Voyage to Enlil: Log 2

Captain’s Log, June 24th, 2330. On Doctor Tannehill’s recommendation, we are executing a suborbital flight to the southern polar region to obtain an ice core sample. This will provide historical climate data to aid in our analysis of the alien tissue samples while only minimally impacting the mission timetable. Continue reading Voyage to Enlil: Log 2

Voyage to Enlil: Log 1

Captain’s Log, June 23rd, 2330. Intrepid emerged from grav jump at Petria without complication. Sarah Morgan and I will make a courtesy visit to the Invictus Biochem outpost on behalf of Constellation and Stroud-Eklund. At a minimum we’ll help build goodwill between our organizations and if we’re fortunate the scientists may have information or trade goods that can support our mission. Continue reading Voyage to Enlil: Log 1