Clan Star Adder IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:55:45 PM

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Another meeting in the Khan's office, the video link for the Grand Council off, and the audio set to broadcast so the Khan could keep an ear on the proceedings. Cassius had never considered doing the same, to him it just seemed, and still does, inappropriate.

Stanislav though was not Cassius, which has been a boon to Clan Star Adder. Of the original Invading Clans, only the Bears hold more territory, though they have not been exposed to as many Spheroid Nations as the Adders, well that is until recently anyways. Only the Adders took the initiative and actively sought contact with the far Periphery, and is still the only one with that interest as far as the Intelligence Adjutant was aware.

The Khan was sitting opposite Cassius on the other side of his desk, reading text messages from Mahone and Arluna. If it wasn't for Clan WarShips in those systems, and other, there would be no communication with Inner Sphere worlds, all thanks to the Interdiction placed by ComStar. Cassius is well aware of what the Khan is reading, his position allows him to screen any and all messages bound for the Khan.

"So Cassius," Stanislav asks, "we both have been duped it seems by one Adam Steiner."

"Aff, it seems so my Khan," the former Adder Khan answers, "we suspected he could have survived the Battle of Addergrad, though our belief was that he was still here, somewhere, as there are undoubtedly those who still support him."

The Khan has a thoughtful look, "I wonder if they would still be supportive if they knew he betrayed every ideal he professed to possess when he fought Clan Jade Falcon as part of the Somerset Strikers?"

Knowing where the Khan is going, Cassius offers, "Most would likely denounce him, others though would still remain. I shall increase efforts to ferret out sleeper cells, while you will request a copy of the INN broadcast to be forwarded from Mahone or Arluna no doubt."

"You know me well friend," Stanslav comments, "I intend just that. Of course there is always the possibility that more than a few will join that were not part of the Lyran Rebels, but the majority will be disgusted, I hope, and turn away from not only hum, but from the Lyran Commonwealth as well, finally embracing the Clan way of life."

The Khan looks his friend in the eye, Cassius' hands placed over the stylized Adder head of his cane, a finger caressing and tracing the fangs, "And what is your opinion of this secession of worlds form the Lyran State. As the Consul on Arluna said, I am inclined to honor their neutrality, so long as they do not impede our forces, and allow us to establish Enclaves on each. A strong security contingent in place as well," his eyes shine as that smile comes to the fore, "after all, they have been having some serious problems with bandits, and we have to be able to defend ourselves," the unsaid statement of if not them as well also in the mind of the Adder's Watch Director.

"Overall," Cassius says with some hesitation, "I am inclined to agree. I would prefer to take those worlds for the Clan, but the history of Kowloon tells me that they would be more of a hindrance at this time than a benefit. Better to let them have their way, and realize though experience that they cannot go it alone, or as part of a small collective of backwater worlds with little to no support," his attitude shifting into one of confidence as he speaks.

"By the way Stanislav," the use of his proper name being their mutual agreed upon way to turn a conversation from formal to informal, "why are you so interested in the worlds along the Periphery Border of the Lyran, or former Lyran, Commonwealth?"

That smile becomes more pronounced at the question posed, "Have you ever looked at the worlds we control, and their historical commonality, Cassius?"

"Neg, I can say that I have not."

"Apollo, Somerset, Von Strang's World, and the rest were all once part of the Rim World's Republic," Stanislav says, "and with the rise of Rowe's neo-variant still a threat, I thought it would be best to pull them all back together under our direct control. Mainly to thwart Daphne, but also to finally cleanse the taint of Amaris from the lot of them by giving them something positive to work towards. A means to atone for the sins of the past so to speak, by being given a direction and purpose. That purpose being the defeat of the Not-Named Puppeteers inside and outside the Terran Hegemony."

Cassius Adderson feels embarrassed, even during his tenure as Khan he had never given much thought to the past, other than that which he was told. His association with Stanislav had given him an interest, but then again, it was still limited in its scope. Honestly, it is doubtful that any of the other Clan Khan's had even pondered much beyond what planet to attack next, or who insulted whom and how would the Trial be fought.

As Inner Sphere Intelligence Adjutant of Clan Star Adder, Cassius has spent his days looking for threats to his Clan, form within and without, and until now that has been enough. The Khan's idea however has told him something of himself, looking for enemies is all well and good, but the Clan will also need friends in the future.

Few of the other Clans can truly be called allies, at least not permanent, long term ones. Of the ones that had that rare distinction, one has been Absorbed by his Clan, one has had a radical shift in attitude, one is still reeling from concentrated attacks by the Terrans, and the last has merged with another Realm.

A mental image of Clan Star Adder accomplishing the same comes to mind, a massive undertaking to be sure, and if it ever happens it would cast all other Clans in the shadow of the Adder. A Realm stretching from one side of the Inner Sphere's Periphery around to the other, with only the Horse Alliance preventing total encirclement. That image brings to his face a smile, a predatory smile that usually only his direct subordinates witness.

"Ha ha ha," the Khan laughs, "I see by your expression you are starting to see what I see, what I envision, for our Clan. Let the others have the interior and Terra, I prefer to be the one that observes them all and their futile positioning to become the ilClan. In the end, it will be our patience and willingness to learn from their mistakes that will ensure our rightful ascension."

A genuine, and less animalistic, smile replaces the other, "Once more you prove to me that you are able to see further, more broadly and consistently than I ever could. I was a good Warrior Khan, but you are the superior Clan Khan. And so long as I believe you serve the Clan, you will have my support."

"Thank you friend Cassius, that is all that I honestly want from any who follow me. Well that, and to tell me when I make a mistake, so I do not repeat it."

"I will be one of the first Stanislav, on that you can count," Cassius states, part promise, part threat, "Now however, I must return to my duties, just as I know you must. Until tomorrow," at that Cassius Adderson stands, salutes and walks to the door, finally remembering to use the cane just before he leaves the room. Outside, at her desk, the Khan's assistant, Rosaleen kneels, her torso strapped to a metal rod keeping her upright as her legs bound together at ankle and knee just behind the rod. Cassius had long ago ceased asking about the purpose, each time he was simply told it was punishment for some transgression she committed.

Once Cassius has left, Stanislav, of the N'Buta Bloodline, Khan of Clan Star Adder, sends two missives. One to Charlamagne, telling him to prepare for a journey to Arluna, the other to the Adder Consul on the same world to address the Committee and to be ready for Charlamagne's arrival. While Charlamagne will serve as the Clan's representative, the Consul will be the advisor, this due to his direct experience, knowledge and interactions with the Duchess and locals. And finally to expect further directives from the Watch Director, being as how he is an operative of the Clan Watch.

Iron Mongoose

"So, they've reformed a Watch," Louis remarked to Vinh over breakfast.  "Going to sign up?"

"Not on your life.  It was a cluster fornication last time, and it will be again.  Cassius sent Lan Nghien, from spc ops." 

"I don't know her," Louis replied, trying to think, "do I?"

"Lan is a he, actualy, and no.  Former Lyran spy, converted to the cause pretty fanaticaly.  Good at his work, but pretty narrow in focus."  Vinh's voice was nutral, and her face impassive.  Signs of her skill, Louis supposed, wondering how she really felt.

"I though Lan was a girls' name," he probed.  She'd told him that innocent qustions often lead to meaningful answers, since they didn't put people on guard.

"It is, usualy.  I do not know how they do things on the world this Lan is from."

"Perhaps it is not his real name? All you spys seem to have Vietnamese names, these days.  Perhaps because of Kowloon?"

"If so, he would make a poor agent, if he could not even be bothered to select a gender appropreate name.  Personaly, I like very simple, one sylable local names for under cover work, and exotic names for suduction." So she didn't like him, Louis concluded.  "Jasmine works well with most Lyrans."  Vinh said it in her most sensual voice, to the point where Louis actualy shivered.  He knew she could back it up, as well.

"Does it now?  And what would my spy name be, Jasmine?" Louis asked playfuly.

Vinh thought.  "Flounder," she replied.  "Fits you to a T."


The Khan's Arcade
Location: classified

As Khan, Stanislav does not see as much combat as he would like, and in the past his opinion of simulators was like many other Warriors. They were nothing more than games for the masses, a virtual reality for them to immerse themselves into so as to live as something they could never be.

However, as a recruitment tool, a way to keep skills sharp, at least after some modifications by Clan Techs were made, and by his recommendation made so long ago, they have on more than one occasion allowed him to escape, even temporarily, the stresses of life as a Clan Khan.

And on this day he has managed not only to get some time of his own in, he has the added company of Cassius Adderson, the Intelligence Adjutant for Clan Star Adder in the Inner Sphere, more commonly referred to as the Watch Director. In addition, Charlamagne Steiner, Warrior of Clan Star Adder as well as one of the many claimants to the Archonship of the Lyran Commonwealth, and Warrior Hedy, the Clan Warrior who was chosen from random from those posted on Addergrad to be part of today's simulator run, engage in a scenario designed to promote teamwork and cooperation.

The typical mindset of a Clan Warrior is one of superiority, being better one on one than any single Inner Sphere Warrior, and in that they would be right. Times though have changed, nearly gone are the Single Warrior Trials of the past, the present is now of mass armies facing off against one another, a time of Soldiers reigning supreme on the modern battlefield. And with exercises such as these, and more involving live training, Clan Star Adder has undertaking the task of transforming its Warriors into Soldiers.

The Clan still practices the traditions of its past, but in order to be relevant in the future, its Warriors need to be more flexible and open to non-standard, non-Clan, alternatives when it comes to Warfare. As many have learned, Warfare is an entirely different animal when compared to engaging in a Trial.

Having worked, and fought, together on many occasions, the Khan and the Director have taken the role of the OpFor, teamed against Charlamagne and Hedy, who are in the role of Clan Star Adder. Today's session will serve to reveal the success or failure of the Clan's current training doctrine, and thus far, the two Clanners have given as good as they've got.

Even in the midst of combat, simulated or not, the Warriors are showing that they are capable of multitasking, carrying on a conversation even as they are tossed about and basted in their own sweat as they pilot their electron manifested OmniMechs.

"So Charlamagne, of what mind are you over the news that several worlds are willing to back your claim to the Lyran Throne," Cassius says to taunt his foe of the moment, "one of which is of considerable significance and prestige."

Charlamagne fails to be baited, though the IA's maneuvering prevents him from getting a solid target lock, only a few of his shots impact, and even then only with a minimum of damage, his verbal reply is short and to the point, "My mind is clear, as is my path. The Khan asked, the cards foretold, I simply do what is best for the Clan."

Hedy listens mainly, being privy to such words is more of an honor than she feels she deserves, and to fight beside, or against as the case may be, is most definitely more. Should she die tomorrow, she would be satisfied with her life, even so, the Khan attempts to get her opinion, "Hedy, you show much promise, you have adapted our new tactics better than most," he says as he guides his Blood Asp through the air with the skill of a Pilot, "What is your thoughts on the idea of an Adder Archon," his large pulse lasers bracketing her machine's torso, one bolt going internal but not damaging anything vital or sensitive.

Leaning her Timber Wolf forward slightly and shifting her stance left, she is able to prevent from falling, a certain death when facing the Khan's skill, she takes her time in forming her answer, launching a full spread of missiles form her launchers, watching as most fail to contact the Khan. A few though shatter plates over his left leg, causing him to stumble slightly upon landing, "I think it has more merit than most want to admit. If I remember rightly, Clan Wolf took one world during the initial invasion with one Warrior, and from what I have heard today, there are at least four willing to ruled by Clan Star Adder."

Impacts upon her rear armor cause her to pause, the Watch Director having come from behind to deliver a salvo from his ultra class autocannon, fortunately it was of the lightest variety, so the damage wasn't severe...yet, made her realize she had last track of him, while the Khan moved to harass her partner. Pivoting on one foot and twisting her torso to speed acquisition, she squeezes the trigger just as her targeting reticle flashes gold, sending her own AC burst into the right arm of the Mech no more than 60 meters distant, splashes of putrid green fluid indicating a heat sink being hit, evidence of her accuracy and instinct.

She adds further, over the cursing of Cassius Adderson, "While many Warriors will complain about not being able to fight for those few worlds, the Inner Sphere is host to scores more. I believe there will more than enough fighting to quell them, maybe even they will regret such premature words."

Hedy's reactions are just a millisecond faster than the Watch Director's, allowing her to line up and fire off a quartet of laser blasts at him, and even though two are heavy mediums, with their inherent accuracy issues, when they hit, they hit hard. And this is one of those instances, the concentrated beams of laser energy both lay waste to he damaged arm, stripping and melting away the last of the armor and critically damaging the skeletal structure. The large lasers mounted above them sadly go high and to further to the right.

Cassius, silent as his machine is ravaged from the younger Warrior's fire, focuses on her, patient in the placing of his targeting systems over the heart of her Mech. The loss of his arm and the weapons mounted there giving him the ability to fire all the weaponry that remains to him without fear of overheating. Which is precisely what he does, dual UAC2's let rip hundreds of rounds of lead, the PPC lending its own hellish energy to the onslaught, and the trio of medium pulses cast out darts of scarlet.

The lances of light hit first, well most of them, the PPC bolt burns a furrow in the ground at Hedy's feet, stopping several meters short of its target. Meanwhile the lasers pockmark and burn rivulets along the left torso. Much to the surprise of both Warriors, it is the UAC's that do the most damage in a sense, multiple shells blasting away armor from the head, spider webbing the cockpit canopy, and sending a jolt of feedback into the skull of Hedy, her vision blurring for a few seconds, and for the rest of the short combat, haloing everything with a reddish tinge.

The Khan returns to pull her attention away from the Adjutant, his opponent some distance away, giving the Director ample time to remove himself from her line of sight. Back and forth, the two pair of Warriors trading opponents repeatedly before Charlamagne and Hedy manage to catch the Khan in a crossfire, blowing out the engine of the Asp, after that it was only a matter of time before the fight concluded.

More words were shared about the soon to become, at least hopefully, Clan worlds, the known and the unknown, and how to progress should a large number choose Clan membership over continued absentee and uncaring Lyran or Star League guidance. Once the four were out of their simpods, they retired to the Khan's office to discuss the exercise and partake of liquid refreshment, served by the attentive and docile assistant of the Khan's, young Rosaleen.


Charlamagne Steiner read the report forwarded by Watch Agents on Arluna and Kowloon, and while the information is a little over a week old, the details have left him speechless. The Watch Director, Cassius Adderson, truly sympathizes with the young man, the Khan's presence being required elsewhere, thus why the Adder-sponsored Archon-Designate is meeting with him instead. Also present is the new Inner Sphere Logistical Adjutant, former saKhan Macleod Connery, long thought killed during the naval battle with the Marian Hegemony, attending via HPG relay out of Gillfillan's Gold.

Macleod choosing the position rather than challenging Tobias for the position. His recent experiences giving him a new appreciation for the need of a clear chain of supplies, as well as learning of what has occurred during his "death" the distraction provided by such a Trial would be detrimental to the War effort and his Clan.

"Congratulations Charlamagne," Macleod offers, the others echoing the statement, and while Charlamagne feels proud of this accomplishment, the scope is beyond his ability to understand. For decades the Lyran Nation has done damn near everything in its power to push Clan Star Adder off the worlds that were once part of it, now they are willing to follow him, and through him the Clan. Granted that is what he asked of them, but then he only expect one or two, maybe up to half a dozen systems to take the offer. Thirty one systems, two of them very prominent, Coventry and Alarion, reveals just how desperate the citizens of those worlds must really feel.

Cassius takes up the role of advisor for the Warrior, "Charlamagne," he begins, "the Khan has placed a great deal of responsibility upon your shoulders, and while you may believe you are not prepared for it, I know he has every confidence that you are. He has cleared you to request what you feel you will need in order to secure the area and lead the people in the name of Clan Star Adder. In a sense, you will be his Regent as well as the Archon-Designate in the eyes of the people who have chosen, of their own free will, to follow you."

"Once you have decided upon where you will place your capital, Macleod will join you, to serve as needed. The forces under his command will be at your disposal, along with as much as the Clan can spare. Technicians are already boarding DropShips in preparation for repairing or rebuilding the HPG's. Warriors, Merchants, Laborers, and loyal Scientists are asking to be part of your cadre."

Macleod adds, "Your fame has spread far. First your deeds during the Mothball Trials, then this. Everyone, young and old, native Clan or native Spheroid, they all want to be on the same path as you. I have requests from half the fleet, and I do not doubt that the other Adjutants have near identical piling up on their desks."

"In less than one month," Cassius comments, "you have doubled the territory of Clan Star Adder within the Inner Sphere. You have become a great Warrior amongst all the Clans, making friends and enemies, more of the latter I am afraid, with yet more to appear once word of your singular achievement reaches the others."

"The best advice I, or any other can give you is the same I gave to Khan N'Buta when he was nominated for saKhan, be yourself, be true to yourself, and do for the people. I lost track of the first two during my reign as Khan, I refused to acknowledge that I had changed when I was told. Do not let that happen to you, if a subordinate points such out, listen, then reflect, before reacting. Just because someone says something you do not like, it does not make it any less true."

Once more Macleod injects his own voice into the conversation, "For the most part, you will be on your own. The War must still be our primary focus, but the Clan will spare all that it can for you."

"Aye," says Cassius, "that it will. Before you reach your domain though, the Khan wants you to go to Arluna and address the Committee there. The leader of the Union of Independent Worlds has requested support against the Rim Worlds Republic, and you are to offer them that support. Also, a number of Techs will remain behind in an attempt to get their HPG's operational, and then either begin training their own people in the running and maintaining of them, or acting as staff, with the Clan being their provider over ComStar."

"How you decide to support the UIW in their vendetta against Adam and Daphne is entirely up to you," the former saKhan adds, "though in my opinion, with the resources you will have at your command, open and direct would be best. Such a move will further endear the UIW with the Clan, and may just be the final step needed to get them to join as well, without the need for a prolonged guerrilla war that would inevitably result from any attempted invasion, or Trial for that matter."

Charlamagne sits quietly, listening, still in shock over what has happened, still trying to wrap his mind around what he has done, the only words he can call forth are the ones that come from his heart, "I serve the Clan."

Nodding, Cassius addresses the Adder Warrior, perhaps for the last time in person, "The Khan knows this, and has full faith in you. Though now it is time for you to gather your gear and board, you leave for the UIW within the hour, then you are off to the newest worlds in the Clan's collective."

Rising from the chair slowly, almost as if he's reluctant to undertake the quest before him, he doesn't pause though, the cards told him that this was his destiny. His Khan asked it of him as a favor, not an order, a favor, he cannot back out now...

After he leaves, Cassius and Macleod  exchange a few words, mostly over their respective confidence in Charlamagne, his place in the history of the Clan, the advancement of Clan Star Adder, and other topics. Before cutting the link, Cassius expresses one final emotion to the distant Warrior, "It is good to have you back Macleod. The Khan was deeply affected by the loss suffered, and still carries a great deal of guilt."

"Aye, I am glad to be back to, being dead is not at all what I expected," the two share a laugh, before Cassius adds, "It was a surprise to us both when your message of the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated arrived, the relief on the Khan's face was clearly visible, and I swear his features youthened by ten years after reading it."

"Take care of the boy, he is as idealistic as the Khan, and even more eccentric. You are going to have to act as his foundation, his Loremaster even to some degree in order to ensure that he does not stray."

Macleod frowns, "You are getting paranoid Cassius."

"It is my job to be paranoid," Cassius replies, "the Conspiracy revealed just how vulnerable and blind we are as to waht occurs within ourselves. It is not a mistake I will repeat, the Clan got lucky, and I do not believe we will have that kind of luck again should there be a repeat."

"Aff," says Macleod, "Do not worry Spymaster," he says teasingly, "I will look after young Charlamagne."

At that the Adder Spymaster disconnects the two, then proceeds to review the loyalty reports on those that have been granted permission or ordered to accompany Archon-Designate Steiner. All have already been given clearance, but a thrid look through can not hurt.

Forty seven minutes later, another DropShip lifts off, heading for the assembled JumpShips far above the world of Addergrad, several more follow, but that one carries the hope of not one, but two Nations...Clan Star Adder and approximately one fourth of the all but defunct Lyran Commonwealth.


Ngo Industries Customer Service branch, Coventry...

"...the question I have, is just this: Are you going to honour the contract, or not?"  Darren Vu asked, "I don't think the new Landlord here is going to be taking kindly to welching on a deal just because the government's changed hands-now Coventry Metal Works has a fifteen year service contract on those pico-scale electron mills, and you're late by four months on payments both for the original units, and on the service contract."

Tom Bradford shrugged, "What're you going to do, challenge me for it?" he asked.

"I might...but I think you'll find that aligning with a Clan, they don't like it when someone tries to screw their subcontractors and uses politics to justify it." Vu said, "Remember, the UIW has a state of good relations with Clan Star Adder, which means your new boss.  Now I might not figure my own hand against yours in a fight, but I'd put a Coast Guard Marine up against your best bully-boys and come out better than even money on the bet, and you know it.  You're behind four months payments on those mills, Mister Bradford, we're not a charity and I know the Clans don't like people vacating contract just because they don't want to you think about it, then you think twice on it, then think again for a third time...and pay your fucking debts, you're a Noble for Christ's sake."


Charlamagne Steiner has become a reluctant celebrity amongst his peers, even those of higher rank have extended more than a small amount of praise for his swaying nearly one fourth of the Lyran Commonwealth over to Clan Star Adder, and no matter how much he protested, no matter how many times he stated that he was just acting in accordance to Khan N'Buta's request, he has been given the credit and accolades. The last time he spoke with the Khan, Charlamagne noticed an odd look in his eyes, and now he realizes what it was. It was sympathy, Charlamagne recalls the time when one Stanislav became the media darling, to use an Inner Sphere term, of the Clan. Now that role has been thrust onto another, "Though why could it have been someone, anyone, else," Charlamagne ponders.

The DropShip has been docked and locked with its parent JumpShip for a little more than an hour, during that time Charlamagne had called a meeting of those whom he chose to serve as his senior advisors, many had volunteered for this duty, so many that it became necessary to cull the numbers down quite a bit, otherwise the Clan and all aspects of it would have suffered. Charlamagne is roused from his private melancholy by a voice, a voice that intrudes with some insistence upon his conscious mind, "Penny for your thoughts Star Colonel," says Warrior Nash, the last survivor of his Star from the Mothball Trials.

The look of confusion on Charlamagne's face tells the older Warrior that his commanding officer was indeed lost in thought, "Addergrad to Charlamagne," his voice holding more than a little concern.

Charlamagne blinks three times before speaking, "What was that Nash?"

"An old Terran saying, a penny for your thoughts," he replies, "I am not entirely sure what it means, but I think it may be something along the lines that you will be richer if you share your problems with another."

"Mmmm, that makes some sense," says the Clan claimant to the Lyran Throne, "though what does a Clan Warrior need of riches. I was more that content to remain as I was."

"Aye, of that I have no doubt, but you are the one who often espouses the dictates of Fate and how one cannot escape them," his smile reassuring to the troubled Warrior, "guess it is easier when the path they lay out is one you can understand, quiaff."

Moderately surprised at the insight expressed by his companion, for never before has he revealed any awareness, let alone interest, in Fate and Fortune, "Aff, that it most assuredly is. When did you become so insightful?"

"I do not know, perhaps I have always been so, just never had the need or inclination to mention it out loud," Nash says, "but you looked as if you were about to take on a Dire Wolf alone, with naught but your own two hands and I could not let you do that. I felt you needed to know that you are not alone, and I shall remain at your side as long as I am useful."

After a momentary pause, "And so long as you do not embarrass the Clan," he adds with a mirthful smirk, "I am used to your eccentric ways, but some of the others," he emphasizes with a motion of his head to the side, indicating the gathered Fleet that will escort him to Arluna and beyond, serving him in his attempt at integrating the Adder Commonwealth, as it has become popularly known, into the ways of Clan Star Adder.

None believe it will be easy, nor will it be quick, even after years of being Clan rule, there are many in all current Clan controlled territory that have not accepted reality. The three things they all do believe though is their Clan, their Khan and the young man who has brought over thirty systems under the influence of Clan Star Adder. An act that did not waste a single Adder Warrior, an act that preserved thousands of lives, an act that surpasses everything accomplished during Operation: Revival, and in the minds of many that are now waiting for the fleet to initiate its first jump, only the Founder ranks higher.

"So," Nash asks, "what will you say to the UIW? What will you say to the people of your Adder Commonwealth," Charlamagne winces at the mention of the name he came up with at the last moment.

Minutes pass, Charlamagne silent, giving his answer just as the jump warning tone reverberates through the Ships, "I do not know....," the rest, if there was any, is lost as reality is shredded and torn by the massive energies released by the engines of the JumpShip...

The quest of Charlamagne is finally underway, and may the Fates smile kindly and favorably upon him, for he will need all the favors he can for his mission.........


Clan Star Adder Mobile Field Command

The double pair of Clan Elemental Guards raised the arms on which was mounted the ever popular .50 caliber machine guns, their commander on the integral radio informing the Star Colonel that a pair of Warriors wearing Lyran uniforms were approaching, neither was armed, though one was holding a stick, upon which was tied the stereotypical 'white flag'.

By the time the Lyran had reached the guards, and stopped but a few meters distant, close enough that none could miss with their weapons should the two make any sudden moves, the tall, thin Star Colonel was already waiting, having gotten a ride in an old three-wheeled ICE ground car.

She stood in the middle of the four, with the fifth Elemental standing directly behind her, she quickly assesses the two Spheroids as a non-threat before speaking, "I am Star Colonel Isis Hobbes, and you are who? I have been under the impression that all Lyran Warriors had left Kolovraty shortly after Clan Star Adder had defeated their meager defenses."

The younger of the two salutes before she responds, "Ma'am, I am, or was, Hauptmann Francine Mellini of the 23rd Arcturan Guard Regimental Combat Team, or what's left of 'em after you all tore us a new one. My units were on the southern pole conducting military exercises and under a communications blackout due to the storms and heavy magnetic interference that is common there at the time of your Trial."

"Once we moved north, we had a few surprises waiting for us," she says, "The most surprising of which was the fragmentation of the Lyran Commonwealth, followed shortly after by a speech by another Adder named Charlamagne Steiner. We laid low for awhile trying to get more information, Ma'am. We weren't real sure as to what kind of reception we'd get if we just stepped out of nowhere."

"Wasn't long before we got the gist of what has been happening over the last three months while we been down under, and frankly Ma'am, based upon how the last Archon, Estates General, and the rest have treated us. And how your people have been more helpful than they over the last year or more, I polled my people and we done decided to back your man Charlie. Only one problem, our ride skipped the area, so we could really use a lift to where he is, or will be."

"You think he could use an experienced and reliable combat unit, even one that is badly mauled and was formerly set against him and his Clan?"

Isis too had heard of Charlamagne's call to the Lyran people, even a few rumors had trickled back to this world, most of them she discounted as being to far fetched. However, here before her was a representative of a Lyran RCT, asking her if she thought they'd be welcomed, she was at a loss for words, "I do not know. I believe there is still a WarShip in orbit. The only way to find out would be to ask," she says, "You," pointing to Francine, "come with me. Your companion will be escorted to our Mess and be given food while we try to get some answers."

(ooc: the 23rd Arcturan Guards Regimental Combat Team (of which at best Im thinking 1 FP total survives); comprised of a BattleMech, an AeroSpace, an Armor and an Infantry Brigade (or what's left of them, if anything), will require a lift to Charlamagne Steiner's "Adder Commonwealth" (no, I still haven't come up with a better name, though I am open to suggestions), I figure since he will be passing through, he can make a short detour on his way to his first stop before reaching it.)


Charlamagne sat slumped forward in his chair aboard the DropShip, attached to the JumpShip which was carrying him to those worlds which had declared to follow him. They had chosen to follow him because the Khan of his Clan, Stanislav N'Buta of the Star Adders, had asked him to present himself to the people of the Lyran Commonwealth as an alternate to the Steiner-Davion, Kelswa-Steiner, and who knows who else, to the position of Archon. They had chosen him more because of the name he bears, this he knows, his name and the hope that he represented something better.

Of course it could just be that he, Charlamagne Steiner was part of something stronger, more secure, more stable than the Lyran Commonwealth had become. And people would do things that most would view as outrageous and previously unthinkable in order to retain security and stability. Whatever their reason, billions, if not trillions, of people had chosen him as their Leader. In him they have placed their trust, hopes and dreams, and he would do his best to prove himself worthy of their decision. Now he knows, Charlamagne Steiner knows how the Khan must feel everyday, to have the fate of so many resting on his every choice, and dreading those moments should his decisions turn out to be the wrong ones.

At the time the Lyran Nation was still whole, Peter Steiner-Davion was alive and serving in that capacity, so the likelihood of many actually shifting their allegiance was very low, at best the Khan and Charlamagne believed no more than a dozen would do so. There was even the thought of challenging Peter Steiner-Davion personally for the position, however both knew that acceptance by the Archon of that was beyond the realm of possibility.

All that was before someone, or more realistically, a group of someones, detonated a nuclear device, maybe more, but that was unknown as the Clan, and the "Adder Commonwealth", have been Interdicted by ComStar, nearly preventing the people from learning anything since their declaration. The resulting explosion has also inflicted massive suffering and further death from fallout and all the ills and evils associated with nuclear detonation.

Charlamagne has much on his mind, as his posture attests, his head cradled on his hands as he releases a deep sigh. The first order of business would be to at least get communications in his realm functional. Bit by bit, pieces of information about the worlds have trickled in, from Clans Jade Falcon and Ice Hellion had come word that not so insignificant forces once of the Lyran Commonwealth have arrived in their territories, pledging fealty to a Star Adder.

From the Union of Independent Worlds, details about each world, their names and what they are bringing to his Adder sub-Nation, have been relayed, along with further LCAF Units that have somehow managed to get word out of their intent. How they managed it considering ComStar's monoploy is unknown, but does go to prove the old addage "where there's a will, there's a way", and billions have found their Will and their Way. Both of which were embodied by Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder.

Back to the matter of the status of his realm, once it has been reintegrated with those Powers that were willing to ignore ComStar, it would be necessary to build up defenses. Charlamagne can not ignore the fact that there is a War going on, and in order to protect his people, which in his mind also makes them citizens of Clan Star Adder, which is another subject to be addressed, though that can wait for a short time, in order to protect the choice and lives of his people, he would have to build up and expand those Units that are already on their way to the "Adder Commonwealth".

Khan N'Buta had included some ideas of his own, ideas that were originally intended for the Clan, but have been given to Charlamagne. The time was still not right to attempt implementing them within the Clan yet, however a new realm presented so many possibilities, in a sense Charlamagne and the "Adder Commonwealth" could be used as a testing grounds for many of the Khan's ideas.

Granted Charlamagne was not thrilled with the concept of being used as a guinea pig, but he was still an Adder Warrior and Officer, still followed the will of the Khan. Fortunately Khan N'buta has given him extremely liberal leeway in what he was allowed to do, for as he said shortly before Charlamagne boarded the DropShip in which he now resides, "It would not be wise to be seen as a mere extension of Clan Star Adder. To so alter the lives and routines of the people which have seen the fall of the Lyran Commonwealth would only give them reason to resent you. They will not be able to admit that the choice they made was in error, and thus would place the blame solely on you Charlamagne. Patience at a time such as this will be your greatest asset," Khan Stanislav N'Buta had said.

"Begin with the basics, Communications and Security, satisfy those and they will be more inclined to go along with your next project or change. As a whole, people dislike and distrust change, unless given a good reason for it, and even then they will be reluctant. Initially focus on what you know and are familiar with, find trustworthy people, a major undertaking all its own, to administer other aspects. Above all, never lie to them. Tell them your concerns, empathize with them, and in return they will likely express the same in return."

"Most importantly, never forget that your power comes from them, a fact that many do or just outright ignore, much to their chagrin, when they are ousted from power. For much like the Clans, should they perceive you as weak, inattentive or uncaring, you will be but the most recent leader to fall. The Clans have successfully devised a means by which to remove an ineffectual leaders with usually minimal impact on the rest of society, and as we have seen, the Inner Sphere, for the most part, is quite content to initiate a Civil War in order to enact change in a government. Though the Clans are not immune to doing the same as you are well aware, for us it is the exception, not the general rule."

"In the end, they will enable you to do much so long as what you do proves beneficial and you succeed more often than you fail, in that there is no difference between the Clans and the Inner Sphere. I learned this early, it was something that Tabitha never acknowledged. Cassius learned it, though it was years after he lost the Khanship before he did. Use all the Clans as examples as to what will work and what will not. Do what Clan Star Adder has always done best, learn from others through observation and study. Then act as you see best for your people, that is what it truly means to be Khan, or Archon, First Prince, Coordinator. That is what being a leader is ultimately about, not what is best for you, but what is best for those that follow you."

The Khan of Clan Star Adder has a tendency to use words as precisely as he uses a laser, to ramble even at times, but he has shown over and over again that his observations have been accurate. Clan Star Adder has grown, expanded its influence, even in the midst of a War. It has made inroads with other Nations, giving itself influence in Realms far removed from the current conflict.

The Star of the Clan climbs ever higher, its radiance shining over ever more worlds, while the fortunes and fates of so many others diminishes and fades as they are pressed upon by dissent and discontent, from within as well as without.

The Star Colonel, and Archon-Designate, was brought out of his musings by the tone of an imminent Jump, so moving to his bunk he secured himself, and closed his eyes. Trying to relax just a bit before the JumpShip shredded the laws of nature then rewove them as it emerged at its next destination. Charlamgne though about what he would say to the people once communications were restored, what he would say to the Committee of the UIW, for he would be traveling through their Territory before he reach his own, and he, the Clan, owed them something for all they have suffered and endured.

Charlamagne's thoughts were splintered when the Ship finally Jumped, and upon arrival at the next recharge point, he was called to the Bridge, forcing him to put off piecing back together what he was contemplating until much later....


Adder Commonwealth

The Lyran Commonwealth is at best dying, though most believe that it is dead, a corpse which spans hundreds of light years. However, whatever the condition of the body the cells that formed it, represented by worlds, star systems and billions upon billions of people, still live.

They breathe, they go about their lives as best they can, uncertain of what will become of them, unsure if the replacement they have chosen to represent their vision of the future will survive to next sunrise.

While the major names differ: Adder Commonwealth, Arc-Royal Lyran Commonwealth, Lyran Commonwealth of Skyes, Rim Worlds Republic, they all have one thing in common. Each seeks to provide that intangible element that will give the people a reason to hope for the future.

The worlds that make up the first of those, the Adder Commonwealth, aren't stupid. They know that they chose to follow a Warrior from one of the forces, the Clans of Kerensky, specifically Clan Star Adder. They are fully aware that most of the others will see them as traitors, but then the same would be even more true for the Rim Worlds Republic, for it was Daphne Rowe and her first public attempt at resurrecting that specter that poisoned the body of the Lyran Commonwealth, and the mind of one Adam Steiner, that has led to this.....

In all, the Adder Commonwealth, the people decided to follow a Steiner, sure he is a Clansman, but throughout everything that has happened...the Plagues, the WMDs, the conflicts and whatnot, Clan Star Adder has done what it could for the people of the Lyran Commonwealth while asking for nothing in return. In a sense, these people felt as if a debt was owed, a debt of honor, a concept well known by everyone that the Clans adnered to, even if each held a slightly different view of it.

Shortly after the invasion of the then world Somerset, renamed in mid-battle, someone blew up one of the ShipYards far above the surface of the planet. The Khan could've had every survivor from that invasion killed, as such has happened before in Successor State history, but he didn't, he sent them all home. Even went so far to enlist the assistance from another Clan, Hell's Horses and the Periphery Nation of the Magistracy of Canopus, in order to get all the Lyrans off the world of Addergrad.

The loss of so many put a sense of resentment and a desire for revenge against the Clan, but then other events sidetracked the people. Then came Tharkad, a nuclear device, rumors have even suggested up to half a dozen, exploded, killing the Archon, Peter Steiner-Davion and the Estates General. That event was the last in a long line of sicknesses that had weakened the immune system of what was once a strong, vibrant and healthy body.

Not long after, Adam Steiner revealed himself. Under the name of Leonidas, though that piece of subterfuge didn't last long, as still alive after being thought long dead. Believed to have died fighting alongside the men and women that followed him to Addergrad, he placed himself alongside histories most infamous traitors and betrayers. Why he should still have a life when so many lost theirs in pursuit of his desires turned many away from him....and to an extent the Steiner Bloodlines in the Inner Sphere.

Had he stayed dead, one fourth of the dessicated Lyran Nation would likely have not chosen to follow a Clanner who's only claim to "validity" is his name amongst the people who once proud Lyrans. Had he remained a ghost, and possible martyr, Arc-Royal or Robert Kelswa-Steiner could have used him as a rallying point for trillions. Had he stayed buried, the RWR would be considerably weaker while they would be all the stronger.

The Adder Commonwealth more than likely owes its existence to Adam's continued existence, the irony of which is not lost on more than a few. If one of their own, well one whom they thought their own, would be capable of betraying those who trusted him, then perhaps the Steiners who chose to follow General Kerensky had the right idea all along. Perhaps the Clans are right and the Successor Houses should bear the blame for the Wars that followed in the wake of the fall of the First Star League. Perhaps the House Lords are the reason the League fell to begin with, for had they not been so intent upon their own selfish ambitions, one Stephan Amaris would not have been able to seize power, plunging humanity into a spiral of decline that has persisted for over 300 years.

The people of the Adder Commonwealth have decided that enough is beyond enough, and have looked elsewhere, sought outside of what they know and have known all their lives, for a leader that will honestly take a point of view that focuses on internal matters over external wishes.

Proof of that dream is manifesting across scores of worlds and systems, former units that were once part of the LCAF are arriving, swearing allegiance, pledging fealty, promising service to the man who represents a new beginning, a new hope for a people that have long been treated poorly and ignored.

The worlds of Vermezzo and Virtue receive portions of the 26th Lyran Guard Regimental Combat Team, pieces of the Carlisle-Alarion Province Militia Regiment (ooc: that's the name listed) land on Amminadav and Nuneaton. Tangua receives the Dixie-Furillo Province Militia Regiment, or at least fragments of it, as the Loxley Home Guard Aero and Armour units protect their homeworld as it declares for Charlamagne Steiner.

Alarion and the inexperienced, yet devout, Alarion Naval Academy Training AeroSpace Brigade also elect to follow the Steiner Clansman, a huge coup for the unknown Adder Warrior. Wiltshire, Etiler, Tainjin, Sappir, being but just a few more worlds that have or play host for Charlamagne's newest acquisitions in terms of military forces.

Even with all the surprises and shocks over the comings and goings of once Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces units, what surprises the people of the "Adder Commonwealth" the most, as well as Charlamgne Steiner, Khan Stanislav N'Buta, Clan Star Adder and beyond is the emerging vessels over and under Alarion:

The Weiselflink, a Mjolnir-class WarShip; a Star, to use Clan military terminology, of Fox-class corvettes, the Angela Franks, Hermes Farnsworth, the Donegal, Skye and the Solaris. Several JumpShips are also part of the armada, the Monolith-class Stealth, and the ones making up the Naval Expeditionary Fleets from TF's Angela Franks and Katrina Steiner.

Whether or not Charlamagne Steiner, Star Colonel of Clan Star Adder and Archon-Designate for more than a score of worlds is accompanied by any Naval units from his Clan, he will soon find out that he has the beginnings of a respectable Naval force of his own.

It now remains to be seen if he is a more intelligent and possesses more wisdom than the last few Archons who led a unified Lyran Commonwealth, and proves to be more able than the others vying for the throne that was once on the now radiation blasted and hostile world of Tharkad.


The worlds of Vorzel and Eutin have never been anything special, other than being close to the former Lyran National Capital of Tharkad, now believed to be in ruins, though even that distinction was overshadowed by Donegal, Capital of the Isle of Skye, now a claimant for the Lyran Archonship in addition to Arc-Royal and Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder to whom those two worlds have decided to support.

Nope, Vorzel and Eutin aren't really players on the interstellar stage, at least they weren't in the however, that changes. They are about to be the recipients of some very unexpected guests, whose point of origin is even more unexpected.....

"Vorzel/Eutin Orbital Command," each planet addressed separately, though the message is overall the same, "We hear you too have decided to pledge to follow Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder. With your permission, we will provide your world with its defense."

"Of the claimants to the throne of Archon, he has been the only one that asked for the support of the people, which makes him a better choice by far than the others. Late of Donegal, the BattleMech, AeroSpace and Auxillary Brigades of the 1st Donegal Jaegers Regiment is placing itself under the Command of Vorzel.

"While the BattleMech, AeroSpace and Armor Brigades of the 2nd Donegal Regimental Combat Team will defend Eutin as best they can. In the Name of Charlamagne Steiner, these forces and these worlds for the People."

Still in shock, the Militia Commanders of both worlds can't say much, and don't say a thing when dozens of DropShips detach and begin their descent. The speed of their approach less than the usual 1G, a sign that they pose no threat, their courses steady and their destination clear, the primary Space Ports will soon enough have more to do than they've had in weeks.

Upon landing, the symbol emblazoned on each and every DropShip is plainly visible, the old Lyran Fist remains, but is has been altered. Half its former size, it now rests at the lowest point of, and is pierced by, a stylized Cameron Star, while coiled about and within the Fist is a representation of a Star Adder, the totem animal of Clan Star Adder, its head held aloft by a portion of its body, forming the letter C with its body as the head and its eyes are directed toward the viewer, above the Fist.

The JumpShips vanish, presumed to return to Donegal, since that was from whence the Jaegers and RCT originated....


Clan Star Adder OZ
Adder Commonwealth
Planetary Capital Building

"' dat's duh sit'ation Sirs and Ma'ams," Hauptman Clampett says, "I cans poss'bly win a Trial, buts I gots lil chance 'ginst the Snakes or Worms. I knows y'all gave me speshul 'thority 'gardin' dem jawbreakers, an's I 'preciates dat. Dey's a'ready been shipped from dah warehouse tah a'sorted candy shops."

"Now I jus' needs tah know from y'all if'n y'all wants me an' the boyos to 'cept dah Adm'rals Trial, an' pos'ble Heegrah if'n we lose. I thinks dat dah Adm'ral has gots 'nough fireworks tah keep dah Worms and Snakes on a short leash if'n dey gets all uppity an' tries anyting funny."

The looks on the assembled men and women, who serve as the legal civilian representatives, and thus the Governing Body for the people of Coventry. All were elected to their positions, and each one knows that he or she may be replaced by Clan Star Adder should they not be productive. Something that they've all been trying really hard to accomplish lately.

The Planetary Parliament as its called is filled by popular vote, the last taking place just a year before the collapse of the Lyran National Government. Needless to say the last few weeks were harrowing, at first the Parliament was considering joining the Arc-Royal contingent. Then the recorded message from a Clan Warrior reached the Governor, who then shared it with the rest. Weeks of debate followed, all agreeing that only a unanimous Parliament decision should be valid, opponents and proponents argued their points, all were passionate and eloquent in their speeches, opinions changed and changed again.

In the end, the Governor and Council agreed, unanimously, to let the people decide, and no effort nor expense was spared to ensure that as many people as possible were reached and informed. Six times a day Charlamagne Steiner's message was replayed for the world over the course of a ten days, and that was just from the Government sponsored broadcasts. None kept track of independent and word of mouth.

Then, last month, a referendum was called. The public would have the final say in the course of action taken. The people would quite literally determine which Archon claimant the world would support. Three days of voting, the turnout surpassing all projections by thirty seven percent, the final estimated turnout being at nearly ninety two percent of the planet's voting population. However a significant number likely coming from the age bracket of thirteen to seventeen year olds, the special circumstances behind the situation prompting a one time reduction in the legal voting age.

When the votes were counted, a requirement of two-thirds having been predetermined for the vote to be followed and enforced, the results were shocking, not only did the populace choose one that few in Parliament expected, they did so in overwhelming numbers. Seventy Eight percent chose Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder, while Arc-Royal, Skye, the RWR and actual independence received eleven, nine, zero and two percent respectively.

The people had spoken, Coventry would now be a holding of Clan Star Adder.

Lori Chaks, current PR Rep for Coventry Metal Works spoke, and while she's not part of the Council, the importance of the Factory allowed her considerable leeway and acceptance. The fact that CMW employed most of the populace, and supported a rather large portion of the economy, gave the corporation a great deal of influence on all planetary matters, "Hauptman Clampett," she began by addressing the old soldier, "I understand you to say that even with the backing of CMW you would be unable to hold out against the predators now orbiting Coventry?"

Leroy looks to the woman, "Aye, Ma'am," he replies, " 'ginst one o' dem, I prob'ly could do what dah Titans did 'ginst the Pidjins. Mehbe even two. All three tho' Ma'am, well, a honey cover'd fat man would has a bettuh odds at outrunnin' a rabid and stahvin' bear."

"I be dah firs' tah admit I knows lil on dese Clan Trials, best I figger is it be a selec' group 'ginst 'nother selec' group, us'ally of smallah size an' lessah skill'd. Still boggles me mind as tah how dem Clanners gets anywheh doin' tings dat ways, but I cans see dah appeal."

Hauptman Leroy Clampett continues, "Now sincet we's was challeng'd, I be guessin' dat I be dah one tah pick where, and I definit'ly know dis rock bettah than dem Leaguers. I knows places dat 'Mechs woulds be slow'd an' confin'd, makin' Armor yous best bet."

"Howevah, I don't trust none dat put dere faith in Adam. Not after what he done to all dem good ol' boys and' gurls dat follow'd him tah Som.., er, Addergr'd. No Sir, no Ma'am. I first go tah join dah Cappies or Dracs afore I goes anywhehs nea' dah Worms. Hells, even dah Falcons would be my chos'n ovuh dah likes of Witch Rowe and her bum-boy Adam, an' dats knowin' hows populah dah Falcons are heres on Cov'ntry."

"Me and me boyos wills do as you asks," the flection in his voice indicating that he's near the end of his speaking, much to the relief of the gathered dignitaries, "thoughs I sure not be likin' tah waste dah lives o' any. Dey's all good boys and gurls, an' deserves a chance tah lives and learn. Me though, I be old, plum near wore out. So ev'n if dey leaves. I be stayin' to make sure I follow me orduhs, by deprivin' dah enemies of Coventry access an' posseshun o' dah Fact'ries."

"I be awaitin' ou'side dem doors for y'all decision," and at that, Hauptman Leroy Jethro Clampett salutes, does a crisp adn precise about face, and walks out the door.

The closing of which signals the debates and arguments as to how Coventry will proceed, there not being time to poll the populace on this matter. The final choice will be their, and theirs alone. More than a few are scared to death, with four fainting shortly after the Hauptman leaves.


Post dated to the end of cycle 40.....

Undisclosed location Western Deep Periphery
The voyage of Task Force 8 had so far proven to be as uneventful as most deep space voyages are.  The biggest threat was the sheer boredom of traveling long stretches through deep space.   It was still impossible, even in the middle of nowhere, to escape from the paperwork necessary to keep even a force as small as this one going.    As such, Star Commodore Jeffery was still awake, working away at his terminal in the early hours of the morning, when a most unexpected signal interrupted the normal routine.

"Star Commodore, AsTech Bradley has just informed me of the receipt of a very unusual HPG signal.  It is not from an allied source, and after a quick glance I thought it best to immediately bring it to your attention."

"If you feel it is that important Star Captain, go ahead and start the playback."

As the message started playing, the initial cheer at an excuse to take a break from the task force's paper work promptly changed to a different emotion, outrage.  Not only had the insane Daphne Rowe escaped and seemed to consolidate her power, but the cowardly Adam Steiner was her husband and leader of their armed forces.  More shocking and also explaining what they had received the signal in the first place, was the fact that TF 8 was smack dab in the center of a unknown portion of their realm.   All the news was not bad though as it appeared that the main reason the RWR had come out into the open was the shattering of the Lyran realm.  Apparently even a portion of the Lyrans had the foresight to declare for one of CSA's young ristars.  Despite the fact that scuttlebutt had probably already informed all ships in the flotilla, Star Commodore Jeffery opened up the fleet wide channel.

"My fellow Adders, it appears that the remnants of the Rim World Republic have emerged from the holes they have cowering in.  We find ourselves amidst a portion of their realm and as such our former orders are now void.  A good third of the shattered Lyran realm has declared for one of our own.  It is our duty to oppose the evil Amaris spawn of the Rim Worlds Republic while doing what we can to aid our new Lyran civllians and citizen's.  New orders will be cut immediately that shall soon have the Rimmers hiding once more under the rocks from whence they came."


Clan Star Adder Demenses
Adder Commonwealth
Slip & Slide Gentlemen's Club

The dancer's "work" name is Hannah, Hannah Job, though out in the real world she is known as Ahlissa Almor. A 1.3 meter tall, 49 kilo, blonde haired, green eyed beauty. A beauty who is not as bright as she seems, and that's not referring to her intellect, she is actually quite smart, genius level smart, possessing a half dozen doctorates. No, this radiant young woman has a twisted dark side, for she is also Alarion's most wanted assassin, saboteur, and extortionist. These endeavors has earned her yet a third name, The She-Wolf.

While some would look down on her for being part of this particular form of employment, it does provide her with nearly unrestricted access to the worlds movers and shakers. Whether they be political, military, corporate, and even religious, she has discovered that few men, and a fair number of women, can resist her innocent appearance, overt sexuality, forward nature and flirtatious advances. No, regardless of what people claim, this job gives her more power than they can, or want to, imagine. Being an erotic dancer/performer quite literally the most influential job a woman can have, and is a damn good form of exercise.

This evening, an evening she usually has off from work, came suddenly. A message in one of her many dead drops gave her the name and itinerary of her target, and a few drops of a special concoction of her own creation in the drink of the girl that was scheduled to perform got her a call to fill in.

Not long into her second routine of the night, she caught her target entering the Club as he payed the cover fee. A few minutes later he was seated near the back wall, a waitress taking his drink order, which was delivered soon thereafter. Once she concluded her dance, she returned to the back and redressed and moved out onto the main floor, interacting with the customers.

Occasionally she would catch his attention, smile innocently, and quickly turn away, for from past experience she had learned that such a display resulted in more private dances and larger tips. It also got her alone with the majority of her targets, and if all went well, it would do the same tonight.

Fifteen minutes pass before she is notified by house security that she has been requested for a private dance in one of the VIP suites.....

VIP Suite 4

A man, mid forties, slight middle age spread about his middle, neatly combed hair, manicured nails, stylish suit complete with silk tie, has just ordered his third beverage of the night. Initially he had no intention of getting a suite, but there was that one girl that has mesmerized him. She was exquisite on the stage, such grace and flexibility, her knee length hair flowing and swirling around her nude body. The control she exhibited was something out of a holo-drama, the way she manipulated her golden locks allowed her an impressive degree of covering for her charms, teasing the crowd with furtive glances and peeks. That girl is indeed something special, and he felt it would be worth the exuberant extra cost in order to see her dance in a more intimate setting, hence his current location within the Club.

The anticipation building, reaching near unbearable levels before she finally entered the Suite, and what an entrance she made. Even though she was virtually silent, the man only sensing that he was no longer alone, her perfume announcing her arrival before his eyes were captured by her image. And such an image she represented, her costume was loose and flowing. A pearlescent, barely translucent wisp of cloth, looking as if spun or woven of cloud-stuff was belted at waist and neck by silver chains; while on wrists, ankles and throat were fine rings and bands of silver filigree.

Her hair was loose, the personalized climate control system stirring the air current just enough to cause the ends and stray stands to perform their own dance, almost as if they had a life of their own. Like an angelic descendant of Medusa, this girl seduced him with her hair, petrified him with her eyes, though in a manner that he found most pleasing as it made him feel more alive than he has ever felt.

He attempted to speak, but before the words could be released, she had glided over to him, her dress and hair barely moving, and placed a finger upon his lips. At such close range he saw the lines, swirls and shapes of along her finger, and as his vision moved along the arm, he saw more designs. With a flash he realized what they were, henna tattoos, essentially temporary tattoos that were drawn on using henna based inks. Such artwork was normally black or a dark brown, being the cheapest colors, however these were drawn in gold, even possessing a metallic tone. The dim and strobing light sparking off the metal, intriguing him through the material with shadowed revelations of her curves and form.

The girl raises her arms, and music begins paying, slow and even tempoed, to it she begins slow and sensuous undualtions, turning her body this way and that, bending one way then the other. In patient progression the music increased in speed, and as it did, so did she, throughout it his vision, his attention never wavered. It was at this time that Hannah/Ahlissa/The She-Wolf knew she had him. The combination of the lights, her perfume and the chemicals contained with the gold henna ink combined with the adrenaline and endorphins in his system to effectively paralyze him. The effect was temporary, and he would emerge from the topor with a mild hangover, but otherwise unharmed....except for being unable to recall what she looked and sounded like.

The music continues, but she stops, steps over to the divan upon which he is seated, and sits upon is lap, straddling his thighs, her arms draped over his shoulders. She leans close to his ear and whispers, "You made this to easy Mr. Johnson, lucky for you someone just wanted me to deliver a message, thus you will live. Word has reached the ears of  people of your support of Charlamagne Steiner and the Clan backed Adder Commonwealth that has emerged at his behest."

"These people have some concerns over the sudden expansion of influence that Clan Adder now has, but are willing to wait and watch, for now at least. In the meantime they have something that may be of interest to this Clan Warrior-Archon, or at a minimum the Watch of Clan Star Adder. No I don't know what the item is, not would I tell if even if I did, suffice to say that I was paid to find you, get you alone and deliver the message."

"If you wish to learn more, then be on this DropShip," she purrs as she places a small datachip into the inner pocket of his jacket, "in fifteen minutes the chemicals will wear off, and you will remember little of me, but you will recall what was said clearly. So sad I cannot allow you to retain memories of me, but for the next ten minutes I will give you that dance you paid for, one that will haunt the aethereal of your consciousness and dreams. You may not remember me precisely, but you will remember my essence, and like most men, will long and pine for what you will never have."

She stands, then leans forward at the waist, "For that I do apologize," are the last words she says, as her hands bring his hands up along her thighs, over her firm round buttocks, around and over her taunt abdomen, and finally to her breasts. She mashes her chest into his slack and open hands and places a deep, hard, passionate kiss on his lips, her tongue lightly brushing against his for a few, precious seconds before she pulls away, resuming her dance.

The next ten minutes are the most ecstatic and frustrating minutes of his life, he watches her dance, eyes pleading for release form the paralyzation. She smiles when tears start dripping form their corners, her dress floating up and off her gyrating torso as the first tear trickles down his left cheek. When she has finished, she leaves the dress behind, walking through the Club fully nude, uncaring about the stares and glances she garners from employees and patrons alike.

In the Suite, Mr. Johnson can simply stare intently at the dress, a heap on the floor and next to it a small, silver figurine of a Wolf...

The gentleman known as Lendore Johnson emerges from the Suite, the dress clasped in one had, the figurine in the other, his mind fuzzed and throbbing. Straightening up, he strides towards the exit, trying to appear confident, as if nothing had happened. He had asked to see the dancer he had hired for a dance, but none could tell him her name, or wouldn't. No one would provide a description either, he presumes that she either paid them, or dosed them as she did him.

He decides not to press his luck, one in his position rarely did so if he desired to stay in his position. The reputation of The She-Wolf is well known amongst his circle of associates, so he definitely did not push to hard after he recovered mobility. Instead he decided to learn from this experience and intended to shift his routine, making as few scheduled appointments as possible, doing what he could to randomize his life.

Once outside, he signals for his car from the valet, and soon he is cruising along a highway, going to no place in particular, just driving, and listening. That datachip contained both a text and audio file, and the message was definitely intersting:

QuoteEsteemed Mister Lendore Johnson,

My organization would like to make you aware of an auction that may be of interest to you. A package of considerable value has come into my organization's possession, and we lack the means to use it ourselves. Consequently, we intend to offer it for sale to the highest bidder. Bidding will start at 2 billion C-Bills.

If this interests you, send a representative with cash or negotiables equal to at least twice the starting bid to the Carstairs star system, one jump from Yed Prior. A JumpShip will meet you there at the Nadir Jump Point and transfer you to the confidential location of the auction.

With sincere wishes of continued good health and fortune,
The Vicar


Charlamagne Steiner crossed over the border into the 'Adder Commonwealth' a few days ago, entering the Tangua system at the planet's Nadir point, and upon arrival his small Fleet began receiving transmissions about the status of the planet, with some details, mostly rumors, about other nearby systems.

The Adder Warrior, now Archon-Designate in the minds of billions, is still overwhelmed with it all, talked with a number of people, getting a better picture of what would need to be done in order to stabilize the situation. Already, three DropShips were making their way to the planet's surface, each containing CommTechs, MedTech, Engineers, and other personnel whose expertise was needed for an assortment of reasons.

There wasn't enough people accompanying the Star Colonel to remedy everything that needed to be addressed, though by careful delegation of what he does have, he should be able to at least assign a score, maybe a bit more, to each system he travels through to deal with immediate concerns.

Once the communication's network has been reestablished, then he should be able to get a better idea as to what was happening across his Clan's newest territories. Some of the news he's received, whether true or not, greatly weighs on his conscience, for already he has enemy units on several of his worlds...Free World, Rim World, Combine, Dark, Taurian, Suns...more than a dozen being threatened

Hard to believe that not so long ago he was on Arluna, doing what he could to alleviate the fears and concerns of the Congress of the Union of Independent Worlds, he's not sure he succeeded. The best he could say was that Clan Star Adder had no immediate desire or designs upon their Nation, unfortunately though he could offer nothing regarding other Clans.

For all Charlamagne knew he did more harm than good, why that bothered him was a puzzle, sure he admired, even respected the people that make up the population, they have overcome significant obstacles to get where they are, and will face many more. This feeling of sympathy however was nearly unfamiliar, especially for a group that a few years ago was a steadfast enemy of his Clan.

Is this what the Khan meant when he said A good leader worries about his people, a great leader worries about all people, the Cards revealed nothing on that subject, instead they hinted at something darker, but offered no details, being more vague than usual. Even his dreams, his subconscious, often assembling a clearer picture of what he read, has been unable to illuminate the shadows that shrouded the meaning of that reading...the last reading he has done since leaving UIW space.

Apparently the Cards have told him of something, but what were they trying to tell him? Whatever it is, it must be of great importance, for he has felt little desire or urge for another reading, and he suspects that until he has an epiphany, the Cards would tell him nothing on any topic. Instead they would just say the same in a different, until whatever was foretold came to pass, Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner would have to rely upon himself and deal with situations as they arise on his own.....and that frightened him.


Leroy Jethro Clampett was now committed, almost a third of his troops would be facing a larger force of Leechers, not that it surprised him all that much. From past experiences he knew they would've done pretty much the same thing, even if he was still part of the LCAF, at least by using Clan Trial standards he's able to limit the damage and casualties. Still, it nagged at him that he had to order anyone out to their deaths, but that was the lot of a Soldier and the Commanding Officer.

In the mean time, he had other orders to give, "Calls up Sahjunt Way, tells 'im tah dat dah jahbrakuhs is a comin' wit us, bes' naht ta tempt dem Leechers, Worms an' Dracs wit dem. Duhnt wan' dem gettin' anuh cavahtuhs or nuhtin, lawd knows dey culd'n' resust usin' dem all if'n dey gots dah chance."

"Uh knows me boyos wills puts up hells own figh', bu' evuhn Uh knows dere odds be's mughtuh lows. Bestah be readuh fo' dah worsen, an's hopes fo' dah bes'."