[RP/MM] T38: CSR vs FS - Hunting Order - Sector 2446 Clan Space [Complete]

Started by Fatebringer, April 14, 2010, 05:32:35 PM

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29 March 3069
Deep Space

Khan Lynn Mckenna stood beside Star Admiral Lydia Sukhanov on board the command Deck of the CSRS Mountbatton. The last jump bought them out of the neubla with one charge left per ship. They had to leave behind the Vanderbilt because she did not have the capacity to make the final few jumps due to her KF drive. The small ship would not be missed. They were here to hunt a whale. One of the Fedsuns Avalon Cruisers that was making it's way to the homeworlds to cause trouble. The Ravens had been unable to assist with hunting down the degraza kindraas and cloisters because they were focused on locating the incoming ships and spearheading Operation Phalanx, the Clan defense of the homeworlds from naval threats. The Scorpion abandonment hurt the operation overall as did the Mandril invasion of New Kent, resourses had been re-allocated elsewhere. The only way to deal with th threat other then to garrison every world was to go on the offensive. Find the would be hunters and show them what it meant to be a Snow Raven.

"All ships report in." shouted out Ludia Sukhanov, as the Adjudant Senior Star Admiral of the clans, aboard this ship, she outranked the Khan herself. One by one, they reported in by Codewords. "Sheath" Claymore" "Dagger" The only one missing was "Crossbow", the Sylvester Class Destroyer who had proven their worth against the Jade Falcons in simulated battle. Their marine forces were re-allocated to the Achilles Dropships to be ferried across the bled until the last minute where they would disembark and seek out the Alexander Davion. That was, if the Inter-Clan Watch had provided accurate data. Either way, once the ships reported in, the launching began. "Do you see them?" Lydia called out to the sensor tech. "Not that we are out of the cloud, the scan will go much quicker, Ovkhan. We will know shortly."

"Alexander Davion" Hunting Fleet -  100 FP
Mountbatton Battle Group (Texas), Elite / Fanatical, 42.75 - VIP: Khan Lynn McKenna
Scabbard Battle Group (Aegis), Elite / Fanatical, 40
Muninn Battle Group (Vincent Mk 42), Elite /Fanatical, 5.25
Fionnavon Battle Group (Kimagure), Regular / Reliable, 9
Mech Marine Contingent, Regular / Reliable, 3 FP

Lord Harlock

Alexander Davion
Alexander Davion Battlegroup

It was a little known fact that the Avalon class crusier had its bridge in the middle of its hull. This was because it was well armored. At the moment, this also kept the cursing and other details from resonating across the vessel. Louis Tourville looked at the holographic projector.

The Alexander Davion and the Intrepid were detailed in their respective shapes, but the at the least five new contacts were blocks of various sizes depending on the heat level as they came out of hyperspace. A visual sighting hadn't occurred yet. Instead the tell tale signs of a detection of a heat signature occurred. "We still have both a charge on LiFi battery, but it will take time to put it into our KF drive."

It was a voice of reason in sea of clashing orders. Louis Tourville looked at the data. His fighters and dropships were ready for a fight, but against those odds. Against the unknown but large enemy, he knew that he would lose. And beyond all other things, he could not lose the Alexander Davion to the Clans. She had to die one way or another if the battle was lost.

He shook his head. "Kate, coordinate the battlegroup. Get us ready to retreat."

Kate Summerville looked at Tourville. "What?" She was a bit shocked. "But you were the one who fought this ship through the first battle of Pasig."

Tourville nodded. "The Alexander survived that first part of the battle, but here we have no fall back. Our backs are to the wall, and all I wish was that I had a ring of Gyges for the entire battlegroup."

Kate laughed. "Well, we could hope that is true about why the AFFS paints our vessels red."

"That's an old spacer's tale."

Tourville chuckled as he picked up a receiver. It was wired into the console. "I doubt tha we move three times as fast. That's an old spacer's tale. . . . Leftenant Jefferies, open an nonsecure channel," ordered Tourville to a tech that was running several communication lines. "Kate, use laser communication with the Intrepid."

She picked up her own line. And she nodded.

Touville spoke into the open line. "This is Admiral Louis Tourville of the Alexander Davion Battlegroup."

On the deck of a Vengance Dropship

Men and Women readied fighters of all descriptions. A wing commander looked over his knights of the void as he got into his own Dagger omnifighter.
But his radio received the message from Tourville as he spoke to probably space. "We have traveled a long way. But the question that I have is what crime have my crew and I  committed?"

The Wing Commander looked at the radio. "Have we bombarded worlds with plasma and flame?" And finally he changed to a secure frequency for further orders.

On the Aicht, Octopus Dropship attached to the Intrepid

The captain of the Aicht shook his head. "Obviously, they will not have us go into battle." He was shocked when he got a call. As he listened to the orders he sighed. But on the radio, Tourville continued to talk.

"Because that is the question. We did not pillage or even take your resources. We merely came to investigate whether the Clans could detect us. And it appears our invisibility has failed us. There is no mountain with molten lava to throw away our shame."

The Aicht Captain laughed. "Always droning on about such things, one of these days Tourville is going to drown himself in such drivel." Then he looked out at the front of his vessel. "Get the arms ready. We are going into battle if this drabble fails."

Between the Alexander Davion and Intrepid

Slick and straight fighters flew already ready for battle. The Corsair had been ordered by the Star League Defense Force, but not one had actually gone on the Exodus. Only the Principality of Regulus and the Federated Suns had any, and the Suns had the only production of the resilient fighter.

"Because this would be a pointless battle, and if anything Kerensky hated waste. There was no crime against the Clans to merely creep to the door and then return home to the Inner Sphere. However, I understand that the Clans have a concept of forgiveness. I believe it is called seppuku. . . Right, wrong honorable culture." For a moment the transmission stopped.

The fighters rolled as Tourville came back. "The concept of surkai is what I thinking of. Since you are offended by our pressence. So here is what I offer."

Back to the bridge of the Alexander Davion

"I made this offer to the Hanseatic League, but they declined due to a horror that swept through their words. Dead men have no desire for food as we both know; it something that only the living like. So I offer my mesh to have dinner and debate to the Clan that has followed me here. In fact, one of the best chefs in the fleet is on board the Alexander Davion."

Kate Summerville shook her head and spoke softly. "You can't be serious Louis. Clanners don't like fine cuisine or debate. They prefer banging heads to decide who has the biggest di. . . ."

Tourville motioned for Kate to settle. "For you see, I will offer you four other things as well. I will offer something that no clan has two Daro-1 Dagger Omnifighters." Kate shook with shock. "And in addition, I will give two examples of the fighter that gave the AFFS air supporter in many engagements during the Succession Wars. It was ordered by probably General Kerensky himself. And if not for the Exodus, it would have been flown by the Star League Defense Force. I will give you two examples of the Corsair."

Kate was nearly ready to jump over the holo console and strangle her superior officer. "Of course, you could take them in battle, but as good as your techs are, I doubt that it will be the same as working model. So your options are dinner of excellent quality with debate on my ship. A time spent finding common ground between us as we eat and talk, so we can possibly push back a wasteful war. Plus four fighters of excellent quality that you can examine at your leisure will be yours without question if you accept my apology for venturing too close to your worlds."

And then Tourville added. "Or we could be wasteful. A game of cat and mouse will happen. As we do battle, and I work to escape all the way back to the Inner Sphere. I have faith in my crew that we can do it. But I also know from the Writer of the Unfinished Book that it is better to turn the other cheek. The choice is up to you my unseen admiral of the deep. As one sailor of the black sea to another, I have given my offer of friendship."

It was with that Tourville put down his receiver as he finished his offer, and he silenced it. He twisted a dial that made sure that any reply would be heard by all the bridge crew. Vice Admiral Kate Summerville was livid. "You would turn over four fighters."

Tourville shook his head. "I would turn over more if it would guarantee that we got back to the Federated Suns alive." And then he added. "For remember, sometimes to the bold goes the prize."

Kate shook her head as she continued to give orders to the Battlegroup. Tourville gripped the rallying. But he added. "To guarantee the safety and freedom of the entire command, I would even volunteer to become their prisoner."

And he made a silent pray to God, the writer of the Unfinished Book, that his people would survive this day to see their families even if it cost him life.

Alexander Davion Battlegroup
FSS Alexander Davion-Avalon Crusier Elite 30 FP
FSS Intrepid-Fox Corvette Elite 15 FP
[Orders Try to Retreat]


The return message came some time later as the vessels began to show on long range visuals. "If you wish to prove your intentions to this debate. You will dump any remaining jump charges you currently possess and accept an armed escort for our envoy. These terms, are not optional."

Lord Harlock

Tourville asked one question. "And I accept the terms, but before I order the discharge, I ask that I know who will be coming for dinner?"


"I am Lynn McKenna, Khan of Clan Snow Raven. I am certain that you can understand my presence will ensure my ships cease fire while I am your guest."

Lord Harlock

Tourville looked a bit shocked as the voice echoed around the bridge of the Alexander Davion. Kate Summerville smiled deeply as dark thoughts crossed across her mind. Admiral Tourville looked at her. "This is not the time." He then went back to the communicator. "Then you honor us, Khan McKenna. Bay Two is being prepared for your arrival."

Kate Summerville looked at Tourville. "You can't be serious. This is a perfect opportunity to take out a Khan even if Clanners loose them like small children loose teeth." Tourville looked at his subordinate. "That's enough. When we greet Khan McKenna, we will be cordigal and above all other things thoughtful. And lastly give the order to drop the charge from our battery."

Kate Smmerville grudgely gave the order.

The Intrepid and Alexander Davion both discharged their battery charge. It shoot out the rear of the vessels like an electric discharge. 


As the ships closed range, the envoy suttled across under the guns of the four Raven ships as they took up overwatching battle positions, each settling at their optimum range. As the multitudes of fighters escorted the small crafts across the bled, the Mounbatton became the closest ship to the Avalon Cruiser, ready to broadside if the Fedsuns ship tried any treachary. The Scabbard, slightly further out, ready to make distance itself if needed, at a perpendicular angle to the Aegis was the Fionnavon, the "Hatchetface" pointed straight at the heart of the Alexander Davion like an arrow, but the Munnin was completely out of range of the other ships, patroling the jump point with her escorts unless needed. There wasn't much the little Corvette could do in the actual battle except harrass from range with it's Capitol Missles, but the ships detection capabilities were perfect for the job it was currently doing.


When the small ships docked with the huge Avalon Craft, the armed escort dissembarked in the landing bay, white armored suits filling the deck. Many of the suits were smaller then expected with birdlike helmets, the guns they held across their chests as they marched forth were large with fixed with boyonets and were larger then the power suit's legs. These were not the standard Elemental suits that were well known across the universe and the warriors were barely armored, but definately more mobile then the Standard suits, but guarding each ship was another point of suits, these much larger then the Standard units, still only housing a double missle launcher and a mech quality laser, the armor plating stated that while slower, it could probably take more damage then they were used to.

To the observers, they could see the final dissembarking from the primary shuttle were a star of standard elemental suits were colored with a mix of muted night camouflage with shades of purple or blue, only the lead pair of suits were the lighter white power suits with the birdlike heads, however these suits had only minor sidearms. The one was an older man in his 50's with asianic features from native terran India, the other, a woman smaller then any other warrior on the tarmac. Lynn's Raven white hair was cropped short, the wrinkles on her face clearly defining her true age.

The man pointed to a nearby elemental, "Point Commander Dean, take the engineers to verify the jump charge dump and that it was not just some pretty light show." The elemantal gave a quick Aff and began giving commands, while the main Raven envoy approached the Davion delegates.

Lord Harlock

Louis Tourville had changed into the dress uniform of the AFFS. Including full cape which was never the best idea in microgravity, it took years to learn the proper way of wearing a full cape in microgravity. With the three strips on his shoulder left on a field of black, he was a naval officer, and for the occsaion he donned a sunvest along with most of the senior command staff of the Alexander Davion Battlegroup on their right. "Welcome abord the Alexander Davion, Vice Admiral Kate Summerville please show the Raven Engineers and Point Commander Dean and his team to prove that we dropped the charge." Then he looked to a marine in body armor. "Chief Somair please privide escort for the Ravens and Kate Summerville."

Tourville was a nearing fifty, but he was the regular height of the average man of the Federated Suns. Standing a full foot taller than the Raven leader, he decided against sloutching or bowing  as he extend his hand to the smaller woman. "Khan Kynn McKenna, I am Admiral Louis Tourville of the Alexander Davion Battlegroup. If you would follow me, we can head to the gravity deck to being this discussion and dinner," he said.

In the bay, one could see two Dagger Omnifighters as well as two Corsairs taken down to the base metal.  


Lynn took the offered hand in her synth glove, a very impersonal feeling for a personal greeting. "Admiral." she said and then let go, using her other hand to point across her chest at her associate. "This is Star Admiral Asif Cole." The other man offered his hand and was very impassive about the meeting. "Admiral." he said. Lynn continued. "He is the commander of the Lum Garrison Fleet, so your presense here at the doorstep to our Homeworld was of great interest to him." Asif gave a brief smile. "These are some fine machines you have on display here."

Lord Harlock

Tourville motioned to a man standing next to him. "This is Commodore Wayne Campbell of the FSS Intrepid to my right." He was a chipper younger man from one of the first warship classes taught. "He was originally the first officer of the Intrepid after graduating at the top of his class at Armstrong Flight Academy. He helped guide her through many battles including the First Part of the Battle of Pasig as well as the Battle of Pain or New Kerensky if you please. After my promotion to command of the full battlegroup along with Vice Admiral Kate Somerville's promotion, he got the Intrepid."

Campbell put out his hand to greet the Khan and Star Admiral. Tourville then pointed to the one of the Daggers. "As I stated, I offered four of my fighters to you regardless of amything." Tourville then motioned to the Daggers. "These are DARO-1 Dagger Omnifighters built by Johnston Industries on Addicks and New Syrtis. Both have served on the Alexander Davion since she was launched." After putting to the twin engined medium fighter, Tourville pointed towards the two Corsairs. Straight and narrow, the Corsair was like a arrow with powerful engines. Campbell spoke up. "This two fighters as well have served on the Intrepid for her life as well. Fine fighters that served in every battle that the Intrepid has been in."

Campbell spoke with pride. As Tourville spoke up. "Khan McKenna and Star Admiral Cole if you would like the Commodore and I can give you a brief tour of the Alexander before we sit down for dinner and debate."


"Most certainly." Lynn said. Before they left, Asif made a motion and a tech team began inspecting the fighters as four pilots zipped up their suits and awaited the inspection of the fighters. Then waved at the Battle Armor detachment to take up their places. Lynn's eyes were lazily rested upon Kate Summerville. Behind her mask of duty, her emotions were still plain to see. "This one wants trouble," she thought to herself. She stepped up next to the Admiral and moving at a slow but steady pace, Asif fell in directly behind her as the tromp of battle armor moved forward to flank them. "Honestly Admiral, it was not your offer of these fighters that enticed us to accept your offer but rather we had hoped we would get just such a tour before our meal." Asif spoke up. "Aff, we have encountered the Mjolnir, Dante, Fox, and most of the ships the Draconis Combine produces. We have seen the Luxor's in action, and oneday hope to reprise the halls of one of the League's Theras. But , but this has been our first opportunity to see one of your Avalons."

As they walked and talked thru the halls, the four fighters were cleared for flight and made their way off the deck, zipping  away one at a time across the void to recovery bays of the CSRS Munnin.

Lord Harlock

Kate Sommerville smiled through her teeth at the Khan of the Snow Ravens. Looking at the Clan engineers, she nearly barked an order to them. "Come along, we might well as prove that we discharged our battery's charge." She started to leave as Admiral Tourville smiled at the Khan.

"Indeed, AFFS is quite proud of the Avalon class. Considering the changes that we had to make to the design due to the Lyran succession and Comstar's delay on initial components though we eventually just did ourselves, it was amazing that the Avalon class turned out as well as she did. But it might not be as glamorous a start to this tour as anything, but let's begin at the fuel tanks of the Alex." Tourville then added. "It's one of the more amazing design aspects of the Avalon Class in fact, Madam Khan." 


"I think you will like the fuel tanks." Adrmiral Touville said to the party. "It's actually one of the more intresting aspects of the Avalon Class. The thing hold a ton of fuel." Asif asked innocently. "I would think a ship like this would have more then a single ton, Quiaff?" Touville looked at Cole and saw the grin on his face. "You'll see." As the approached the massive tank, Touville continued, "The Avalon holds up to 25,000 tons of fuel for regular movement. Most warships hold about 2000 tons at the most. It has a regular burning ration as well. In short, she is a good long term raider." Lynn interjected, "Is that why you are here?" Tourville immediately began to go into his prepared response to that question. Asif said, "Do not answer that, my Khan has a sense of humor today. Unusual indeed, but if I may ask, why so much fuel? How fast are these engines?"

"She can push up to 6 G's of thrust which is pretty good, but the burn ration isn't that much higher than a lot of ships. But the thrust is still pretty good for a crusier." Asif knocked on the hull. "Aff, she is lighter then one would think for so much protection. You could push her pretty hard thru the void." Tourville motioned for the group to follow him, boots clattered across the hull plating. "The Fox is the same philsophy. She is well armored for a corvette. But the Avalon with her engines can beat a Fox in a race." Asif nodded, "We have evaluated the Foxes we have seen. Rounder then the Soyuz, but fulfills practically the same role, Quiaff?" the clanners opinion of their Fox didn't phase Touville, "Indeed, they were designed originally with the idea of being naval defense for landing troops. They turned out to be incredibly better at raiding targets much larger than them. Though Federated Boeing regrets every licensing the Fox to the Lyran firms. It was through the Lyran firms that the Fox became available to everyone in the Inner Sphere and beyond." Lynn interrupted, "We have had the pleasure of touring one of those already. Shall we continue with our tour?" Tourville shook his head. "Of course, it's just a sorrow point to the AFFS Navy. But if we pass through this corridor, we can see the engines of the Alexander."


Tourville led the group down to several gantries to the engines and when he got there looked at the Raven Marines still there, he also saw Vice Admiral Kate Summerville with her marines standing by her. "Kate, have the Ravens been satisfied with our discharge procedure?" Kate Summerville hide her snear. "I'm not sure. Their engineers are looking all over the engine room. I think even one is looking at the compact drive." Tourville was a bit shocked. "That could be dangerous even without the charge." Tourville looks at Khan Lynn and Star Admiral Asif. "Have your people confirmed our discharge?" Lynn didn't smile but spoke in his place. "They have, and will stay here until we are off the ship. A bit of 'Insurance' you might say. We Snow Raven move with caution in unfamiliar waters Admiral. We are a pragmatic people." Louis nodded. "And the Black Sea has always welcomed the pragmatic. That was one of the first lessons that my instructors taught me at NAIS in the jumpship program." Tourville the pointed to the one of the large engines used for interplanetary movement of the Avalon. "When we first designed the Avalon, she was suppose to use engines from Comstar. But due to dragging their robes, they gave us enough time to design our own engines."

Although Tourville's words were are calm as he was there was tension in the room. Since her arrival, Lynn had gone back to watching Kate like she was some wounded mouse while Asif Cole was attentive to Tourville. Kate noticed the unwanted attention but didn't flich with the Khan looking at her. She kept her hands in her cape wishing that she had a gun, however Tourville had made sure that she was unarmed. What she would do for so mechwarrior spurs right now. Silently, she kept her smile even if her eyes betrayed her.

All across the engine room, Louis' voice could be heard, "Universal Air provided the know how in fact of getting the engines to a bit more performace," offered Tourville. "So when the first Avalon broke loose from her mourings over Kathil, there was a great cheer for the speed she demonstrated." Asif nodded to the presentation. "Big engines are not nearly as important as reliable engines, Quiaff?"  Tourville taped the side of the engine. "So far in combat, we have not had a Goliath LV9 engine go out on us. Though I do have to admit, Star Admiral, we had some issues with the Melissa Davion initially, but it was due more to software than anything." And then he added. "The Goliath LV9 engines have been more than reliable in combat." Asif smiled pleasantly at the presentation, "Good to hear. Shall we proceed? We have a minor bet going as to what we shall find on your bridge." As Tourville moves out of the engine room, Lynn stood by Asif returning her attention to the Fedsuns Admiral. Tourville nodded. "Well then the bridge awaits."


Commodore Campbell watched the Ravens with intrest. He had been holding back. And he figured the long trek to the bridge afforded him to the time for a joke. "It's a little known fact that an Avalon's bridge is as hard to find as a heart of a Capellan Chancellor. They are both buried deep." Lynn and Asif looked at Campbell to acknowledge what he had said, but that was all. The butt of the joke having no meaning to the foreigners, Campbell and Tourville, moved on. The corridors to the bridge became more prestine as they got away from engineering. In fact, they were not that far away from the engines. But as Campbell had said, the Avalon's bridge was buried deep in the ship. The doors opened to the bridge which appeared to be in a word, secure. The  middle of the room had a holotable that was built by a computer company from a world known as Macintosh. And there appeared to be three levels, the gunners and techs sat at stations controlling the ship. At the lowest level where the holotable sat, the officer of the watch stood looking at the current information on the holotable.

Lynn glanced slowly over to Asif. "You were right." Tourville nodded. "The designers of the Avalon felt it better to have the commanding officer be on the bridge." He then sighed. "We have a holotank, but it is larger than what you will be familiar with. In fact, I prefer using the holotable because the tank is more an isolation chamber than anything." Campbell then pressed several buttons next to a secure door. Asif looked back at Lynn, "Even though it is not on the bridge, it does count." Lynn and her retinue followed Tourville. "Fine." It was noted that none of the Blue and Purple suited elementals stayed behind with Asif, but as he followed so did a few of the other elemenatals, but for outside of the corridors, it was mostly just Aerie Power Armor.Inside was the holotank, and it looked quite isolated. Tourville then offered. "It's not as good as a Comstar one. Again, it was a compromise. And I honestly, I don't like the one they installed." AFFS marines watched over the bridge watching the movement of the Ravens. With their helmets on, they spoke over secure channels. But Tourville decided it was time to show the Khan and Asif to something a little more intresting.


Taking them down a corridor, they once more entered an elevator, and as they did microgravity seemed to disappear ever so slightly. Finally, it was gone. Gravity was restored. "This is one of two gravity decks on board the Avalon. And this is also where the messes are located. And unlike our bridge, it is the tower of the vessel and looks on the void." Lynn looks around. "Well it would seem it is dinner time then." She gave a gentle smile of a frail old woman who was eager to serve a meal. Tourville nodded. He then escorted the Khan and the entrouge past several other messes. Till they finally arrived to two doors with the emblem of the Federated Suns. Tourville opened the doors. Behind the doors were servers awaiting to serve dinner of Avalon Roast with a fine rich sauce, new potatoes, fresh carrots, and bread baked with Avalon wheat. The table prepared was under several painting including one of Yvonne, but the seat of the Captain had a special painting. It depicted a man holding aloft a sword as mechs stood around him in some sort of swamp. Underneath the painting was the title "Pledge on Nahoni."
But across from the captain was a window into the void. It offered a good view of the Intrepid.

The Elementals that were on the Grav Dec lined the outside of the room behind Lynn and Asif. Others waited in the Hall. "Admiral Touville, it was your idea to invite us to a debate, so the first topic of discussion will be suceeded to you." Lynn said as she took a seet at the end of the table. No doors were behind her, but the purple and blue of the Corvis Keshik was. They obscured a few pieces of artwork. Tourville sat down in his chair. "But before you begin if you wish, the other messes can offer dinner to your guards in shifts as we debate, and I'm sure that the Star Admiral would like to set down as well." He then smiled. "As for the course of debate, I believe the best place to begin is a grand question that has been asked many times. What is the best life?" Star Admiral Asif also seated himself to Lynn's Right side. "Do not concern yourself with our security detail. We do not starve them, and if we allowed them to partake in this meal, they might lose their edge." Lynn, looked over her setting familiarizing herself with what was on the table. "What is the best life? That can have so many meanings Admiral, I already see that you have done this before."

"Asif, how would you interpret the question?" She said looking over to he companion. "The meaning of life has been intepreted over and over thru the centuries. The addition of the word 'Best' would invite opinion, not fact as there are rarely any clear 'Best' options to anything." Lynn looked around the table at the others, reading their interpretations to the clanners mindset was important for making any decisions she would have to make today. Campbell was sitting down, but the female commander was notably absent. "Will the Vice Admiral be joining us?" Tourville apologized, "I am certain that Kate is down in the bridge by now. She stayed down in engineering to make sure that your people completed their inspection, but in the light of things, she is more needed to pilot the ship then monitor the engine rooms. I am certain she left the detatchement to look over our interests there as well. Wouldn't want you to think we weren't being 'Pragmatic', right?" Lynn nodded in approval, Tourville nodded back fairly certain that this was the first true emotion he'd felt from the Raven high commander. Then he continued, giving his attention to the man that spoke the last words of the debate, "Now Asif, If you asked a Capellan in 2230 what the best life was, it would be totally different from the best life according to a modern Capellan. Artists versuses a society that is built around defined order have two different view points. But underlying all things, there may in fact be an underlying truth that many have searched for. And in our time, we may only see a glimpse of it." Lynn looked over the food but responded without looking at anyone in paticular. "Aff, defining the 'Best' is usally only acceptable for the moment..."

Lord Harlock

Tourville smiled. "Ah but we have already established that we see little tidbits of the truth." As waves of steam rose from the Avalon Roast in front of him, the Admiral pointed towards the star of the system. "Like streams of light, the truth exists as tidbits. At times, I'd say that great men and women have seen it, but they latch onto small doses of it like a prisoner deprived of light readjusting his eyes. Too much would drive them mad or even be fatal."

Tourville smiled at the Khan who seemed to enjoy the Avalon Roast, and then he nodded at the Star Admiral. "These titans of history took their perception of the heavenly truth, and they made societies. Look at Lucien Davion who latched onto the Creator given right of freedom, and sought to create a society to perceive it."  And then Louis launched his first true salvo. "But others have had this priviledge to see the truth even the original ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky. Though he had a different perception of it, he no doubt saw the ultimate truth, and he took a different path than President Lucien Davion."

Commodore Campbell looked a bit shocked at his ranking officer. "But Admiral Tourville, Kerensky created a society that society to entrap freedoms." Tourville answered his lower officer before the Snow Ravens Commanders could. "And but for the Grace of God goes I, Campbell. We will never know what type of circumstances we would be in if you or I created a society that was descending into barbarism on a barely colonized world. However, Kerensky created a society that thrived which means that there is some truth to it. However, the problem that presents itself is how do two different society that are both creation of truth come into contact and then react to one another when the only means of communication so far has been through barrel of a ppc?"

Tourville then decided to follow the rabbit that he had created. "Not by trade or even diplomatic relations would two such societies meet. That in my opinion has been one of the greatest tragedies of the last decade was the loss of all normal relations between the societies of the Inner Sphere and the Clans of the Kerensky Cluster. When the Embassy on Huntress was shuttered, it was the end of any meaningful dialogue." In staying his statement, Tourville had avoided using the phrase 'Successor State' or 'Star League.' One was a strange description of the states of the Inner Sphere: all had existed before the first Star League. And Star League was such a pregnant phrase that it was better to avoid the phrase as much as possible.

Tourville began to cut into his meat as the sauce gushed onto his plate, but he smiled at the Khan and Star Admiral Atif.


Lynn looked up and finished swallowing, "Truth now is it? I shall share with you some ....truth, Admiral." Lynn looked down at her plate and took a bite. "These 'Barbaric' ways as you put it, were a spark of inspiration by a man living on the edge of nowhere. Trying to find a way to survive, he created a new society. I do not suppose you understand the true bredth of such an accomplishment. I have oft heard that those in the sphere think him mad and his father a coward for leaving in the first place. I myself admire the forsight of such men to know when it is time to fight and when it is time to save your strength for a fight you can win." The smirk on her face as she continued to chew played with the deep wrinkles on her face. "This is why I admired your call for this debate. You do not know us. You know 'The Clans', but you have never met the Snow Ravens on the field of battle. Those that have, still do not know us. Only those that have fought by our side have an inkling of who we are, and that is a very short list, Admiral." She put down her fork and picked up her glass. "Do you know why, the exhistance of Not-Named offend us so?"