Draconis Combine IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by tassa_kay, April 12, 2010, 07:36:23 PM

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Coordinator's Palace
Imperial City, Luthien
Draconis Combine

A message, transmitted from parts unknown, was routed to the security detail of the Coordinator himself, having been rated at the highest priority.  The message itself bore the earmarks of the Clans, sent from the WarShip Esprit de Corps and had been routed in realtime to the palace in order to expedite dialogue.

Coordinator Kurita,

By now you are aware of what has transpired on your world of Schwartz.  And I wish to inform you that, despite the fact that you and the other members of your False Star League have given aid and succor to our Not-Named enemies, I have taken steps to demonstrate to you that I do not stand behind such barbaric actions, actions which taint the honor of all of us with their senselessness.  And I would very much care to speak with you personally on this matter, that we might find an accord that would ensure the safety of both of our peoples.

However, Clan Blood Spirit does have a Grievance against the Draconis Combine, for harboring the traitorous and heretical Not-Named and denying us the justice that our honor demands be done.  And we wish to see this Grievance answered, but as warriors, not as savages.  You, alone of all the Successor Lords, understand honor and everything that it drives us to do.  Which is why I am speaking with you now.

I ask you, Coordinator, let cooler heads prevail this day.  Though the people of Schwartz might say otherwise, we are not the fallen Jaguars.  Let us satisfy our honor and put an end to this madness before it spirals out of control and leads to yet more death and destruction.

Khan Adrianna Schmitt
Clan Blood Spirit



Your Clans actions over Schwartz have shown just how far the you are willing to go down the path of Annihilation, a path that will lead to your clans doom.

Do you have any indication the world of Schwartz had any descendants of the Wolverines?
Did your Clans Warships only target their settlements?
Did your Captains even think twice on bombarding innocent lives?

Clearly the answer to these questions is no.

The people of Schwartz demand vengeance, the people of the Draconis Combine demand vengeance and i will deliver it to them, but i am not without sanity. Deliver both warships, their crews and commanders to the Dragon and reparations to the world of Schwartz and we will see about cooler heads prevailing.

Though you are not the fallen Jaguars it would be good for you to put yourself in their shoes and trying to learns the lessons they did not.

[OCC Both Bombarding warships are given to the DC, fully crewed and 24RP; the cost of upgrading the world given to the DC]



You seek vengeance, and yet you seek to do so without honor.  Declare a proper Trial, and we shall consider meeting you on the field of battle as warriors and as equals.  But you insult us by issuing such ludicrous demands, and we shall respond to that insult by refusing to fall into the trap which you would set for us.

Indeed, if your own people had taken the choice which you presented to my warriors at Schwartz, they would not have forced us to punish them to begin with.  Though our hands are far from clean, my warriors were within their rights, and your people received that which they asked for.

Reconsider your approach, and perhaps I might do the same.  Continue along this hateful path, and we shall simply deny you the honor of engaging real warriors in honorable battle.

Khan Adrianna Schmitt
Clan Blood Spirit

(OOC: Edited for awkward wording.)


You speak of honor when you have shown none, you speak of your real warriors when all they have shown is their ability to press the firing button. Do you not remember your clans defeat on Strana Mechty? Do you not remember the Clan Smoke Jaguars? The space around Sudeten?

In the clans you are only as great as your last victory, so tell me Adrianna what is your clans last great victory? I can tell you the Dragons last victory and i can tell you their next victory, the destruction of your dezgra fleet over Schwartz.

In the Combine their is no greater honor than dying for the Dragon, do not engage us in honorable combat if you so chose; it is of no concern to me. For you have shown no honor so far.


You speak of our defeat during the Great Refusal, a defeat that only occurred because your Genyosha warriors threw their honor to the winds.  Victory without honor is no victory.  You speak of our dishonorable actions over Schwartz, but fail to answer for the honor of your own people on the world, who refused to honor our warriors with a proper challenge.

These "victories" you speak of, are they victories such as the one you achieved when you brutally murdered the people of Kentares?  Or perhaps when you selfishly helped to destroy the Star League and the unity, peace, and prosperity that it brought?  Again, victory without honor is no victory, Coordinator.

And you speak of your next "victory" before you have even achieved it, Coordinator.  As you Spheroids say, do not count your chickens before they hatch.  You will find that there is no victory to be had at Schwartz, but yet more blood spilled senselessly.

Achieve your vengeance with honor, or achieve nothing.  There is no other path to follow.

Save your insults, Coordinator, for the arrogant words of a selfish, powermongering Successor Lord are worth less than nothing to a Clan of Kerensky, and it is clear that for the Dragon, honor only exists when it is deemed necessary.


Draconis Combine High Command
Fortress Dieron
Dieron, Dieron Military District




The following is delivered via Private Military Courier from Avon to Luthien

To: Coordinator Minuro Kurita
From: RD Prince Elect
Subject: The New Dominion

There has been a change
A new republic stands firm
  Would you like to meet?


Schuyler would seem to be the best place.


Quote from: Fatebringer on November 12, 2010, 07:35:24 PM
The following is delivered via Private Military Courier from Avon to Luthien

To: Coordinator Minuro Kurita
From: RD Prince Elect
Subject: The New Dominion

There has been a change
A new republic stands firm
  Would you like to meet?


The space above Luthien announced the arrival of a visitor.  The SLDF jumpship carried a single dropship.  It soon requested clearance.

"This is Admiral Latouche Treville, of the Star League Defense Force Navy.  I am requesting clearance to meet with your military leadership."


Admiral Treville was led to a small room adjacent to the starport and soon a man wearing a black suit entered. "You may call me Mr. Grey Admiral and I will be your contact person to the government today, how can the Dragon help you?"


Admiral Treville did his best to mask his confusion.  Japanese customs always confused him.  However, he did his duty.

"Mr Grey, the Star League Defense force is seeking the assistance of as many member states to ensure it has the warriors and machinery necessary to carry out its mission.  This includes the admirality.  We seek to find a way to better cooperate with the Dragon and its forces, to stem the tide of those arrayed against us.  We want to ensure that the clans become very aware that the inner sphere stands united against them and that we can stop their steamroller."


"No other realm has cooperated with the SLDF and others as much as the Draconis Combine, as we speak we are coordinating with the FS, FWL and TH to roll back the clans, so I do not see what more assistance we can render to the SLDF."


"This is true.  Until the Lyran debacle, you worked closely with General Steiner and his commands.  But, expectedly so, you pulled back during the quagmire that existed during the Lyran collapse and after the General's attack.  General Hall seeks to restrengthen those bonds and find a common direction for the SLDF and the cooperation between member states.  And, we are definitely aware of your work to help us bring our assets back home and do not wish to belittle those efforts.  The SLDF would be in even more dire straights if not for the strength of the Dragon.  But, the clans have not seen this type of cooperation in their face.  Instead, they have worked to steam roll us with their own cooperation.  And, some states seek to operate completely independently of the SLDF and the goals of the Star League as a whole.  This pulls forces away from a cooperative front.  We seek the Dragons strength and support in creating a truly unified front, like the one that freed many of your worlds and destroyed an entire clan years ago."


"Their was no point to throw away lives in bad strategy, the whole Lyran Alliance is a lost in my opinion; it should be stripped and forgotten. If some states do not want to work independently of the SLDF I am not quite sure what the Dragon can help you with."


"Well, to be honest, we seek to establish a buffer zone, a protectorate, if you will.  An attempt to protect the people of the Skye region, push the clans in that area back.  By cooperating in the Council and on the front itself, we hope to remove the will of a few more clans.  If we can break their unity enough and show our own, perhaps we can stop them and deal with the ones that are true threats by themselves.  But, the loss of so many forces at Tamar shows just how far the clans will cooperate and, frankly, it did hurt us a ton.  We need friends."