Clan Chatterweb Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 09:11:17 PM

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Dave Baughman

For news articles and general In-Character discussion.

Clan and Independent factions may post to this thread*; Inner Sphere and Coalition of Periphery States factions must find an intermediary to post their articles on their behalf.

All articles, unless concealed by an intelligence order, must originate from a star system where the originating faction controls territory. The star system of origin must be listed in the post's header.

*Magistracy of Canopus can only access this thread if permitted by Clan Star Adder.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


<<Vendetta.vid>> - Imbedded Image Posted by Canister_Cowboy:

<<The following video image was taken from the Optics of a Killer Whale Missle - It shows several other missle trails streaming ahead of it in a slanted pattern to it's left like torpedos in the water. Each headed to the center of a large warship formation. Flames bleeding from the sides of several ships, one closeby that is listing is labled the THS Yukon, a Lola III class destroyer. There are fighters flying away from her evading the debris as they fly off to harrass a wounded Aegis. In the center of the missles targeting reticle is the form of a badly mauled Texas Battleship, as her sister missles hit, they impact the fore of the ship, the words THS Bismarck can clearly be seen as massive warheads detonate blasting armor away. The image gets wavy for a second as the shockwave from the impacts only lasts until the missle passes thru the wake and steadies out. Seconds before the Killer Whale missle impacts itself, several large NAC shells bury themself deep into the side of the the Bismarck and it explodes.>>


<<The Stinger>>

Wow i am writing this from an evac dropship out of Huntress, the Blood Spirits have shown their true honor, just d/l the attachment.

I wonder just how low the Spirits honor has really sunk.

*Attachment is the complete transcripts from Huntress. (i.e. the thread)*


User: Bloodletter81
Origin: New Tara, York

"Is it considered dishonorable now to follow the redes and laws of the Founder when it comes to engaging in Trials, Scorpion?  Is this how a Scorpion warrior reacts when he loses a battle?  He simply comes on the Chatterweb and cries about it?  If you had wanted to avoid such needless bloodshed, perhaps you should have accepted our commander's offer to scale down the battle.  The blame is entirely on you."


<<The Stinger>>

Only have a second before we jump out. HAHAHA the bid was set, you were losing and called down your original bid. Do not worry Spirit you will get yours.


User: Bloodletter81
Origin: New Tara, York

"Yes, yes, now go back to drinking venom and doing nothing, Scorpion.  And save us all the tired sibko-level threats.  No one likes a sore loser."


Quote from: Holt on May 19, 2010, 03:05:18 AM
<<The Stinger>>

Only have a second before we jump out. HAHAHA the bid was set, you were losing and called down your original bid. Do not worry Spirit you will get yours.

User: jazirian
Origin: Alexandria

while the honor iz less calling 1s original bid iz allowed az set down by the founder so the onez to blame r your warriorz 4 not being az skilled az claimed stinger


Some footage is fed into the chatterweb, depicting overwhelming numbers of Ryuken roku Mechs destroy far outnumbered Ice Hellion units while ambushing them.

IC: Clan Ice Hellion puts a bounty out for the Ryuken roku. In case Clan Ice Hellion forces do not hunt them down first, any Clan that destroys the Draconis Combine unit called Ryuken Roku under false flag of the sham Star League and is able to verify it an amount of resources (10 RP).

Signed by the Khan


User: highlanderzrule
Origin: Foster

LMFAO!  Now we're putting bounties out when we lose battles?  What's next, magical curses?

As open a display of weakness as I've ever seen from a Clan... and from their Khan, no less!  "These bellycrawlers kicked our asses... I'll pay someone to kick THEIR asses, since I can't do it myself!"  For shame, Hellion.


User: BloodPactz
Origin: Foster

It is not a new thing. Did the Ghost Bear Khan not put bounties on the heads of dezgra warriors of Comstar who burned down the forest on Tukkyyaid Quaiff?

Do not all the Clans place bounties on the heads of all bandit caste scum?

Have we not learned that the Combine is utterly without honor. Are they not just scavenger lord bandit caste scum Quaiff?

Should we treat them any differently than any other bandit group Quineg?


<<Vindow Viper>>

They should be beaten thoroughly in the field by Clan Warriors as an example to their kin. A bounty is the way of the mercenary and the assassin, not the Clans.



BloodPactz, I acknowledge you. It is indeed not the first time. The Star Adders have long ago put out a bounty for the Traitor Wolves. In C-Bills, no less. And the Combine has been teached a lesson as I heard. The 1st Genyosha seems dead. Only because the Dezgra forces outmass and outnumber us we cannot kill them all at a time. And for all of you unable to read, it was said that only if the Ice Hellion Touman can not do it first you get the chance. I could care less if some Homeworld based dreamers whine over that.


User: selestial_sidewinder
Origin: Here

@cruscrus41: actually that bounty was for information on the Jackals' Base of Operations at the time. i can search and post the bulletin for further clarification if necessary


CrusCrus41 (Strana Mechty): It is not needed as I do not have a problem with that.

Now, how is the war going in the Inner Sphere besides the issue before? Are the other Clans making progress?


Quote from: Marlin on May 22, 2010, 10:37:58 AM
CrusCrus41 (Strana Mechty): It is not needed as I do not have a problem with that.

Now, how is the war going in the Inner Sphere besides the issue before? Are the other Clans making progress?

User: selestial_sidewinder
Origin: Here

it progresses. not as fast as many would like. not as fast as the first liberation. they are slowly realizing that those days are long gone.