Author Archives: admin

All hands, jump stations!

Invasion From the Stars!       Even as the first assault ships reach your defense perimeter, the enemy recharge station crumples under the searing power of your naval lasers. Fighter squadrons move to screen your flank as you roll away from the … Continue reading

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New FGC Galactic Map Leaked

During the discussion of the Operational Orders preview, a special bonus was posted: the preliminary political map for the new campaign. While the image is a little crude (it is, after all, pre-production material), it clearly shows the territory of … Continue reading

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Seize the Initiative!

Take Command of the Battlefield     Your Aerospace fighters have swept away the enemy orbital defenses, opening the way for your transports to begin their landings. High-altitude reconnaissance reveals three regiments of enemy troops dug into fortified positions – the … Continue reading

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Simple Resolution: Simplified

MechWarriors, Prepare for Battle! As a wargame, the FGC campaign’s combat system was at the heart of its rules. While members were always encouraged to play out there battles in MegaMek for maximum enjoyment and roleplaying value, the sheer scale … Continue reading

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The End is Near!

COUNTDOWN TO ARMAGEDDON   As the year 3091 draws to a close, The Master unleashes his mad plan to dominate the galaxy. Great empires burn, princes fall, and death stalks the Inner Sphere as the old scores are settled and new … Continue reading

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And another one bites the dust…

FGC 3062’s ongoing campaign claims the life of another canon character – this time, its an old favorite who caught a bullet. INN: REDSHIRTS MURDER MORGAN KELL – Arc-Royal Stands Alone, Defies SLDF

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