status makes his hold upon the hearts and minds of the other Khans a difficult binding to undo. Yes he pulled together the disparate factions, and yes he created the foundations for what we are today, and yes for the time we were isolated from our origins, those ways served us well.

Now, at this time however, such concrete adherence to those doctrines and dogmas is more a hindrance. As a Militocracy we Clans should be well aware and know the true meaning of the saying "no plan survives contact with the enemy", but that can be easily modified to "no culture survive contact with other cultures". I sincerely hope that others within the more adamant Clans are insightful enough to realize that the minute we came across the Outbound Light, our way of life as we knew it then was over.

Every decision made since that time has altered us, changed us in small ways, with each change having a ripple effect upon us all. Though unlike a pond that has been disturbed, we cannot go back to the way we were. To do so would be an admittance that we were weak, not worthy of continuing, that we failed in our charge of restoring a Star League more in line with the ideals of the Original.

Giving up is the one thing Nicholas instilled in our Founders that I intend to adhere to without question, mayhaps even blindly, however I will do so in my way, according to my feelings and what I see as best for my Clan. I do, however, intend to mold Clan Star Adder into something more reminiscent of the Star League Defense Force as it was under General Aleksander Kerensky, again though I will do my utmost to ensure that we are not a copy, for even though it did end the tyranny of Amaris, it was all to often used as a tool for the Corrupt House Lords in their dreams of conquest and greed. How to accomplish that I do not know, for if it cannot be done during my tenure as Khan, whoever follows me may decide to undo all that I have done up to this point, making all my dreams moot and actions meaningless.

Perhaps I will have to see that a copy of this journal is left somewhere, so that he or she can read of my thoughts and plans, much as how my earlier journals have become something of a Bible to many within the Clan, especially the lower Castes, which I consider a positive. It has galvanized so many within the Clan and drawn it together so that it more closely resembles what it was during those early years.

Naturally there are those who are against the changes I have wrought, there always will be naysayers and detractors, one advantage to being a semi-student of human psychology is the awareness that there will always be a group, or groups, that have other ideas that they believe are more legitimate, more traditional, or more effective. Fortunately though they tend to be small and unorganized...most of the time, as the Scientist Conspiracy proved.

While I can admire their dedication to their mission, for it must have been in place for decades, their timing left much to be desired, then again from their point of view it was near perfect. From the reports most were hardliners or the inexperienced, and thus easily impressionable and led astray. It is probably fortuitous that I was Khan at the time and not another, the mindset of most of my predecessors would have led to an evisceration of the Scientist Caste.

Had that happened it would have been only a matter of time before Clan Star Adder died, followed shortly thereafter by the deaths, the Annihilation, of all other Clans. Without our ability to gather information and plan long term based on that information, and change plans as more details are uncovered, the most ardent and vehement Crusading Clan will fall under the combined firepower of the Not-Named and their House Lord Pets just that much sooner.

Our tenuous alliance with the Magistracy is still high on my list of priorities, first though the Clan must end the standoff with the rebel Cobras and the opportunistic Sharks. Once that is concluded, a new Galaxy will be formed, correction, a reinforced Galaxy in a sense, for it will be the first that will be based on the Paragon concept. It will still be comprised of Stars, though the number of points comprising that Star will change. For the next step in our evolution, I intend to use the number six for the Paragon Galaxy, with six points to a Star, and cooperation instilled from the outset.

Starting at the sibco level every Warrior trainee will be paired, at a minimum, with another, every individual will be taught that in order for one to succeed, all must...if one fails, then all fail. The Whole will be greater than the sum of its parts, and while that has long been the philosophy of Clan Star Adder, it has fallen into disuse. If it the last thing I accomplish, the reaffirmation of that philosophy, with a firmer, more tangible practice of it, then I will consider my time as Khan worthwhile.

I will end this entry stating that I am still confident that the Clans will finally unite, in a way never seen before. I just may need to push them in the right direction by another "off the wall" proposal. One that Nicholas never planned for, thought or dreamed of, one that there is no current means to argue against exist. The only question is to whom do I make the proposal to so that it will not jeopardize the Clan, the War, and the Dream. I know who I would like to make the offer to, but that would likely get me executed, I can only push so far, so fast, and that would be over the line.

I suppose I will have to watch and listen, pay attention to the way a person speaks and what is left unsaid, observe the nuances of their body and what they do as they speak. Hopefully by doing so someone will reveal themselves as being open to such a radical other words, I will have to wait and see, with the added hope that they will reveal themselves sooner rather than later....


Stanislav N'Buta was deep in thought as he reviewed the latest Intelligence reports from the various Fronts, some dispatches from Adder Watch Operatives throughout Clan Territory, when one report caught his attention. The point of origin code marked as coming from the Southern Periphery, and the news brought a smile to his face, well this will certainly make things more interesting for us, though if I can convince the Council to make another attempt at Operation Pilgrim, I think I can persuade them to allow him to retain his Rank. We will need someone with the authority to make binding decisions. However, I suppose I should tell Tobias, and knowing him he will prefer to fight for the position, a proxy will...

Before he could finish that particular train of thought, his intercom tugged him back into reality, "My Khan," it was Rosaleen, his assistant, "IA Adderson is," as she said his name, Cassius burst into the Khan's office, his normally pinched and stressed features relaxed, bringing back a youthful appearance to his face, which bore a huge, toothy smile.

"Stanislav," he begins, seemingly his elation has overridden his normally firm emotional control, "Word from our forces engaged in our counter-offensive against the Terrans along our Periphey Border." Stanislav is greatly intrigued, for his friend, mentor and confidant to bring any news in person is highly unusual, let alone neglecting to his his Rank. Internally Stanislav is pleased with this shift in attitude, even though it is likely only temporary. It shows the Khan that his friend is capable of joy.

Smiling in return, "Well out with Cassius, the suspense is killing me. Especially considering that you normally do not make a habit of playing newsboy," he says ending with a small chuckle.

"Well...ummm....", not used to feeling flustered, Cassius Adderson quickly regains his composure before continuing. Stanislav does notice that the indicator light for the intercom goes off, causing him to furrow his brow, "Khan N'Buta, Clan Star Adder forces have had great success in pushing the Terrans off all worlds that they had invaded a few months ago, and while we did suffer some significant damage, the Terrans have suffered far, far worse. And I am not referring to simply the loss of men and 'Mechs," he states as he passes a datapad to the Khan.

Stanislav takes the pad, his curiousity highly aroused. Yes the news of victory is always welcome, Stanislav fears there will soon be a time when such will be rare, but what he reads was nothing even close to what he was expecting. To be honest it was something he had never even imagined, and he too feels what Cassius was likely experiencing when he first arrived.

"And the identity has been confirmed," the Khan asks, "Confirmed beyond any doubt or question, quiaff."

"Aff Khan N'buta, the identity has been confirmed via genetic testing," the Intelligence Adjutant replies, "and there is more, keep reading my Khan."

Stanislav does as the Watch Director suggests, he reads more, his eyes widening, "I want that machine brought here NOW. Replicate its schematics, I want three teams of cleared Scientists and Techs to work on reverse engineering those components if possible, spare no expense. One on Xagyg, one on Tanis and the last here on Addergrad. And am Overwatch Team to double check their findings" he nearly mumbles the last words as he brings up holo-maps of all Adder Territories, "Total isolation for all teams with triple security measures," he adds nonchalantly, the Conspiracy still fresh in his mind, and as far as he is concerned, it hasn't been fully eliminated from his Clan, nor the others.

"Now where do you think we should establish our Technical Overwatch Operations," he asks to Cassius, who moves closer to the Khan's desk so as to more clearly see the displays, "If things had worked out differently, here would have been ideal," he says as he highlights a former Adder world.

Cassius stares at the area, "I like this one," another world brightens, "sadly it, nor any of these others, are in our possession. We will have to remedy that soon," Cassius says, a slight feral grin pulling at the corners of his mouth.

Stanislav nods in agreement, inspiration lifting his spirits, "Here then," one final world brightens, concern coloring Cassius' voice as he replies, "Is that not a bit dangerous. That world is exposed and vulnerable."

"True, true, but would you expect such a planet to be the home of any important project," the Khan says, "Besides, I think that it would be a fitting tribute to that bastard for the world that brought his downfall to be the home of this particular project."

Frowning, Cassius has to speak his mind and feelings, "Under usual, or even unusual, circumstances I would normally agree, but now is neither. I understand your desire, well not really, but that is irrelevant. The Project I can see the need for, though considering its importance and sensitivity it needs to be in a secure locale. Perhaps for the time being a Project World can wait until the other teams have something that can be used, and during the intervening time we can occasionally review candidates for a Base," Cassius developing a bit of concern for the Khan, for it would normally be he who would suggest such a course.

"You are right friend," the Khan says, "It is good to see you thinking. Though waiting may not be necessary. I believe we can find suitable accommodations there," as he points to a world, "I can think of no better way than to put the labs that have caused us so much trouble to us to work for us."

Cassius, realizing that the Khan has tested him in a way, simply shakes his head, chuckling as he speaks, "Once more my Khan, you have gotten the better of me, and I can see the wisdom in your idea. What better way to cleanse the evil that was birthed on that world than to have it house the construction of the means to destroy another."

"Now that we have that decided, it is time to toast the skill and fortune of our Warriors," he remarks as he opens the link to Rosaleen, "what would you like friend?"

The two Clan Warriors place their respective requests which is shortly filled and delivered by the Khan's demure assistant, though before she leaves, Stanislav says to her, "We will talk later Rosaleen to discuss your inappropriate behavior earlier."

"Ye-ye-yes Sir, my Khan," she replies with some trepidation, now knowing that she had been caught at eavesdropping. Once she departs, Stanislav and Cassius then sit and offer up words of respect to the Warriors that their Clan has lost, and the deed that they have accomplished.

It is some hours later before the Watch Director leaves, and not long after that Rosaleen is called into the Khan's office....

Iron Mongoose

Their unit largely left out of the offensive one again, held in reserve against future Terran attacks, Louis had little to do but assist Vinh in running her intel reports.  It was a laborious process for him, pouring over the pages, looking for details that warented some attention.  She usualy tried to send detailed combat reports his way; Vinh was a skillful warrior, to be sure, and constantly tested as a Star Captian by the basis of her skill, she rairly led warriors in battle and was not as well versed in small unit tactics.  Louis didn't mind, of course, since the reports were often good reading, and he'd been known to steal a trick or two from another warrior by reading about it.  So when Vinh turned to him to ask about something she saw, it was little supprise.

"Louis, look at this," she handed him a data pad with battle resualts on it. "How reasonable is it that a lone Archer could have defeated a Binary of omnimechs?"  

Louis raised his eyebrows slightly.  "What sort of Archer?  What sort of omnimechs?  What unit?"

"Looks like elements from Kappa." Vinh's eyes scanned the report more closely, scouring her memory as to the names. "I think I recognize a few of these warriors from your old unit.  Decent troops with experiance against the Inner Sphere.  Against an Archer W, they should have had little trouble.  Stravag, freebirths and sibkids should have had little trouble."

"I hope the pilot was made a bondsmen, then.  Seems to have known his stuff.  Though with a record like that, he would likely see front line action before we do."

"Stravag, that is the truth, quineg."  Vinh read on.  "Neg, pilot was killed in the action.  Uniform identifies him as being a General in rank, and elementals performing salvage noted his apperant age only as being 'old.'"  The watch agent scratched her head.  "On site genetic test indicates Clan Wolf heritage."

"Bandits?" Louis asked, refrencing the hated Exiles.

"I would guess a decendant of the Dragoons," Vinh offered. "Seems to be a generation removed from being trueborn, while the bandits still use the iron womb.  Though they use testing as well, so its likely he was one of their better warriors at that rank."

"Most likely, though to be that sharp even past his prime.  Even the Black Widow or Jamie Wolf could hardly..." Louis' voice trailed off and Vinh's eyes widened as it dawned on them what they had uncovered.  "We need to get more genetic testing."

"I will contact the archives on Strana Mechty.  The Wolves should still have samples on file from that mission."

"Aff.  And I will inform our Loremaster.  This may be worthy of recognition..."


It's times like this where Khan N'Buta is glad that the majority of Clan WarShips carry internal HPG's, in addition to other assests not so well known. When he received word from Bruce Dickenson, the Star Adder Ambassador to the Magistracy of Canopus, the news frightened him, even more than the revelation of the Not-Named still surviving did.

Tharkad nuked, the Archon and Estates General most probably dead, their atoms now drifting down upon the entire landscape of the planet. He quickly convened an emergency gathering of the Clan Council and informed them of the event, all were outraged and shocked.

First the application of nuclear weaponry in the Homeworlds by dissident elements from within the Clans, and now this. Heated debates rose regarding whether the Adders themselves should prepare themselves for the possibility that they too would be a target, and how to respond if such were to happen. More than a few called for the Clan itself to break out their own small cache of weapons, to which the Khan vehemently opposed such a move, his supporters lending their voices. Soon the Council broke into smaller factions, each strong in its convictions.

Khan N'Buta had no other recourse than to table the talk on nuclear arms until a later time, right now he declared, they need to determine a course of action to save as many worlds of the crumbling Lyran Commonwealth, to which he laid out the details of what he and Carlamagne Steiner had discussed some months ago.

At the mention of his name, Charlamagne stood, all eyes directed to him, and at a gesture by the Khan, he moved down to the dais and for the first time in his life, he addressed the full Council of Clan Star Adder.

"My Khan and kin," he began, "here," he states as he holds up a data disk, "I have composed a message to the Lyran people. Originally it was intended for the Archon himself, though in light of the news delivered here today I had to make many changes, so pardon its haphazard dialogue."

He then places the disk into a holo-player, presses the play icon, watching and listening to his words alongside his fellow Bloodnamed of his Clan.

A few minutes later, in his quiet manner, he once more speaks to the Council, "There was much more I wanted to say, much more I would like to assure the people of, but time is no longer on our side. If we mean to shield the civilians of the Inner Sphere," he sighs deeply, "this may be our last, best hope for convincing them that their future, as well as our own, are intertwined."

"What say you, do we offer those who are desperate salvation? Do we extend a glimmer of hope and a chance at a future to those who have and see none? Do we act in accordance to the dictates of General Kerensky of the Star League Defense Force, our own principles, and move to defend those who cannot defend themselves? Or do we betray all that we stand for and simply sit back as innocents are slaughtered indiscriminately?"

The Khan then stands, moves to the side of the Warrior, "Fellow Star Adders, I chose Charlamagne for this task partially due to his name. For a persons name does hold power, we know this as we venerate the name of Kerensky. We live this as evidenced by our practice of awarding Bloodnames. To the people of the Commonwealth, the name Steiner has power. If by using that name to prevent the unnecessary death of millions, then I will use that power."

"Fortunately for me, this Warrior has a like outlook and agreed to serve as my surrogate to the Lyran people. Many will see this as un-Clanlike, and perhaps it is. However it is inhuman to allow such wanton destruction without trying to prevent it when one has the ability to do just that. We, Clan Star Adder, have that ability, neg, that responsibility to all civilians who have the desire to remove themselves from under the unenlightened and selfish rule of their Inner Sphere Overlords."

"This action will allow our forces to show the average person that we are different than what they have been led to believe. Through fear they have been lied to, the fear of their leaders having been fostered upon their subjects in order to preserve their status. Let us give the citizens of the Lyran Commonwealth another option, let us give them a voice amongst ourselves, let us give them Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder as their new Archon. What say you?"

Seconds tick by, glares and furrowed brows fill the Hall and monitors, then one Bloodnamed stands, "I say aff," he shouts. She is quickly followed by another, then another, within minutes most of the Warriors which compose the Adder Clan Council having expressed their support for this hair-brained idea of their Khan's, and when asked even he admits it was a longshot, having a very slim chance of actually succeeding. They, like he, believe though that it worth the effort, for if it does manage to work, they will effectively absorb all of, or at least a sizable portion, the Lyran Nation, saving it from exploding into scores of nuclear fueled fireballs.

Iron Mongoose

"I can't belive you voted for that nonsense," Vinh commented to Louis after the council meeting ajourned. 

"Let Charlamagne carry on with this, if he wishes.  If the people of the Inner Sphere wise up and realise what is best for them, then so much the better for them.  If not, then what is difrent from now?"

"And that fact that we let a crazy old Cobra speak for our Clan?"

"He is an Adder now, Vinh.  You are, too, you know.  And as a loyal member of our Clan, he will conform to the will of the Clan, if called upon."

"And if not?  If he goes rouge, or if he should succeede and become the stravag Archon and his head becomes overly large?"

"Then we will kill him.  We are warriors quiaff?  It is our way.  One would think that you of all people who not be opposed to a bit of assassination from time to time."

"Sometimes Louis, I think intelegance should be a prerequsit for voting in council."

"Win a bloodname, then."  They were always at one another.  It kept them sharp, Louis thought, as was the Clan way.  And, the make up sex was good.