[RP-Combat Ops] Turn 3 LA vs CSA - 1519 Vorzel, Trial[Complete]

Started by Daemonknight, August 14, 2011, 06:05:12 AM

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With both the CSA and LA fielding massive naval strength over Vorzel, the addition of 2 more LA battlegroups aswell as a small group of jumpships caused little more than increased interest. Space was already filled with the deadly forms of the huge naval fleets in the space surrounding the planet Vorzel, currently the gateway to the Lyran capital of Tharkad.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The Vorzel system was relatively unremarkable, except that for the past 2 months, the massive armadas of the Lyran Alliance and Clan Star Adder have faced off against one another. Several millions tons of warships reside on each side, with thousands of fighters and scores of assault dropships preparing for the inevitable showdown.

It came sooner than expected, as the CSA navy gave up all pretense of Trial, and throws its full might against the blockade setup by the Lyrans and their Clan allies.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Clan Star Adder fleet:

Coventry Defense Flotilla
SACS Renown(Potemkin) - 33.75
SACS Dis(McKenna) - 18
SACS Prism(Monolith) - 10.5

Alarion Defense Flotilla
SACS The Dagda(Potemkin) - 66.5
SACS Hierophant(Mjolnir) - 23.25

Burrock Station Defense Fleet
SACS Jungle Heat(Potemkin) - 46.25
SACS Iron Mongoose(Nightlord) - 12.5

Cobra Station Defense Fleet
Cobra Station Independant Wing - 13
SACS The Morrigu(Potemkin) - 44
SACS Scipio(Atreus) - 18
SACS Snakes and Barrels(Odyssey) - 4
SACS Foreman(Monolith) - 10.75
Unnamed Lola III - 4.25

Confection Squadron
SACS Brigid(Potemkin) - 31.5
SACS Fire Mandrill(Texas) - 49.25
SACS Icarus(Odyssey) - 6
SACS Whatchamacallit(Monolith) - 11

Mandrill Station Defense Flotilla
Mandrill Station Independant Wing - 13
SACS Medusa(Merchant) - 3.25

SACS Chimera(York) - 7
SACS Behir(York) - 7
Unnamed York #1 - 7
Unnamed York #2 - 7
Unnamed York #3 - 7
Unnamed York #4 - 7
Unnamed York #5 - 7
Unnamed York #6 - 7
Unnamed York #7 - 7

SACS Polyeidos(Odyssey) - 2
SACS Flaming Howler(Odyssey) - 7
SACS Vexx(Odyssey) - 2.5

SACS Walker(Tracker) - 2.25
SACS Mahan(Tracker) - 2.25
SACS SS-19(Tracker) - 2.25
SACS Salissa(Tracker) - 2.25

Total FP value: 491.25
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Admiral Sergei Lermontov was more than slightly worried when he recieved long range sensor reports of the Adder fleet moving foreward. He knew his tiny command would be no match for such a force, and his nerves became even more frayed when the sensor stations started blaring about a massive emergence wave from both jump points. However, transponders signaled that it was his promised reinforcements, led by the top naval commanders of both the Lyran Alliance and Jade Falcons: Fleet Admiral Klaus Steiner, in the LAS Justiz Geschehen, and Star Admiral Johann Folkner, in his CJFS Jade Aerie.

Lyran/Jade Falcon Fleet:

Alliance 1st Fleet
LAS Justiz Geschehen(Mjolnir) - 52.75
LAS Arthur Steiner-Davion(Fox) - 14
LAS Illustrious(Fox) - 14
CJFS Janice Hazen(Aegis-Clan) - 30.25
1st Alliance Superiority Wing - 18
2nd Alliance Superiority Wing - 15

Alliance 2nd Fleet
CJFS Jade Aerie(Black Lion-Clan) - 44.5
CJFS Jade Vengeance(Conqueror) - 56
LAS Invincible(Tharkad) - 42.75
LAS Ian McQuiston(Fox) - 18
LAS Katherine Steiner(Fox) - 18
1st Alliance Raptor Wing - 9

Alliance 3rd Fleet
LAS Yggdrasil(Mjolnir) - 42.25
LAS Melissa Steiner(Fox) - 14
LAS Peter Steiner-Davion(Fox) - 14
3rd Alliance Superiority Wing - 12
4th Alliance Superiority Wing - 15

1st Skye Strike Fleet
LAS Robert Kelswa-Steiner(Mjolnir) - 45.75
LAS Brotherhood(Quixote) - 18.75
CJFS Black Talon(Aegis-Clan) - 22.75
CJFS Red Talon(Aegis-Clan) - 22.75
5th Alliance Superiority Wing - 12
6th Alliance Superiority Wing - 12
7th Alliance Superiority Wing - 12

Wolf Strike Naval Star
CWS Dire Wolf(Sovietskii Soyuz-Clan) - 19.75
CWS Bloody Fang(Cameron-Clan) - 16
CWS Stealthy Kill(Black Lion-Clan) - 36.75
CWS Werewolf(McKenna-Clan) - 49.25
CWS Ulric Kerensky(Cameron-Clan) - 18.5
CWS Implacable(Black Lion-Clan) - 37.75
5th Alliance Raubtier Wing - 22.5

LAS Tharkad(Tharkad) - 37.25
LAS Donegal(Fox) - 16
LAS Sudeten(Fox) - 14
LAS Apollo(Fox) - 14

2nd Alliance Raubtier Wing - 22.5
3rd Alliance Raubtier Wing - 22.5

ANR-004(Scout) - 2.5
ANR-006(Scout) - 2.5
ANR-007(Scout) - 2.5
ANR-008(Scout) - 2.5

Total FP Value: 912.25

Present but not engageing:

LAS Savior(Newgrange) - 8
LAS Paladin(Newgrange) - 8
LAS Knight(Newgrange) - 8

Total FP not engaging: 24
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Short break down of Naval Assets. Please advise if this game is open to playing :) Me and Chaos definately want a piece of the naval action. Lyran Fleet is devastating, but the Adders have some nice ships too.

Star Adder Fleet (24)

1 McKenna
1 Mjolnir
1 Nightlord
1 Texas
5 Potemkin
1 Atreus
9 York
1 Lola III
4 Tracker

Lyran Alliance Fleet (25)

1 McKenna
3 Mjolnir
2 Tharkad
1 Conqueror
3 Black Lion
2 Cameron
2 Aegis
1 Quixote
1 Sovetskii Soyuz
8 Fox

Edit: Added the Random Match Ups for these fights. Some Dropships have been added in to certain fights, but in the end, some of these are just going to be slaughterfests. (Paired Elite Mjolnirs, Paired Elite Black Lions...) We are trying to play out these fights to have the best odds of salvageability for the warships. Hopefully whoever does their sheets will TRAIN any adder survivors next turn. :P


It was discussed last night there might be interest in doing this battle similar to the Sudeten naval battle of old. I wasn't around for that, but it sounded like a series of MA games was played to decide the outcome.

I'm ammenable to the idea, but it would play out as a Round Robin tournament: Pick a faction, you get assigned a ship, and you stick with that ship untill someone on the other team(also with a random ship) blows you up. In which case, you get assigned another random ship.

Just for laughs, I want to see Chaos get a Tracker, and have to face down Fate in the Lyrans' Elite Mjolnir :P
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



Winner is: TEAM #1

Fatebringer: 61321 BV remaining (from 622908 initially) 216423 BV fled
Lyran: 0 BV remaining (from 1140683 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Potemkin Troop Cruiser (2611) (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS The Morrigu [4/5]
Kills : 4

The following units are in retreat:
Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Mjolnir Battlecruiser (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Hierophan [4/5]
Kills : 5

Graveyard contains:
Aegis Heavy Cruiser (Clan) (Lyran)
Driver : CJFS Janice Hazen [3/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Potemkin Troop Cruiser (2611) (Fatebringer)

Overlord A3 #2 (Lyran)
Driver : Katrina's Virtue [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by York Destroyer/Carrier (Fatebringer)

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by York Destroyer/Carrier (Fatebringer)

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

McKenna Battleship (Clan) (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Dis [4/5]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Tharkad Battlecruiser (2690) (Lyran)

Tracker Surveillance (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Sunset on  Sommerset  [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by McKenna Battleship (Clan) (Lyran)

Cameron Battlecruiser (Clan) (Lyran)
Driver : CWS Ulric Kerensky [3/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mjolnir Battlecruiser (Fatebringer)

Overlord A3 (Lyran)
Driver : Archons Honor [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by McKenna Battleship (Clan) (Fatebringer)

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mjolnir Battlecruiser (Fatebringer)

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

York Destroyer/Carrier (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Cosmic Sentry [4/5]
Kills : 2
Destroyed by Tharkad Battlecruiser (2690) (Lyran)

McKenna Battleship (Clan) (Lyran)
Driver : CWS Werewolf [3/4]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Mjolnir Battlecruiser (Fatebringer)

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Potemkin Troop Cruiser (2611) (Fatebringer)

Overlord A3 #3 (Lyran)
Driver : Tiger of Tamar [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mjolnir Battlecruiser (Fatebringer)

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Tharkad Battlecruiser (2690) (Lyran)
Driver : LAS Invincible [2/3]
Kills : 2
Destroyed by Mjolnir Battlecruiser (Fatebringer)

Kraken-T Missile (Lyran)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Potemkin Troop Cruiser (2611) (Fatebringer)

Fox Corvette (Lyran)
Driver : LAS Peter Steiner-Davion [4/5] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Potemkin Troop Cruiser (2611) (Fatebringer)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


We started with the most even battle first. Despite the BV being as lopsided as the FP at Vorzel is. The Lyran side had firepower, the Adders, had the massively armored Battlecruiser.

In the first match up, the sheer brute force of the Mjolnir (Plus Luck) gave the match to the Adders.

As the match started off, the Aegis was the lead ship, moving to accelleration, then it was going to evade for the rest of the game. Unfortunately for it, the Sensors were hit and the ship lost control, unable to evade, the follow up action took it down taking out a large chunk of the Lyran firepower.

The following turn, the Adder ships that were evading stopped and straightened out to fire, this led to good numbers for the Lyrans on the Flanking McKenna, savaging the ship and getting internal in two places and an engine hit made for some hard manuevering, but the ship got out of the line of fire. For the next three turns, it poured fire into the Cameron while the other ships forcused on the Lyran McKenna.

Having reached each other, the shots got brutal, the Adder Mckenna's thrusters failed and the ship spun so that it's open side was exposed, it didn't take long for the Lyrans to exploit the opening and took the Tracker out the same turn. The Adder formation broke when the first shot at the Potemkin took out part of it's engine not allowing it to manuever with the rest of it's people.

Drifting out of the ECM Bubble was a good thing for the Potemkin as the York took it's punishment when the Mjolnir left it's side and charged into the Lyran formation. Already weakened by the now extinct McKenna, the Cameron couldn't stand up to the firepower of the much larger Battlecruiser.

The Lyran fleet made a break for it, the ship that hit the most for their side was the Fox, it didn't get any kills, but it ran out of ammo on several arcs critting ship after ship, Thrusters, Sensors, Engines, but the next crit was against the McKenna as its CIC took a hit. The ships sped up, the McKenna, Tharkad, Fox and the one remaining overlord tightened their ECM bubble and for a while it seemed like they might make it.

The Mjolnir was slowed by an engine hit but managed to return to the Yorks side to create some ECCM waves for one brief volley before the York was destroyed leaving the Mjolnir alone again, but in that brief moment of clarity, they managed to team up and remove the Werewolf from exhistance. Not to be our manuevered, the Mjolnir ran down the fleeing fleet and blew thru the Tharkad and remaining overlord, only savaging the fox as it went.

The momentum of the Mjolnir was so great that it ran straight past the fox and off the board. Without the thrusters or engine to reverse itself, that was all it could do. The Fox now stripped of it's own front armor ran for it, but the drifting Potemkin had just reached the edge of the board, shooting back across space, it barely managed to hit the ship and collapse the last of it's remaining integrity.

P.S. I HATE stupid Kraken missles :P Those things have magnets on them to find my ships. Chaos was the first one to successfully use them on me. Even AFTER all the Overlords were destroyed, the Krakens were still chasing down the Potemkin. :P Slowed as it was, they caught it :P Many of the ships weapons bays were taken out from Kraken hits.

Holt has the next match tomorrow. One of the ones where the Lyrans are going to just smother the Adders as determined by random assignment. (2 Black Lions, 1 Aegis, 1 Cameron, 1 Fox. Versus. 3 York and 1 Tracker.) At least matches that are played out yeild better warship survivability and Holt gets more practice ;)


Battle 1

Roll for Salvagability
Diff: 8+ (Megamek Difficulty)

CJFS Janice Hazen - Aegis Heavy Cruiser (Clan) (Lyran)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 3, total 8[/blockquote]

CSAS Dis - McKenna Battleship (Clan)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 1, total 3[/blockquote]

CSAS Sunset on  Sommerset - Tracker Surveillance

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 5, total 6[/blockquote]

CWS Ulric Kerensky - Cameron Battlecruiser (Clan)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 6, total 12[/blockquote]

CSAS Cosmic Sentry - York Destroyer/Carrier

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 2, total 8[/blockquote]

CWS Werewolf - McKenna Battleship (Clan)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]

LAS Invincible - Tharkad Battlecruiser (2690)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]

LAS Peter Steiner-Davion - Fox Corvette

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]


Going with straight FP from the fight.

LA: 76 - 76 = 0 FP
CSA: 41.5 - 23 + 2.25 = 20.75 FP remaining

Salvage Pool: 99

Salvabale Vessels
CJFS Janice Hazen (Aegis Clan) - Salvageable
CSAS Cosmic Sentry (York) - Salvageable
CWS Ulric Kerensky (Cameron Clan) - Salvageable
LAS Invincible (Tharkad) - Salvageable


Looks like when this fight is over, those newgrange are gonna be busy :)


Next Random pairing fought between me and Holt tonight will be. I expect the Lyrans to make back some ground.

Lyrans (2 Black Lions, 1 Cameron, 1 Aegis, 1 Fox)
Adders (3 Yorks, 1 Tracker)



Winner is: Holt

Fatebringer: 0 BV remaining (from 230948 initially) 0 BV fled
Holt: 1166263 BV remaining (from 1184327 initially) 0 BV fled
AnstonMarik: 0 BV remaining (from 136235 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Aegis Heavy Cruiser (Clan) (Holt)
Driver : Red Talon [4/5]
Kills : 1

Black Lion (Clan) (Holt)
Driver : Jade Aerie [2/3]
Kills : 3

Black Lion (Clan) #2 (Holt)
Driver : Implacable [3/4]
Kills : 4

Cameron Battlecruiser (Clan) (Holt)
Driver : Bloody Fang [3/4]
Kills : 2

Fox Corvette (Holt)
Driver : Katherine Steiner [3/4]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

The following units are in retreat:
Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
York Destroyer/Carrier #3 (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Moe [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Lion (Clan) (Holt)

Overlord A3 #5 (AnstonMarik)
Driver : The Cards Told Me To [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Lion (Clan) (Holt)

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Lion (Clan) #2 (Holt)

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Kraken-T Missile (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

York Destroyer/Carrier (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Larry [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Cameron Battlecruiser (Clan) (Holt)

York Destroyer/Carrier #2 (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Curly [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Lion (Clan) #2 (Holt)

Overlord A3 (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Dinky [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Lion (Clan) #2 (Holt)

Overlord A3 #3 (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Blinky [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Lion (Clan) (Holt)

Tracker Surveillance (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSAS Salissa  [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Aegis Heavy Cruiser (Clan) (Holt)

Overlord A3 #2 (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Inky [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Black Lion (Clan) #2 (Holt)

Overlord A3 #4 (AnstonMarik)
Driver : Pinky [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Cameron Battlecruiser (Clan) (Holt)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


We did what we could, but this fight was preordained.

Round one, the Lyrans do to the lead evading york what we did to the Aegis in the other battle, the ship is out of control for the next few turns. The Black Lions and friends eat up the Adder Yorks for breakfast, the end.

The Adders got some damage on the Elite Black Lion, but we were using 35.23 and none of the Krakens were doing any damage. When we tried to ram one of the overlords, we were like. Hell yeah, we need a 5, 83% success chance to do 900+ damage! Do it! Then we got this message.

QuotePhysical attacks for Overlord A3 #4 (AnstonMarik)
Pilot must steel himself for collision. Needs 11, rolls 8: the pilot chickens out!


Battle 2

Roll for Salvagability
Diff: 8+ (Megamek Difficulty)

CSAS Larry - York Destroyer/Carrier (Fatebringer)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]

CSAS Curly - York Destroyer/Carrier (Fatebringer)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 3, total 9[/blockquote]

CSAS Moe - York Destroyer/Carrier (Fatebringer)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]

CSAS Salissa - Tracker surveillance (Fatebringer)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]