[RP/MM] Turn 41: The Dark vs. FS Invasion Panpour 3936 *CONTESTED*

Started by LittleH13, July 21, 2010, 01:37:30 PM

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The Dark are invading.

Tendency   Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
Trueborn                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
Freeborn                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
Estragon                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
Micer                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5

Shadow Galaxy   102 Assault Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      17
Shadow Galaxy   104 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical    14
Shadow Galaxy   101 Machinized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical      17.25
Mist Galaxy   Black Keshik                Mech cluster   Mobile   Elite   Fanatical                17.5
Mist Galaxy   201 Mechanized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical      18.25
Mist Galaxy   201 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11
Mist Galaxy   202 Mechanized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical      20.75
Mist Galaxy   202 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11
Mist Galaxy   201 Scout Cluster                Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      14.5
Mist Galaxy   203 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      4
Mist Galaxy   201 Cavalry Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      14
Mist Galaxy   204 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      17
Mist Galaxy   202 Cavalry Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      13.5
Mist Galaxy   205 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      13


Inititiative needed for re-inforcements.

Fed Suns Initiative
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


"Ma'am.   Message just in from planetary headquarters.  Dark forces have been sighted by the Davion navy.  Warships and a mass of jumpships."

Colonel Vahina Giocante looked up from her desk as her adjutant gave her the news, the latest training report she was reading still up on her screen.  "Very well.  Send a confirmation message to headquarters of receipt and schedule a meeting for battalion commanders at 1500 hours.  And request the ASFFS liaison officer be in attendance as well."

Dave Baughman

Dark Initiative
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Defensive Interdiction is in place supported by ASF from the ground units. Several units grumble about this is all the air cover we have. A message to the MoC forces requesting any air units they have to head up and join the interdiction is sent.

Fed Suns Interdiction: 80 FP + any help by the MoC.

The FSS Kathil (Fox Class) anchors the line with a spread of fighters on all sides.

VIP: Fleet Admiral William "Wet Willie" Kossacks, 2nd Davion Guards

Dave Baughman

Space Suns will attempt unplanned reinforcement with four naval flotillas. UPR rolls will be made in Op Round 3 to see which of them (if any) make it to the fight.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Verified that MoC unit is Ground only. Interdiction still in place with very courageous Davion Defenders! But just to make sure, they're passing around some of the liquid courage as well  ;)


Since the FS won initiative, doesn't that mean your arriving forces boosts your own naval totals?


OOC: No, that number includes the re-inforcements. This is going to be a tight game.


Since I would NEED all my ASF for an Aero battle and that would be unpracticle to play out with MA, shall we Simres the space portion?


Dark Naval forces engage the interdicting force.

Dark Commit  127.5 FP  (Naval and Aero combined)

Dark attack roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]


Dark crit check

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]


No crit for the Dark.

The Dark do 80% of 127.5 which is 102 FP of damage. This destroys the FS interdicting force.

[OOC- Fate please roll for the FS to see how much they inflict to the Dark.]


Dang, you got a good roll   :P

Fed Suns Naval Engagement Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]