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[Diplomacy] Turn 9 - 2525 Terra - Cease Fire [Closed]

Started by Fatebringer, December 15, 2010, 03:12:58 PM

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The SHAFT representative awaited the arrival of the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation delegates for the meeting. The formal request by the Draconis combine Ambassador was hastily received by Brandi Martin. The short dark skinned woman adjusted her glasses as another party entered the door. "Good Morning Ambassador Wu, please join us." The room was a large speaking room devoid of most of the modern amenities, the wood setting gave a feel that things here were solid. "I'll discuss the ground rules for the mediation once the last party arrives."


((For the record, the following is taking place just prior to OP1. The actual combat threads have not progressed, as we were waiting for Faction Orders still.))


Ambassador Wu(Draconis Combine) was not exactly a diplomatic officer. Nor was he exactly a military advisor. He floated between the two jobs, and was currently the perfect man to mix military requirements with diplomatic double-talk. He bowed gracefully to  Ms. Martin, and took a seat.

"I thank you for making yourself availible on such short notice, Lady Martin. I hope that we may see order restored from this room."

Wu looked up as the elegant Ambassador Liao-Centrella walked into the chamber, wearing a dress that was the height of fashion in the Magistracy(meaning it had about half the material that most ladies would wear in the rest of the sphere, and most of it covering different places). Wu stood and bowed, which the Capellan Ambassador returned.

"Always a pleasure, Lady Liao-Centrella," Wu was nothing if not gracious.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Director Wes Collins walks in to the conference room.  after greeting everyone, he sits down.  "I realize that there have been communications between our respective nations, but thanks to representative Martin, we can hash these out face to face and get a real settlement.  I understand that the Combine has offered a cease fire in place while we talk, and we of the Federated Suns are willing to abide by that ceasefire, as long as our opponents do the same, of course."

"But enough of our babbling. I see that some interested parties have not arrived, and perhaps it would be wise to wait for them first."


((pretty sure everyone is here: DC and CC, and I thought the RA had already arrived aswell. Can't post longer atm, will get to it later tonight.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


(Ok, wait, who are the players?  I thought DK = GM & DC, while Fate = GM & CC.  Are one of you stuck with RA also?)


((DK is Head GM, and DC / CJF. For this he is handling CC as well. I handle RA and WiE, and for this am the Moderator as well as this has more to do with the DC / FS then anyone else. The CC is the DC ally, and RA the FS one.))


The stout black woman pursed her lips and began to point at the Federated Suns councilor, but bit back her words and then spoke in a very sweet and overly calm voice. "Won't you please be seated Director Collins."

Once everyone was seated, Brandi began. "All relevant parties are present. Please be advised that within these chambers, I am merely a facilitator of discussion. As the moderator of these discussions, it is not my job to determine the outcome of anything, that is between you all." She said motioning to everyone in the room. "I do however, reserve the right to ask questions and to ask anyone present to relinquish the floor as part of my duties." Brandi manipulated the projector from a small protrusion in the table in front of her seat.

"We have established a priority feeds from Comstar to all locations that have conflict between parties at this table. In addition, should any known hostilities arise, we will be notified by live feed. This will save us the time of sending out additional diplomatic teams." Brandi pursed her lips again and put up her finger to her mouth. "I would like to take a second to extend the Republics elation for showing the trust in us to push for peace between nations that have all participated in the defense of our realm from possible Blakist incursions. Thank you."

"Having said that, we ask that you do ensure your adhere to the request for a total cease fire. While hashing out the terms for peace, any units already issues orders to move will not proceed to aggress once they have arrived. The forces on Blockade will be allowed to remain on Blockade, however the forces that are currently disrupting the flow of commercial good must cease and desist immediately. " Brandi looked at the elegant Ms. Liao-Centrella, is this understood?" she looked at the rest of the table, "..and are there any objections?"


As we speak, orders are being sent out to FS forces to hold off any offensive actions.  I would like to note that this includes the invasion of several essentially defenceless planets, the forbearance to sink a couple of warships, and the destruction of a couple of units (all on the DC front).  With that in mind, and with the caveat that I understand the Raven Alliance is separately negotiating with the Combine on their own terms, the following is our peace offer.

DC will acknowledge loss of: Klathandu IV to FS
DC will withdraw and turn over control from: Cassias, Breed, Dobson
DC will retain all salvage on contested worlds
FS Acknowledge loss of: Marlowe's Rift, Huan, Wapakoneta, Bergman's Planet, Harrow's Sun, Thestria, New Aberdeen, Elidere IV, Misery
(FS net loss 7 planets)

FS Withdrawal and turn over control from: Spica, Manapire
FS Turn over control of: Kafr Slim, Frazer, Bromhead, Horsham
FS Acknowledge loss of: Victoria, Jacson, Ikast, Verlo, Weatogue, Mendham, Jonzac, Glentworth, Sirdar

(edit: Ubidi was the FS win, Cassias is the contested)


Ambassador Liao-Centrella looked at the proposal the FS Ambassador had forewarded.

"Assuming a the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns ambassadors can reach an agreement, I am happy to accept the armistice under the Federated Suns' offered terms. And of course, the warships disrupting commerce will immediatly desist, regardless of the outcome here." A Capellan messenger went off quickly to have the orders drawn up.

Ambassador Wu however, looked far less convinced about the deal the FS had given to him.
"Am I to understand, Mr Collins, that the First Prince expects two transport groups to fight their way past a warship, without support, at Dobson and Breed? I will acknowledge the loss of Klathandu, but not Breed or Dobson. Udibi is an interesting case, as you successfully defeated our forces there, but I wonder if we would have regained it, once our reserves arrived, or the forces defending from the RA were released? Ah well. I will accept the loss of Udibi aswell."

Combine will acknowlege the loss of Klathandu IV and Udibi to the Federated Suns.
Combine will retain salvage from contested worlds, Suns will retain salvage from Klathandu IV and Udibi
Suns relinquish all claim to: Marlow's Rift, Huan, Wapakoneta, Bergman's Planet, Harrow's Sun, Thestria, New Aberdeen, Elidere IV, Cassias and Misery.

CC accepts proposed terms, conditional to the DC and FS coming to an agreement.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


You don't acknowledge loss of Ubidi, that was a FS world to begin with.  And the FS will not acknowledge the loss of Cassias, that's a pure none starter.

Look, whether it's Wapokoneta or Harper this month, or Breed/Dobson next month, you are on the defensive.  You've already lost the 8th Sword of Light on Ubidi.  You're going to lose the 5th on Wapokoneta, the 12th Galedon on Cassias.  And this is just on your FS front.  You've suffered losses Up near New Samarkaand, and I hear tell the Ravens are going to reinforce there.  You think they're going to give it back if they actually take it?  Our Assault dropships are every bit as good as your warships.  We're perfectly willing to go toe-to-toe.

You've got 4 regiments shattered, 1 destroyed with more coming this turn.  It's going to be more if you don't stop.  See some sense and stop the bloodshed before it's too late for us to stop.


OOC- Ubidi and Cassias were not actually belonging to either nation, they were contested worlds that were being 'negotiated' before I took over the DC and landed troops.


You've hit a few regiments. Congratulations. I hope your forces on the CC border are doing as well, else I might be making a trip to the new St Syrtis Commonality. Ubidi and Cassias were worlds that neither of us could claim by the end of the fighting against the Word of Blake. If you take that to mean that you own them and we have unfairly taken them from you, that's your perogative. However, I deal purely in facts. I am fully confident that there will be a peace accord between the Combine and the Ravens. In that event, plan to have your only edge stripped from you. The reinforcements that have recently arrived at New Samarkand will be deployed immeditaly, effectivly removing our losses from the table.

Your forces will never make it to Dobson, or Breed. So I wont even bother to consider those as part of your threat. If the Ravens pull out, Wapakoneta becomes purely ours once more, as the Ravens will pull out. Harrow's Sun is the same situation. Your forces have not even landed on Misery, Elidere IV, or Thestria.

So with your allies the Ravens gone, I hope your remaining forces along the front are going to be able to keep us "on the defensive" as you put it, and also survive the reinforcements that're almost equal to your initial invading forces. Lets not forget, we allowed you to come to us. There was a period of 2 months between our re-taking of the worlds you stole, and your assault, which you only considered once you had secured an ally to divert our attention.

So, I once more push foreward my proposal. I do not think idle threats have any more place at this table, as we're all fully aware that you're ability to stop our forces is totally dependant on the inclusion of the Ravens in your battleplans.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


At this point, I think it would behoove us to wait for the Ravens to let us know what they have decided.  You have said that Breed/Dobson is a non starter, and I have said that Cassias is a non starter.  The FS is probably willing to give up claims to Breed/Dobson in return for Wapokoneta, but if the Ravens are actually pulling out, then obviously we can't make that offer.  (If the Ravens are indeed pulling out, I question why you requested this meeting in the first place?)

As for the Capellans, I find it surprising that you would stake your acceptance on a DC-FS deal.  My understanding is that your ops were planned separately and the launching of this conflict was purely coincidental.  If that's the case, why are you acting like you are allied?  A junior ally, for that matter?  We have offered you your war aims and more.  Yet you insist on continuing to fight if some far off conflict is not resolved?


Rather silent until now, the young man representing the Raven Alliance with a studious look and dark features spoke up. "I can honestly say, I never planned on this to be my lot in life. However, to have a successful union, to grow and prosper, one has to have time away from the front lines to plant seeds and to be flexible. If this war ended here and now on amicable terms I think it would be one of the shortest galactic wars in history. Despite the official merger, my people are still an amalgam of people who want war and peace." Royce slicked his hair back. "Whatever events transpire here, there will be people that are happy and those that are disappointed."

"The Raven Alliance is prepared to withdraw from all planets we recently acquired or are have personel stationed on as part of the peace terms. The way we see it, the Federated Suns and Raven Alliance have made a fair push towards solidifying air superiority in the contested zones planetary systems. The key to any advancement in that region would be the ability for transports to make their way to their targets. Much like the problem the Davion, correction, Federated Suns units now face at Dobson." Royce tilted his head towards Director Collins, "Sorry about the slip. I'm still not used to this role as diplomat but as the only Avellar on planet, it was my duty to come."

"My true role as a tactician for my cousin's ears speak more to be about the situation so I don't need to rely on some military advisor. The 'relevance' of most of the worlds exchanged during this incursion is fairly insignificant, thanks to the last statement by the councilor, we know now that there was a goal involved. New Syrtis would be a grand prize for the Cappellans to claim, however, you still have a far way to go and despite having two ships at your disposal, the Federated Suns picket ships (Patrol Groups) in the area are quite formidable. Once they catch up with your warships, I'm fairly certain they can slow your progress even further while the rest of the units focus on the Draconis Combine boarder."

"The Raven Alliance has already achieved it's goals in this conflict. We hold the big bargaining chip for the Federated Suns and acknowledge that while no victory is gauranteed, I'd place my money on Khan Crow to complete what he set out to do. Clanners are persistant that way. While the Raven Alliance has no plans to move forward into the eastern flank of the Draconis Combine, if there is no peace at this table, we will continue to hold these worlds, unless another arrangement is met." The final statement was not directed at anyone and hung in the air for the others to come to their own conclusions.


(ooc: I apologize that this is short, but I'm trying to get out of the office and go home for the holidays.)
(edit: copy and paste issues had a dual Wapokoneta, also, I mixed up Cassias and Ubidi yet again.)

After talking with our RA allies, it seems that the claim that DC has successfully negotiated their withdrawal is a little bit exaggerated.  I have been empowered to make the following offer.

Since it is obvious that DC and CC are allied, despite their weak protestations, this offer needs to be accept in full by both the DC and CC.  (Or, if CC would like to accept our previous offer and go their own way, we would do that, in which case we will withdraw our offer to DC.  As stated, we will abide by the current cease fire agreement, and we will reconvene in 50 days as a group (ooc: before turn 10 OP1) to discuss your response.  In the meantime, you know my call number.  We'd gladly clear up any issues or confusions.

Just as a warning, if any party breaks the cease fire without appropriate warning and notification, there will be no peace treaty, ever, with that party.

DC will acknowledge loss of: Klathandu IV to FS, Chirala to RA
DC will withdraw and turn over control from: Ubidi, Wapokoneta
Salvage will be split 50/50 with current combatants, or kept 100% by the province owner on those provinces no longer under combat
FS Acknowledge loss of: Marlowe's Rift, Huan, Bergman's Planet, Harrow's Sun, Thestria, New Aberdeen, Elidere IV, Misery
FS will withdraw from: Dobson, Breed, Harper
RA will withdraw from: New Samarkaand, Koulen, Harrow's Sun, Bergman's Planet

FS Withdrawal and turn over control from: Manapire
FS Turn over control of: Kafr Slim, Bromhead, Horsham
FS Acknowledge loss of: Victoria, Jacson, Ikast, Verlo, Weatogue, Mendham, Jonzac, Glentworth, Sirdar
CC will keep all salvage