[RP-MM] Turn 2: CBS vs CSA – Zagyg (1908) - Resource Trail [Complete - CSA Win]

Started by Fatebringer, July 18, 2011, 06:15:39 PM

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Several Jumpships attempt to enter the system via a Pirate Point


Pirate Insertion Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]



Unit is detected, but does not move to the surface, from it's position in space, the dropships detach and broadcast.

A tech completed the scan and saw they missed their target insertion by a small percentage, odds of their arrival on planet before the zenith point defenders could intercept was slim. He looked across the bridge at Star Commander Mario and shook his head. The dropship commander had a comms tech open a channel to the bay. "Star Colonel, we missed the mark, what are your orders?"

Sean nodded his acceptance of the situation, "Plan B of course. We came here to take resources, avoiding any naval assets was just our way of making sure they could not refuse us Safcon. Time to see how the snakes respond to our presence. Give me a chanel, full broadcast." After a few seconds, he was notified that he was patched in.

"Warriors of Clan Star Adder, I Star Colonel Sean Winson, commander of the 3rd Sanguine Hussars request Safcon to the Planet Xagyg to issue a Trail for war materials for with wich to build upon the might of the Blood Spirit Clan, the true visionaries of Kerensky's vision!"



Two points of interest Fate.

a.  without a map you wouldn't know, however one of the MF on Xagyg is a Gu facility.  FYI, it is run by the Horses.

b.  an IC bit, more so for the Adders defenders:

* * * * * ** * * * *

After speaking with Xagyg Command, General Xanadu Raventhir of the Magistracy of Canopus ordered his senior commanders to gather for a priority briefing.  From what he could glean, the Clan Blood Spirit forces had arrived at a pirate point and then forward a batchall.  Which did not make sense, considering the increased risk of a pirate point translation.  Then again, the hostilities between the two were well documented, and the Spirit commander could be playing it safe by not having to fight his way through the Adder naval defence.

No matter what though, Xanadu had declared to his Adder opposite number, his forces readiness to deploy has required.

Raventhir Galaxy, 1st Raventhir Cuirassiers (11FP)



Quoteand the Spirit commander could be playing it safe by not having to fight his way through the Adder naval defence.


(A request for safcon was issued, but I don't see any responses in here. Do we get the silent treatment?)


Quote from: Fatebringer on July 21, 2011, 01:03:35 PM
Quoteand the Spirit commander could be playing it safe by not having to fight his way through the Adder naval defence.


(A request for safcon was issued, but I don't see any responses in here. Do we get the silent treatment?)

All in the hands (so to speak) of our snake friends.




If you don't get any joy for the Adders, my girls and guys will step up.  Magistracy has a reputation of zellbriggen with most Clans it has fought.



((OOC: The offer is appreciated, but this isn't just about the resources. It is important for me as the one running the Blood Spirits to see the reaction of the Star Adders on this challenge.))

Iron Mongoose

Its funny, part of the Adders are the Burrocks, who hate the Spirits quite passionately.  But, part of them are Mandrills, who were and are close friends of the Spirits.  So it depends what perticular Adder it is a lot of the time, I think.

That said, safecon granted, trial excepted.  The Adders probably only have their 1 FP on world, but if their allies want to join in, then our bid will be as many as they want to offer up +1


"Your acceptance of tradition in the face of certain doom is touching Adders, we challenge for the Total production from two of your factories to build upon the might of Clan Blood Spirit! Considering the people you have defending this world, we shall keep our bid small to avoid having to call on those that are not part of our Clans. Should you wish to have them participate in the circle of equals, we have no qualms."

CBS bids down to 1 FP and face off your milita with 1 Binary each of Regular Protomechs and Battle Armor.
CBS Challenges for 1 RP, the size of the trialing force.

Star Captan Josua stood before his point and inspected his men's Corona Battle armor before loading into the Sassnid. "We trail against Adders today! They have one old mech and some savashri vehicles, we will be dropping straight into the battlefield to keep ranges tight, I expect each of you to bag me no less then three of thier inferior freeborn machines, crewed by their freebirth militia! Ripper Star will be following behind us armed with small pulse for their infantry, we will achieve victory, I expect no less!"

1FP of the 3rd Sanguine Hussars take to the battlefield. 9 FP join the Canopians in the Circle. They see the Cluster Command mech is some mammoth mech called a Jupiter


Combat Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]

Iron Mongoose

Combat roll:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]