Inner Sphere News Threads

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 12:12:55 PM

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BBC Galactic, Jun 3091

It has been reported today that elements of the Magistracy Armed Forces journeyed to the Clan Jade Falcon held world of Twycross in order to challenge the Falcons, via Clan rules of zellbrigen, to the system.  The commanding officer of the Jade Falcons on Twycross, one Galaxy Commander Mikhail Pryde, showed his true colours, declaring, "we do not want to fight your forces."

Have no doubt that Martha Pryde and Vandervahn Chistu, former Khans of the Falcons, would be spinning in their virtual graves at the news of the lack of 'intestinal fortitude' displayed by the good Galaxy Commander.


Union Polinews Vidblog, 3191/04/30...

In a surprise move today, Archduchess Debra MacAulliffe accepted the retirement of Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Collins of the Union Navy.  Sources inside the Government have hinted that the Admiral's sudden exit from service after what is being called a wildly successful campaign against Clan Spirit Cat, is motivated by medical issues and a desire to spend more time with his wife and grandchildren.

Government sources have not yet released the name of Admiral Collins' permanent replacement, however field operations have been placed in the hands of Commodore Anh Cu'ong, a veteran commander, Cu'ong has a reputation as something of a maverick in the Fleet, and was number two on Alicia Li's list of successors behind Admiral Collins-according to some rumours, Cu'ong was actually number one on the list, but Collins was promoted above her for 'political reasons'.

In related news, newly released video feed shows Duchess Amanda Ngo, serving as Marine Commander of the UIS Bunker Hill as she accepted the surrender of Star Commander Stephen aboard a Newgrange class Yard-ship in the still-contested Mainstreet system.  [vid]

Sources in the Department of the Navy indicate that Duchess Ngo's return to Kowloon and assumption of her ducal duties has been delayed by the current conflict with the Spirit Cats, though sources in the CNO's office have voiced unofficial rumours that Ngo used her position and contacts to extend her service and take part in this action...


Economic Analysts Report on costs of assimilating Spirit Cat Worlds-Record Budget Deficits Predicted.
From the Edge Magazine, Finance Pages, 30.04.91

Economists at Inarcs University have released an analysis of the costs versus benefit of retaining control of former Clan Spirit Cat worlds taken as part of military operations over the last two months.

The analysis covers incumbent economic conditions, with examinations of the cost of posting defensive forces, realigning the local monetary structure, and maintenance of existing infrastructures including functions such as law enforcement, education, roads and communications.

Specific attention was paid to the realignment of the local economies, based on previous experiences other nations have had in switching formerly Clan held worlds from the Work-Credit based two-tiered Clan Economic model, to a single-currency economic model, with adjustments based on the Uniform Currency Act of 3070, which forbids the use of 'Fiat' currency, or Debt-backed currency structures by the UIW.

"Most of these worlds are well over a generation in living under the Clan boot-some of them under MULTIPLE Clans, such as New Kerensky.  There is a distinct lack of Hard Currency that can be converted over in the local black-market economies, and in the local legitimate economies, the Work-Credit system has effectively made the civilians unable and, in some cases, unwilling, to handle a non-fiat money structure.  The cost of switching over will be truly titanic..."-Dr. Ezra Murphy, University of Inarcs Economics Dept.


INN-Tharkad Breaking Newscast
Alphard Province Rumors? The truth breaks!

Recently, agents of the INN and Orestes Free Press were leaked documents detailing an area of interest to the Lyran Alliance, refered to as Section 12. Originally thought to be a secret military installation, correspondants from the AFFS however have noted that transmissions intercepted from the ComStar-operated HPGs on Pompey(the current center of the Marian govornment, with Alphard under Clan occupation) also refer to Section 12 as being located within the Marian Hegemony.

After nearly 3 weeks of research efforts, documents were finally revealed naming Section 12 as the Hegemony itself! When asked for comment, the Lyran Archon turned INN to his son Tavis, saying that any comment on the matter would have to come from the 'man in charge himself'. When the Archon's youngest son was finally reached, he confirmed that there is indeed Lyran interest in the Hegemony, though despite a satisfied smirk on his face during the questioning, he gave few details.

Further watching diplomatic traffic, aswell as an annonymous source within the Lyran political structure confirmed that Tavis Steiner is set to marry Cassandra Logan-O'Reilly, daughter of the late Caesar O'Reilly. When asked for comment, Tavis confirmed the news, and gave a short statement.

"It was going to be announced next week anyways, however this is just as good I suppose. Yes, the rumors are indeed true- I am set to marry Cassandra, and it is part of a larger plan to fully integrate the Marian Hegemony with the Alliance. My father's diplomatic corps has already reached an agreement with the govornment of the Hegemony, and as her elder brother is currently not reachable and possibly dead, she was chosen as the interm Caesar. The Marian Hegemony, and all lands it claimed as it's own prior to the invasion by the Spirit Cats, is considered the soverign territory of the Lyran Alliance.

As the Spirit Cats have been approached with a potential exit from the conflict, the Lyran Alliance is willing to agree to allow them safe exit from the former Marian territories without additional conflict, should all infrastructure and planetary services remain intact. We have already sent a diplomatic envoy to the Cats, via our Jade Falcon allies, to ensure that the hostilities are ended immediately, and to the satisfaction of both parties.

It is good for the Inner Sphere to note that the Star Leauge was ultimately not needed to end the hostilities, despite the actions of the SLDF over Pompey, which were greatly appreciated. We are sure that even had that not been the case, the Cats would have seen the wisdom of ending hostilities once the Lyran Alliance was extended to include the former Marian state.

While details are still in discussions, it is currently thought that the Marian Senate will become members of the Estates General, and that should he survive, Sulla Logan-O'Reilly will be given the hereditary title of Duke of Alphard within the Alliance. The Legion itself will be brought up to LAAF standards of course, but will retain it's Legion trappings, just as the various provinces of the Alliance, and the Commonwealth before it, have always prefered to do.

We ask now that the Federated Suns forces within what is now Lyran territory stay on Pompey, as their work in defending the planet is recognized and appreciated. Likewise, the Lyran Alliance wishes to see the SLDF remain on Marian soil, to ensure the Spirit Cats leaving does not allow opportunistic groups to claim what is now the soverign territory of the Lyran Alliance, as no treaties currently exist to allow other nations to access the Alphard Province."

Young Tavis then made his way to the private retreat of the Steiner family, though word has not yet arrived on the timetable for the wedding, it seems the paperwork for this integration has been underway for some time.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


From the Edge News, Special Report-An Armistice?

reposted to Union Polinews network

"News of a pending Armistice in the Spirit-Cat/Marian conflict, and the extension of the Lyran Commonwealth to the Rimward Periphery broke this morning, feeding rumors that the Marines and Spacers currently engaging Spirit Cat forces may be coming home."  Archduchess Debra MacAulliffe announced today, "So far, officially, the Union has not recieved confirmation of this Armistice from both parties-we have recieved statements to the effect that the Cats are conducting discussions with the Marians-which was one of the preconditions we set with them last month, so it is a good sign.  Maybe some sense DID finally get in.  Per the original deal, Union forces will cease military operations against Clan Spirit Cat and return captured Cat personnel and planets, in the event that they achieve an armistice and withdraw to pre-war borders.  News of the Cats withdrawal from several Marian worlds has been recieved, however those withdrawals are from Marian worlds under threat, not under occupation-which is stipulated in our treaty terms with the Allied side.  Operations will continue until such time as there is a signed and public treaty.  In the meantime, in accordance with the Constitution, all Reserve forces are on Alert against external attack, if the Cats are using this just to get a breather to come take us on, well, we're going to have to be ready for that, if they have new allies, we'll have to be ready for THAT, and if the peace-talks break down, we'll have to be ready for THAT as well."

she grimaced, "The official position of the Union, is that this is a police action only.  In spite of speculations related to handling the absorption and assimilation of Clan populations, the Union has no interest or desire to permanently occupy worlds in the Spirit Cat zone, we are holding them until such time as their proper owners show up to properly support, protect, and defend them.  That is all we ARE doing, that is all we WILL do.  There will be no new seats in Congress.  Membership in the Union is a voluntary proposition, and as such, can not be achieved through violent conquest followed by brutal subjugation.  Worlds that do not want to belong, are free to leave, worlds that wish to join us are free to do so, per the Constitution.  If the folks on Engadine, New Kerensky, Issaba, or Death of Adrian want to return to their Clan, or even go it alone, or join someone else, that is not our business in the long term-in the short term, our operations were successful in reminding the Cats that they NEEDED to defend those worlds, rather than leaving them to be taken by the next bandit that walks past-it would appear we were successful in this endeavour, the next few months will tell the story-if we were, then Spirit Cat forces should be arriving in four months to reassume their duty to their people, if not, well...we'll deal with 'if not' if it happens."  

She shifts a paper note on the dais, and looks up at the cameras, "Congratulations to the upcoming royal couple, a merger between the Marians and the Lyrans is certainly big news.  We'll see if it is good news,  With any luck, the kids will get on just fine."


Terrorists strike at Canopus IV!

BBC Galactic(Terra) May 3rd, 3091

Our Periphery Security and Magistracy consultants have forewarded shocking reports of rampant terror strikes in the heart of the Magistracy of Canopus. Several spaceports were hit by high-yield explosives, with the largest attack alone claiming over 30 victims' lives, and sending dozens more to the local hospitals. In an act of extreme brutality, the hospitals themselves were attacked, the ambulances having been rigged with explosives, timed to go off just as the vehicles brought their charges to the ER.

Such banditry has seldom been seen the past 20 years, even in the days of the Dark invasion. Initial police reports indicated confusion as to the origin of the handful of suspects, however a daring police raid yielded several suspects. A shootout occured, and 4 of the 5 gunmen were killed. The last man expired on his way to the ER.

The initial investigation revealed documents linking the party to the Capellan Confederation, however these documents were soon proved to be forgeries. More in depth investigation revealed that 3 of the 5 men were actually mercenaries from now-dead Randis IV, while the other 2 are citizens of the Free Worlds League. BBC's inquiry to the FWL embassy on Terra were not immediately returned.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

Taurian Concordat: Newest Pirate Kingdom?
Source: F.S. "concerned" about Canopus raids

Fox Holo News (NEW SYRTIS) - 14 June 3091

According to a confidential source in the Federated Suns government, the First Prince is "gravely concerned about the acts of piracy occuring on the border between the Taurian Concordat and the Magistracy of Canopus.

As the anchor speaks, footage from an F.S. flagged merchantman at Dainar Majoris plays. In the grainy long-range telescope picture, Taurian TIG-15s, escorted by aerospace fighters, latch onto a Mammoth-class freighter

Following the dissolution of the Coalition of Periphery States, many have speculated that the periphery had begun the slow slide into barbarism; combined with the recent Clan invasion of the Marian Hegemony, the Taurian Concordat's sudden embrace of piracy seems to be another warning of the shape of things to come.

Fox Holo News' Taurian expert, John Armstrong, now joins us for a detailed analysis. Joining him are Roberto Lopez of the Federation First Party and Andrea Horowitz of the liberal think tank The Olive Branch Foundation.

John, what can you tell us about the Taurian's change in strategy. Should this be coming to us as a surprise?

Armstrong: "Not really, Andy. While they may have tried to take on a facade of respectability, the Taurians have operated as a neobarb state since the reunification war. Putting aside their history of agression against the peace-loving Federated Suns, the pride they take in maintaining a nuclear stockpile against all standards of international civilization and decency goes a long way to..."

Horowitz: "Hold on, John, you're completely misrepresenting the Taurians. These are a deeply traumatized people who were literally turned into a slave state during the First Star League. Yes, they lash out at any neighbor who they see as a threat, but that's because its the only way they know."

Lopez (rolls his eyes): "Andrea, do you seriously believe that? These 'people,' and I use the term loosely, did live medical experiments on their own people to catch up-"

Horowitz: "Oh, for God's sake Roberto, next you're going to tell me they eat babies. Those rumors about experiments were circulating thirty years ago and they were never substantiated."

Lopez: "OK, miss smarty-pants, if the Taurians are so kind and misunderstood, then why are they raiding the Magistracy? What are you and your pinko friends going to do when Taurian corsairs start showing up in the Pleides, huh?"

Anchor: "Now, now, settle down everyone. We're here to help the public understand the nature of these events, not to get in a first fight. Alright, folks, as you can see this is an issue that evokes a passionate response from all corners. When we return from these commercial messages, we'll discuss what the Star League's role in this debacle should be."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Atrean News Network - Rebel Chemical Warfare Attack Kills Thousands!

Atreus, Atreues City - June 3091

Thousands lie dead in the streets surrounding Marik Castle today, the victims of callous, cowardly individuals, who are in open rebellion against the rightful rule of the benevolent Captain-General Anston Marik. What should have been a magnificent day of reintegration of the wayward children of Regulus and Andurien, instead we have confusion and death. The leaders of the rebellious provinces were present in Marik Castle today, ostensibly to sign a peace treaty to end their treachery. Unforuntely, it seems that this was merely a ploy to be sure of the Captain-General's location.

In addition to the release of nerve gas in Marik Castle, several power substations and 2 nuclear reactors were sabotaged, further complicating matters as the potential for radioactive materials release is still possible. Thus far, thousands have already been killed by the blasts or the gas attack, and no offical word has yet been given for the Captain-General's condition.

Now the only question remains: what is the FWL's response? And who is to replace Anston Marik, should he have not survived this despicable attack? One thing is for sure, the rebels are obviously playing for much higher stakes than previously thought.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

Anston the Mad Strikes!
Prince Randall, thousands others feared dead!

The Times of Regulus (REGULUS) - 7 June 3091

Thousands of citizens poured into the streets of cities across Regulus today to demand vengeance for Antson Marik's cold-hearted massacre of Prince Randall Cameron-Jones and his peace delegation under a flag of truce. In a move only a bloodthirsty megalomaniac like Marik could concoct, chemical and radiological agents were released in and around Castle Marik, ensuring no hope of survival for any of the delegates. According to unconfirmed reports, the mad Captain-General watched the his victims die in agony by closed-circuit camera from his bunker beneath the castle.

Speaking from the capital building in Regulus City, princess-mother Sonja Cameron-Jones expressed her shock and horror at the brutality of House Marik and extended her condolences to, "the valiant people of Andurien and Bolan as they struggle to throw off the yoke of Marik tyranny." According to highly-placed government sources speaking on condition of anonymity, the princess mother plans to propose an alliance with other like-minded members of the League to end the Marik regime permanently.

Members of house Cameron-Jones have so far refused to comment on when Randall's son will be formally enthroned as Prince, but the Times' political analysts believe that the soon-to-be Prince's youth will result in a regency, most likely under the princess mother.

As this breaking story continues to develop, stay tuned for the latest uncensored news from the Times of Regulus.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Marik Fiddles as Oriente Burns
Latest atrocities reported in F.W.L.

INN (SIRIUS) - 20 July 3091

The anchor appears, dressed in a cream-colored suit with a small ComStar logo on his lapel. In a canton in the upper right of the screen, stock footage of an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser in orbit of a planet plays.

In the latest outrage of the rapidly-escalating Marik Civil War, WarShips of the Free Worlds League Navy bombarded planet Oriente after freedom fighters seized control of a militia headquarters. According to unconfirmed reports, at least three thousand innocent civilians are believed to have been killed. At the time of airing, INN was still seeking an official comment from officials on Atreus.

All across the Sphere, horrified witnesses ask themselves: when will House Marik's genocide against its own people come to an end? As this story continues to develop, INN will bring you the latest news, free of government censorship.

In other news, the Hegemony Supreme Court ruled earlier today...

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


BBC Galactic: Canopus IV Desk, Jul 3091

For the latest on the breaking news from the Royal Palace, we cross to Amie Chou.

Than you Jacqueline.  The Magistrix, Naomi Centrella, accompanied by her Senior General, Kit deSummersVille, has just now issued a statement confirming that elements of the Magistracy Armed Forces have crossed the frontier to engage Concordant troops.  The Magistrix has stated this to be a measured response in answer to recent Taurian aggression and in no way constitutes a territorial advance.  Coupled with the  terrorist strikes here on the capital, the Magistrix further announced that the Magistracy would not sit idly by while outside forces brought ruin on the realm."

Dave Baughman

Jade Falcons Conquer Pasig With Overwhelming Force, Honor Code Ignored
Irony completely lost on Falcon commanders

2 August 3091 - INN (TERRA)

In the latest news from the general Lyran counterattack against the Clans, Jade Falcon units loyal to Tharkad crushed all Clan resistance on planet Pasig. The Ice Hellion defenders, face with 10:1 odds, were utterly annihilated by the overwhelming numerical superiority of the invaders.

While the Inner Sphere applauds the Lyran Alliance and its allies for the success of their counterattack against the remaining 'untamed' Clans, the particularly unfair odds of the battle and its location tell an ironic and somewhat sad story about the times in which we live. A generation ago, the Pasig Accords sought to 'civilize' warfare in the vein of the old Ares Conventions by limiting the scope of conflict and ensuring "fair fights" between the Sphere and the Clans.

Were millions of civilians on Pasig not homeless and destitute in the devastation wrought by the massive battle, it would be an amusing note that the Falcon commanders have shown no indication of guilt or reservation over their total abandonment of their much-touted system of honorable combat.

After the break, we will speak with a panel of experts to further discuss the ongoing disintegration of Clan civilization and what recent events bode for their future in the Inner Sphere.

This is INN, your source for uncensored news, broadcasting direct from Terra.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Capellans Turn Coat, Kells Exercise Escape Clause
MRBC expected to release all Capellan mercs

8 August 3091 - MercNet Financial News (OUTREACH)

Representatives of the Kell Hounds announced today that their command is terminating all contracts with the Capellan Confederation. Citing confirmed reports that the military junta leading the Confederation has announced an unconditional surrender to the invading Clans, lawyers representing the Hounds invoked a general default clause in their contract.

Following appeals by attorneys representing the interests of Gregg's Long Striders and Little Richard's Panzer Brigade, the MRBC is currently deliberating on the legal status of the so-called Shark Supremacy. Industry insiders expect that in the next 48 hours, the MRBC will void all mercenary contracts with the Capellan Confederation, releasing those units to abandon their postings without legal repercussions.

On related news, the upheaval in the Confederation has lead to a run on spare parts for the Sian-built Transgressor aerospace fighter. Early market reports are indicating that prices have risen by...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Voice of the Resistance Speaks
New Leader Vows To Fight For Freedom

18 August 3091 - INN (TERRA)

"In an exclusive interview, smuggled out of the Shark Occupation Zone by heroic INN journalists, we now bring you an official communique from the leader of the Capellan resistance against Clan occupation."

The anchor is replaced with a man dressed in a simple zhiju robe. No insignia of rank were visible, but he had the trim figure and close-cropped hair of a soldier. Looking directly at the camera, he spoke.

"I am Bhairava, shiao-zhang of Warrior House White Tiger and Kali Liao's chosen successor. Do not despair, people of the Capellan Confederation! While the running-dog traitors on Sian believe they are safe in their betrayal, secure in the embrace of their new masters, they are wrong. Throughout the Confederation, loyal patriots are preparing to resist. For now, prepare yourselves for liberation - stockpile food and water and be ready to seek shelter in the even of battle. If freedom fighters are already active on your world, do what you can to help them - feed them, hide and nurse their wounded, report to them on the movements of the enemy, point out collaborators to them. To the rest, be patient, stay strong, and know that the spirit of the Confederation lives on!"

The camera switched back to the anchor, who resumed his monologue.

"In respose to this announcement, Terran officials - speaking on condition of anonymity - revealed that the Terran Hegemony is preparing to recognize Bhairava's cadre of freedom fighters as the legitimate government-in-exile of the Capellan Confederation and offer financial and materiel support."

In other news, the Director offered condolences to the people of Kowloon, reiterating his denial of Terran involvement in the recent battle within that star system. The UIW Ambassador responded...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Kowloon Remains Free

18 August, 3091...(associated press)

Reports filtering in from the Kowloon system this morning included news of orbital bombardment, millions of civilians killed, the destruction of major cities...and the apparent defeat of mysterious forces armed with near science-fictional weapons and sophisticated electronics.  Preliminary damage assessments report the capture of at least one intact enemy vessel, by all current accounts, a Leviathan II super-battleship, by Coast Guard emergency response teams assigned to Fleet Base Kowloon. 
Unconfirmed reports from sources indicate that the capture occurred during the attempted bombardment of the planet, a bombardment that was only partially successful, after the destruction of vessels attempting to halt the attackers.

Fleet Base Kowloon, a Bastion class administrative centre, is confirmed lost in the battle, as were the UIS Fateshaper,  UIS Obvious Lie (Cameron Class) and most of the Coast Guard task forces based at FB Kowloon.

Clan Jade Falcon forces are reported to have fled the site of the battle before the first shot, pre-emptively deserting Jade Falcon lowercastemen and technicians maintaining the comms array sited in the City of Hue, along with the Canid Creations factory in that city, which miraculously, survived the bombardment intact.

The following cities were hit by the unknowns, and casualty reports are confused in all but one particular;  The damage was extensive, and in some cases, castastrophic.

Nha Tranh
New Saigon
Vin Drin Lap
Da Lat
Da Nang
Chu Lai
Brigham City
Los Gordos
New Beirut
Xiao Loc
An Loc
Camp John
Camp Frederic
Bad Rock
Lake Chao

Estimated civilian deaths as of 1900 hours Standard time today in excess of 400,000 persons.  This number is expected to increase as the night goes on.  Experts have indicated that loss of life by the end of the week, with a new cold front moving up from the pole, and the loss of infrastructure due to the bombardments, may reach as high as five million.