[RP/MM] Turn 45 SLDF vs. RD - 2218 Kelenfold

Started by Dave Baughman, January 11, 2011, 01:25:30 AM

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Dave Baughman

(Just opening it to create the thread, I'll leave the fun and games to NVA)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Awaiting input from GMs on notes on the orders.


Half of the arriving jumpships bore the green color of their clan origins.  The other half the colors of their St Ives origins.  However, they all identified themselves as SLDF vessels and bore the markings of the same.  Their coordinated arrival from two different systems bore the fruits of the SLDF training regimes created by General Hall.  Brief communications passed between the groups before the lead green ship began to broadcast.

"I am General Steiner of the Star League Defense Force, formerly Galaxy Commander Steiner.  I have fought and defeated foes far and wide.  I have my forces with me, as well as those of Kai Allard-Liao, who is known to all clans.  We have come to claim this world on behalf of the Star League.  We have known all parts of the Dominion military to be honorable warriors in our pasts and we challenge you to deny our claim in honorable combat.  Who among you believes you are capable of defeating my coils or Kai Allard-Liao."

OOC - Many ASFs take up CAP position and awaiting the response to their challenge.


"General Steiner, the honor of defending this world in the name of the people who chose us falls to me and me alone. The others have gone to address the incursion by one of your member states. The people of Arcturus and their sister worlds shall have to wait until that incursion is resolved before the can return to fulfill their wishes. Until then, here is my data.

Sergeant Michael Gustavson, R/R, Wolverine 6K


Not sure how to dial this one up.  Essentially would match your design, maybe with a nice clan design.  But, I don't have the time to do this.  Single roll, no 'crits'?


You tell me what kind of mech you'd bid against a Wolverine 6K and we'll go from there :)


Star Commander Alexa will meet you in her Stalking Spider.

Clan Regular Pilot.




The situation seemed hopeless for Sgt Gustavson, his opponent was piloting a finely crafted piece of Clan machinery with the best tech and all he has was this old Wolverine, but three things were on his side, he knew the land, he knew his machine, and his opponent was a quad mech. Granted the thing was more mobile than him and had extra stability from its quad profile, but it also had more blind spots that any other kind of mech.

A solid shot to the knee didn't penetrate, but watching the rear leg wobble as he backed up showed the truth of how hurt the Stalking Spider was. Michael planned his best route the the smoke screen and closed again, the Spider pilot had moved behind cover so he had to aim high, the old addage of "Aim low, Score high" only worked with Ballistic weapons and he was packing lasers, good for a long ranged fight, but not this situation. He was rewarded though with a solid shot to the torso above the left legs. At this rate it would be a long day, but the only way for him to have a chance to win, was to be patient.

The alarms screamed at him as the Spider tore more armor off his back, this time, he wasn't able to swing his arm around in time to hit the beast. If he lost his left side, he'd still be functional, especially since he'd already lost his SRM the last the Spider got behind him. The Clan pilot had begun making some smoke screens of his own and Michael had no choice but to sally forth and try to find the guy. At this point, it was all about luck so he gave a quick prayer to Cerridwen that he'd be able to find his quarry before he started doing damage to him that mattered...

Michael could only hope the Spider pilot stuck to his pattern, looking for long range and cover, when he saw the mech thru the smoke, he wasted no time, going around the other side of a copse of trees, he burst thru the smoke lasers blazing while the other mech was using his pulse lasers to ignite the trees in from of him. The lasers were hitting mostly leg, so he bound up his hand and he put his fist into the SRM missile box and pulled out it's insides. He hit hard, but not deep enough to reach the Pulse Lasers. At least he delivered a powerful blow to his already severely damaged left side, a little more and the mounting would give way removing the most severe threat, Clan Pulse technology.

Now that he'd softened up his opponent, Michael made a break from cover, clearing the smoke screen, he ran his mech smack into his opponents crosshairs, but at range, the Spider was only able to hit with one pulse laser. Since he knew his target, if it showed, would be on the right side, he'd made the run with his arm out and was rewarded by both the large and medium laser hitting at range. The spider disappeared back into the smoke cloud. Michael cursed because he couldn't tell if it went north or south, the hunt was back on...

Having no choice but to wade thru the thick fog, Michael stopped his mech and listened on his external speakers. He didn't hear anything other than the popping of trees as the fires consumed them. Michael took a guess and rushed North only to see the Spider quickly running around him. Then, he heard the sound of metal wrenching, most likely it was a damaged hip actuator, then it dawned on him. He broke his MASC! The visual played out what he suspected as the well balance quad mech lost its footing and spun about. The mech dropping thru off his sights and all he hit was a bit of the mech's head at it sprawled to the ground.

When the mech pilot scrambled but failed to get up, Michael took the opportunity, "Pilot of the Stalking Spider, you have fought a good fight, do you yield?" the pilot did not respond so Michael took the time and targeted the leg and then stomped his foot into the torso knocking the lasers off. "DO YOU YEILD!" the mech was resembling more of a Cockroach after it had been smushed at this point, but it still flopped around, trying to right itself. Michael was frustrated, he wanted to take the mech and pilot Isorla, but the pilot was refusing to yield so he had to take it down the old fashioned way, shooting and stomping it until it ceased to move. The mech flopped around facing him as he shot and let off all his weapons while bracing on his remaining legs, his wolverine took a deep shot into his already damaged left torso, but the mech held together. The same couldn't be said for the spider as Gustavson brought his foot down and thru to the back of the mech and out the other side.

"I Sergeant Michael Gustavson has bested your pilot! I return him to your ranks for his unwillingness to yield when he knew he lost. It was wasteful like a Wolf. Now, get the hell off my planet!"


Winner is: TEAM #1

Fatebringer: 940 BV remaining (from 1248 initially) 0 BV fled
FWL: 0 BV remaining (from 3080 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Wolverine WVR-6K (Fatebringer)
Pilot : SGT Michael Gustavson [4/5]
Kills : 1

Graveyard contains:
Stalking Spider (FWL)
Pilot : Tressa [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Wolverine WVR-6K (Fatebringer)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


Chaos fought a good fight. At one point during the match there was 236 lines of spam from smoke... there must have been a heavy wind because the bottom left map was almost completely covered from a few fires.

Initiative was very streaky and played a huge part in the battle when we did see each other. I was able to get side shots again and again on a quad, he was able to get away each time after Alpha striking into my back.

A very good game that came down to one early lucky crit that slowed the Spider down.