[RP] Turn 5, Message to New Hope Station Cont.

Started by Fatebringer, October 05, 2011, 06:57:02 PM

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I'd like to keep the info sharing thread revolving the Homeworlds up and running here.


Star Admiral Wade Nagasawa read the reports and they troubled him.

"This is Star Admiral Nagasawa of Clan Diamond Shark we are still in control of New Hope Station, my star along with elements of Clan Steel Viper and this is a broadcast to all Clans. Our station is the closest point to the distressed Homeworlds and we have pledged to keep it open for any clan troops that want to leave them, this station is currently under quarantine and all vessels will be reached as they enter our space. We urge other clans to use this station as a way of constructing a clear picture of what is going on in the homeworlds."


"We appreciate the courtesey, but would rather you answered the question. Did your people have anything to do with what happened at Lum?"


"Neg Raven all of our Carracks are located in the Deep Periphery and their locations can be brought to you if you wish. We know as much as you know Raven, our ships from Circe report mayhem and destruction and I said we are holding New Hope Station to all that wish gather."


"We can accept the honor of your words Admiral Nagasawa. We Ravens will accept for now that the Diamond Sharks did not purposefully infect the Shipyards at Lum with a Biological agent, but know that one of your Merchant Carrack vessels, under control of a Diamond Shark crew reported to the Lum Shipyards after having a collision with something. The threat was not identified until after much of the station was contaminated. There were still areas under quantine at the time we made to report this, however as we were departing. We registered a Nuclear Detonation in the area of the Blood Spirit Shipyard."


The CBSS Bastion of Blood had just cleared inspection and was on the pad at New Hope Station when the transmission came across. Star Captain Adam was furious at the indication that the Blood Spirits were being hit on more worlds then just York. No news had reached them of Roche, but if the Khan's words were true, there was no doubt that these attackers would attempt to reclaim their traditional holdings, or just despoil it to prevent the Blood Spirits from prospering. At times it seemed to him that the entire universe was against them. saKhan Yanez's attempts to get the Clan to open up seemed to be biting them in the ass now as the extent of the Star Adder betrayal of Clan ways. Pehaps the actions of the Falcons in the Inner Sphere set them over the deep end, but the question the Khan tasked him with finding out was who else is involved in this. So far, it only appeared to be the Star Adders, but what of the Goliath Scorpion Scientist? He would wait no longer to find out.

"Admiral Nagasawa, this is ilChi Adam. We have news from York regarding a devastating attack by Clan Star Adder on our holdings. No batchall was issued and they showed no mercy as they accused the Blood Spirits of using a simillar Bio-weapons attack on Albion, which we did not. The people of York are suffering from this treachery. If only the Adders had the patience the Ravens have shown you, we may have found out more about this, but only one vessel so far has escaped the killing fields at York. I fear there can be no reconsilliation at this point, especially if they snuck some watch teams onto our Shipyards at Lum and used forbidden Nuclear attacks."


Star Admiral Asif Cole acknowled the transmission after the time delay. "These dezgra tactics at Lum, if they are the Star Adder's doing will affect more than just your Space Station. Whoever is responsible has much to account for. At the time of my departure, the rest of the Lum Garrison Fleet was intact and waiting for future treachery. I am certain that even with Loremaster Harper away at Strana Mechty the Watch will search out for answers. Is there any news from Strana Mechty?"


Just as the exchange was occurring a new signal entered the system, the Potemkin-class Titanic showed sings of damage and immediately opened a signal. "Forces from clans Jade Falcon, Hell's Horses, and Ice Hellion have all entered the system. Many were fleeing plague outbreaks and massive fighting on other Pentagon worlds. We confirmed that multiple nuclear arms have been used in the conflict and that all pretense of honorable combat has been abandoned. The plague death tool is rapidly climbing into the five-figure region, and seems to be claiming a particularly large number of dead from the warrior caste."


Star Admiral Cole monitored the transmission. "This is particularly disheartening. One can asume the worst. We are currently taking samples of the Biological Agent used at Lum to the research facilies at Transfer Station P9. If any other samples become available, we would be eager to study them. Affective immediately the station will be on lock down. Any forces that approach will be considered hostile, so if you have samples, request pick up and a shuttle will be sent out to pick up. A request has also being submitted thru the proper channels to find out what information the Inter Clan Watch has yeilded. We have recieved no reports from them for some time."


Star Captain Adam responded. "The Blood Spirits had manuevered to take on the Periphery Kingdom of the Hanseatic League. We expected to find a decent fight with newer Inner Sphere forces. However when we got there, every world was defended by one or more clusters of new advanced Protomechs with support vehicles. The worlds appear to have been scoured of life until we found bands of savage people that were being kept alive by their new masters by dropping food on them.

Each world had fortified bases where they hid if we did not kill them outright. At least three worlds are holding out against us while we successfully took two more, and for our troubles, someone on at least two of those worlds dropped bioweapons on our forces. Worlds that had already been claimed. We will try to get samples off the worlds, but most of our resources to deal with this were in the Homeworlds.

As much as we would like to understand the plague better, we just are not equipped to assist in a resolution as our people are working on understanding the advancements of the technology used against us. In the mean time, we have identified the genes of the defenders as once belonging to the Goliath Scorpion scientist caste. A recent expedition to the Hanseatic Capitol has corfirmed no less then three of the Scorpion warships in orbit including a Nightlord."


"That is more troublesome news, hopefully you did not provoked an enemy that just wanted to be left alone. Shark scientists here at NHS have studied a sample from Circe and believe they can manufacture an antidote, but they are unsure it will work against all of them."


Shark Scientists have analyzed a sample of the virus on this station and have found out the makeup. Our Scientists are asking for clan Scientist personnel to come to this station and help, those whose clan answer the call will get priority in receiving antidotes as they are produced.

[Clan Scientists = RP, cures are expensive.]


ilChi Adam transmitted a message.

[We offer samples and information from the Hanseatic League as trade for any vaccines]